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Makromolekulare Chemie I: Prof. Hans-Werner Schmidt

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Publikationsliste Makromolekulare Chemie I

-- 2024 --
Kahl, R.T.; Erhardt, A.; Krauss, G.; Seibold, F.; Dolynchuk, O.; Thelakkat, M.; Thurn-Albrecht, T.: Effect of Chemical Modification on Molecular Ordering in Polydiketopyrrolopyrrole Copolymers: From Liquid Crystalline to Crystalline, Macromolecules, 57(11), 5243–5252 (2024) -- DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.4c00264 -- Details
Carta, A.; Wittmann, B.; Kreger, K.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Jansen, T.L.C.; Hildner, Richard: Spatial Correlations Drive Long-Range Transport and Trapping of Excitons in Single H‑Aggregates: Experiment and Theory, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 15, 2697−2707 (2024) -- DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.3c03586 -- Details
Erhardt, A.; Hungenberg, J.; Chantler, P.; Kuhn, M.; Huynh, T.T.; Hochgesang, A.; Goel, M.; Müller, C.J.; Roychoudhury, S.; Thomsen, L.; Medhekar, N.V.; Herzig, E.M.; Prendergast, D.; Thelakkat, M.; McNeill, Chris: Design Principles of Diketopyrrolopyrrole-Thienopyrrolodione Acceptor1–Acceptor2 Copolymers, Advanced Functional Materials, 2314696 (1-14) (2024) -- DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202314696 -- Details
Petry, J.; Dan, K.; Nag, A.; Thelakkat, M.; Ghosh, S.: Easily accessible linear and hyperbranched polyesters as solid polymer electrolytes, European Polymer Journal 210, 112965 (2024) -- DOI: 10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2024.112965 -- Details
Petry, J.; Erabhoina, H.; Dietel, M.; Thelakkat, M.: Comparative Study of the Mechanical Reinforcement by Blending, Filling, and Block Copolymerization in Bottlebrush Polymer Electrolytes, ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 6(9), 5109–5120 (2024) -- DOI: 10.1021/acsapm.4c00161 -- Details
Schröder, D.; Kreger, K.; Mansfeld, U.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Controlled Surface Decoration with Functional Supramolecular Nanofibers by Physical Vapor Deposition, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2400259 (2024) -- DOI: 10.1002/admi.202400259 -- Details
Schröder, D.; Neuber, C.; Mansfeld, U.; Kreger, K.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Mesostructured Nonwovens with Supramolecular Tricycloquinazoline Nanofibers as Heterogenous Photocatalyst, small science, 4(2), 2300160 (2024) -- DOI: 10.1002/smsc.202300160 -- Details
Weber, M.; Bretschneider, F.; Kreger, K.; Greiner, A.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Mimicking Cacti Spines via Hierarchical Self-Assembly for Water Collection and Unidirectional Transport, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2400101 (2024) -- DOI: 10.1002/admi.202400101 -- Details
Zhang, H.; Dharpure, P.; Philipp, M.; Mulvaney, P.; Thelakkat, M.; Köhler, J.: Purely Optical, Reversible, Read‐Write‐Erase Cycling Using Photoswitchable Beads in Micropatterned Arrays, Advanced Optical Materials, 2401029 (2024) -- DOI: 10.1002/adom.202401029

-- 2023 --
Raßmann, N.; Weber, M.; Glaß, R.E.J.; Kreger, K.; Helfricht, N.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Papastavrou, G.: Electrogelation: Controlled Fast Formation of Micrometer-Thick Films from Low-Molecular Weight Hydrogelators, Langmuir 39, 17190-17200 (2023) -- DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.3c02270 -- Details
Schmidt, M. M.; Karg, M.; Thelakkat, M.; Brendel, J.: Correlating Molar Mass, π-Conjugation, and Optical Properties of Narrowly Distributed Anionic Polythiophenes in Aqueous Solutions, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 45(1), 2300396 (1-8) (2023) -- DOI: 10.1002/marc.202300396 -- Details
Biega, R.I.; Herrmann, K.; Mohanraj, J.; Skryberg, D.; Bokdam, M.; Thelakkat, M.; Retsch, M.; Leppert, L.: Dynamic Distortions of Quasi-2D Ruddlesden–Popper Perovskites at Elevated Temperatures: Influence on Thermal and Electronic Properties, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 127(19), 9183–9195 (2023) -- DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.3c01634 -- Details
Erhardt, A.; Hochgesang, A.; McNeill, Chris; Thelakkat, M.: A competitive n-Type OECT Material via Copolymerization of Electron Deficient Building Blocks, Advanced Electronic Materials 9(7), 2300026 (1-10) (2023) -- DOI: 10.1002/aelm.202300026 -- Details
Bay, C.; Nagengast, N.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Döpper, F.; Neuber, C.: Environmental Assessment of Recycled Petroleum and Bio Based Additively Manufactured Parts via LCA in Kohl, H., Seliger, G., Dietrich, F. (eds): Manufacturing Driving Circular Economy, GCSM 2022. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Springer, Cham. (2023) -- DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-28839-5_75 -- Details
Hochgesang, A.; Erhardt, A.; Mohanraj, J.; Kuhn, M.; Herzig, E.M.; Olthof, S.; Thelakkat, M.: Highly Efficient n-Doping via Proton Abstraction of an Acceptor1-Acceptor2 Alternating Copolymer toward Thermoelectric Applications, Advanced Functional Materials, 33(30), 2300614 (1-12) (2023) -- DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202300614 -- Details
Kolb, T.; Schedl, A.E.; Kerschbaumer, H.; Niessner, N.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Wilhelmus, B.: De-Brominating Flame-Retardant Polystyrene by Utilizing Basic Oxides in Chemical Recycling, Chem. Ing. Technik 95(8), 1314-1322 (2023) -- DOI: 10.1002/cite.202200196 -- Details
Kreiza, G.; Banevicius, D.; Jursenas, S.; Rodella, F.; Strohriegl, P.; Kazlauskas, K.: Ambipolar hosts for blue TADF OLEDs: Assessment of the device performance and lifetime, Organic Electronics, 120, 106849 (2023) -- DOI: 10.1016/j.orgel.2023.106849 -- Details
Krimalowski, A.; Rosenbach, D.; Erabhoina, H.; Thelakkat, M.: Versatile solid polymer electrolytes from clickable poly(glycidyl propargyl ether) for lithium metal batteries, Journal of Energy Storage, 65, 107348 (2023) -- DOI: 10.1016/j.est.2023.107348 -- Details
Nagengast, N.; Bay, C.; Döpper, F.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Neuber, C.: Thermo-Mechanical Recyclability of Additively Manufactured Polypropylene and Polylactic Acid Parts and Polypropylene Support Structures, Polymers 15, 2291 (2023) -- DOI: 10.3390/polym15102291 -- Details
Stäter, S.; Wenzel, F.A.; Welz, H.; Kreger, K.; Köhler, J.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Hildner, Richard: Directed Gradients in the Excited-State Energy Landscape of Poly(3-hexylthiophene) Nanofibers, Journal of the American Chemical Society 145(25), 13780-13787 (2023) -- DOI: 10.1021/jacs.3c02117 -- Details
van Son, M.H.C.; Berghuis, A.M.; de Waal, B.F.M.; Wenzel, F.A.; Kreger, K.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Rivas, J.G.; Vantomme, G.; Meijer, E.W.: Highly Ordered Supramolecular Materials of Phase-Separated Block Molecules for Long-Range Exciton Transport, Advanced Materials, 35(25), 2300891 (1-7) (2023) -- DOI: 10.1002/adma.202300891 -- Details

-- 2022 --
Albert, A.; Fried, M.; Thelakkat, M.; Köhler, J.: Emission modulation of fluorescent turn-on mode dibenzothienyl sulfonyl ethene photoswitches embedded in a polymer film, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 24, 29791-29800 (2022) -- DOI: 10.1039/D2CP05062E -- Details
Erabhoina, H.; Thelakkat, M.: Tuning of Composition and Morphology of LiFePO4 Cathode for Applications in All Solid-State Lithium Metal Batteries, Scientific Reports, 12(1), 5454 (2022) -- DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-09244-3 -- Details
Erhardt, A.; Hochgesang, A.; Meichsner, F.; Thelakkat, M.: High electron mobility and tuneable glass transition temperature in fullerene-functionalized polynorbornenes, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 10(16), 6419-6428 (2022) -- DOI: 10.1039/d2tc00496h -- Details
Frank, A.; Weber, M.; Hils, C.; Mansfeld, U.; Kreger, K.; Schmalz, H.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Functional Mesostructured Electrospun Polymer Nonwovens with Supramolecular Nanofibers, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 202200052 (1-8) (2022) -- DOI: 10.1002/marc.202200052 -- Details
Gödrich, S.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Papastavrou, G.: Stability of Charge Distributions in Electret Films on the nm-Scale, ACS Applied Materials Interfaces, 14(3), 4500-09 (2022) -- DOI: 10.1021/acsami.1c21174 -- Details
Hochgesang, A.; Biberger, S.; Grüne, J.; Mohanraj, J.; Kahle, F.J.; Dyakonov, V.; Köhler, A.; Thelakkat, M.: Intricacies and Mechanism of p-Doping Spiro-MeOTAD Using Cu(TFSI)]2, Advanced Electronic Materials 8(10), 2200113 (2022) -- DOI: 10.1002/aelm.202200113 -- Details
Karakaya, E.; Bider, F.; Frank, A.; Teßmar, J.; Schöbel, L.; Forster, L.; Schrüfer, S.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Schubert, D.W.; Blaeser, A.; Boccaccini, A.R.; Detsch, R.: Targeted Printing of Cells: Evaluation of ADA-PEG Bioinks for Drop on Demand Approaches, gels, 8(4), 206 (2022) -- DOI: 10.3390/gels8040206 -- Details
Mauel, A.; Potzschner, B.; Meides, N.; Siegel, R.; Strohriegl, P.; Senker, J.: Quantification of photooxidative defects in weathered microplastics using C-13 multiCP NMR spectroscopy, RSC Advances, 12(18), 10875-10885 (2022) -- DOI: 10.1039/d2ra00470d -- Details
Menzel, T.; Meides, N.; Mauel, A.; Mansfeld, U.; Kretschmer, W.; Kuhn, M.; Herzig, E.M.; Altstädt, V.; Strohriegl, P.; Senker, J.; Ruckdäschel, H.: Degradation of low-density polyethylene to nanoplastic particles by accelerated weathering, Science of The Total Environment, 826, 154035 (2022) -- DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.154035 -- Details
Rosenbach, D.; Krimalowski, A.; Erabhoina, H.; Thelakkat, M.: Solid polymer electrolytes from polyesters with diester sidechains for lithium metal batteries, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 10, 8932-8947 (2022) -- DOI: 10.1039/D2TA00800A -- Details
Vigneshwaran, J.; Jose, J.; Thomas, S.; Gagliardi, A.; Thelakkat, M.; Jose, S.P.: Flexible quasi-solid-state supercapacitors based on Ti3C2-Polypyrrole nanocomposites, Electrochimica Acta, 429, 141051 (2022) -- DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2022.141051 -- Details
Volkl, M.; Jerome, V.; Weig, A.; Jasinski, J.; Meides, N.; Strohriegl, P.; Scheibel, T.; Freitag, R.: Pristine and artificially-aged polystyrene microplastic particles differ in regard to cellular response, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 435, 128955 (2022) -- DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2022.128955 -- Details
Wenzel, F.A.; Welz, H.; van der Zwan, K.P.; Stäter, S.; Kreger, K.; Hildner, Richard; Senker, J.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Highly Efficient Supramolecular Nucleating Agents for Poly(3-hexylthiophene), Macromolecules, 55(7), 2861–2871 (2022) -- DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.1c02283 -- Details

-- 2021 --
Schmidt-Mende, L.; Dyakonov, V.; Olthof, S.; Uenlue, F.; Le, K.M.T.; Mathur, S.; Karabanov, A.D.; Lupascu, D.C.; Herz, L.M.; Hinderhofer, A.; Mohanraj, J.; Thelakkat, M.: Roadmap on organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite semiconductors and devices, APL Materials 9(10), 109202 (2021) -- DOI: 10.1063/5.0047616 -- Details
Kreger, K.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Hildner, Richard: Tailoring the excited-state energy landscape in supramolecular nanostructures, Electronic Structure, 3, 023001 (2021) -- DOI: 10.1088/2516-1075/abf485 -- Details
Körber, T.; Krohn, F.; Neuber, C.; Schmidt, H.W.; Rössler, E.A.: Reorientational dynamics of highly asymmetric binary non-polymeric mixtures - a dielectric spectroscopy study, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 23(12), 7200-12 (2021) -- DOI: 10.1039/d0cp06652d -- Details
Klose, B.; Kremer, D.; Aksit, M.; van der Zwan, K.P.; Kreger, K.; Senker, J.; Altstädt, V.; Schmidt, H.W.: Kinked Bisamides as Efficient Supramolecular Foam Cell Nucleating Agents for Low-Density Polystyrene Foams with Homogeneous Microcellular Morphology, Polymers 13(7), 1094 (2021) -- DOI: 10.3390/polym13071094 -- Details
van der Zwan, K.P.; Riedel, W.; Aussenac, F.; Reiter, C.; Kreger, K.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Risse, T.; Gutmann, T.; Senker, J.: 19F MAS DNP for Probing Molecules in Nanomolar Concentrations: Direct Polarization as Key for Solid-State NMR Spectra without Solvent and Matrix Signals, Journal of Chemical Physics C, 125(13), 7287–96 (2021) -- DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.1c01167 -- Details
Krauss, G.; Meichsner, F.; Hochgesang, A.; Mohanraj, J.; Salehi, S.; Schmode, P.; Thelakkat, M.: Polydiketopyrrolopyrroles Carrying Ethylene Glycol Substituents as Efficient Mixed Ion-Electron Conductors for Biocompatible Organic Electrochemical Transistors, Advanced Functional Materials, 31(20), 2010048 (2021) -- DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202010048 -- Details
Beer, P.; Reichstein, P.M.; Schötz, K.; Thelakkat, M.; Köhler, J.; Panzer, F.; Hildner, Richard: Disorder in P3HT Nanoparticles Probed by Optical Spectroscopy on P3HT-b-PEG Micelles, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 125(47), 10165-73 (2021) -- DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.1c08377 -- Details
Bakirci, E.; Frank, A.; Gumbel, S.; Otto, P.F.; Fürsattel, E.; Tessmer, I.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Dalton, P.D.: Melt Electrowriting of Amphiphilic Physically Crosslinked Segmented Copolymers, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 2100259 (1-9) (2021) -- DOI: 10.1002/macp.202100259 -- Details
Dolynchuk, O.; Schmode, P.; Fischer, M.; Thelakkat, M.; Thurn-Albrecht, T.: Elucidating the Effect of Interfacial Interactions on Crystal Orientations in Thin Films of Polythiophenes, Macromolecules, 54(12), 5429–39 (2021) -- DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.0c02510 -- Details
Drummer, M.; Liang, C.; Kreger, K.; Rosenfeldt, S.; Greiner, A.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Stable Mesoscale Nonwovens of Electrospun Polyacrylonitrile and Interpenetrating Supramolecular 1,3,5-Benzenetrisamide Fibers as Efficient Carriers for Gold Nanoparticles, ACS Applied Materials Interfaces, 13(29), 34818–28 (2021) -- DOI: 10.1021/acsami.1c06442 -- Details
Erabhoina, H.; Rosenbach, D.; Mohanraj, J.; Thelakkat, M.: Solid polymer nanocomposite electrolytes with improved interface properties towards lithium metal battery application at room temperature, Electrochimica Acta, 387, 138455 (2021) -- DOI: j.electacta.2021.138455 -- Details
Frank, A.; Hils, C.; Weber, M.; Kreger, K.; Schmalz, H.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Hierarchische Überstrukturen durch Kombination von kristallisationsinduzierter und molekularer Selbstassemblierung, Angewandte Chemie, 133(40), 21935-39 (2021) -- DOI: 10.1002/ange.202105787 -- Details
Frank, A.; Hils, C.; Weber, M.; Kreger, K.; Schmalz, H.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Hierarchical Superstructures by Combining Crystallization-Driven and Molecular Self-Assembly, Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed. 60(40), 21767-71 (2021) -- DOI: 10.1002/anie.202105787 -- Details
Hall, D.; Rajamalli, P.; Duda, E.; Suresh, S.M.; Rodella, F.; Bagnich, S.A.; Carpenter-Warren, C.L.; Cordes, D.B.; Slawin, A.M.Z.; Strohriegl, P.; Beljonne, D.; Köhler, A.; Olivier, Y.; Zysman-Colman, E.: Substitution Effects on a New Pyridylbenzimidazole Acceptor for Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence and Their Use in Organic Light-Emitting Diodes, Advanced Optical Materials, 9(20), 2100846 (1-13) (2021) -- DOI: 10.1002/adom.202100846 -- Details
Jin, M.; Stihl, M.; Giesa, R.; Neuber, C.; Schmidt, H.-W.: (AB)n segmented copolyetherimides for 4D printing, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 306(1), 2000473 (1-9) (2021) -- DOI: 10.1002/mame.202000473 -- Details
Koffi, A.; Toubal, L.; Jin, M.; Koffi, D.; Döpper, F.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Neuber, C.: Extrusion-based 3D printing with high-density polyethylene Birch-fiber composites, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 139(15), 51937 (1-12) (2021) -- DOI: 10.1002/app.51937 -- Details
Krauss, G.; Hochgesang, A.; Mohanraj, J.; Thelakkat, M.: Highly Efficient Doping of Conjugated Polymers Using Multielectron Acceptor Salts, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 42(22), 2100443 (2021) -- DOI: 10.1002/marc.202100443 -- Details
Maier, J.; Weller, T.; Thelakkat, M.; Köhler, J.: Long-term switching of single photochromic triads based on dithienylcyclopentene and fluorophores at cryogenic temperatures, Journal of Chemical Physics, 155, 014901 (2021) -- DOI: 10.1063/5.0056815 -- Details
Meides, N.; Menzel, T.; Pötzschner, B.; Löder, M.; Mansfeld, U.; Strohriegl, P.; Altstädt, V.; Senker, J.: Reconstructing the Environmental Degradation of Polystyrene by Accelerated Weathering, Environmental Science and Technology, 55(12), 7930-38 (2021) -- DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.0c07718 -- Details
Mohanraj, J.; Singh, C.R.; Gujar, T.P.; Heinrich, C.D.; Thelakkat, M.: Nanostructured Hybrid Metal Mesh as Transparent Conducting Electrodes: Selection Criteria Verification in Perovskite Solar Cells, Nanomaterials, 11(7), 1783 (2021) -- DOI: 10.3390/nano11071783 -- Details
Rodella, F.; Saxena, R.; Bagnich, S.A.; Banevicius, D.; Kreiza, G.; Athanasopoulos, S.; Jursenas, S.; Kazlauskas, K.; Köhler, A.; Strohriegl, P.: Low efficiency roll-off blue TADF OLEDs employing a novel acridine-pyrimidine based high triplet energy host, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 9, 17471-82 (2021) -- DOI: 10.1039/d1tc03598c -- Details
Schmode, P.; Hochgesang, A.; Goel, M.; Meichsner, F.; Mohanraj, J.; Fried, M.; Thelakkat, M.: A Solution-Processable Pristine PEDOT Exhibiting Excellent Conductivity, Charge Carrier Mobility, and Thermal Stability in the Doped State, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 2100123 (2021) -- DOI: doi.org/10.1002/macp.202100123 -- Details
van der Zwan, K.P.; Steinlein, C.; Kreger, K.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Senker, J.: Crystal Engineering of Supramolecular 1,4-Benzene Bisamides by Side-Chain Modification – Towards Tuneable Anisotropic Morphologies and Surfaces, ChemPhysChem, 22(24), 2585-93 (2021) -- DOI: 10.1002/cphc.202100597 -- Details
Vigneshwaran, J.; Krimalowski, A.; Kannan, A.M.; Thelakkat, M.; Jose, S.P.: MXenes for solid-state asymmetric supercapacitors in IOPscience: 2D Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion Chapter 7, 1-34 (2021) -- DOI: 10.1088/978-0-7503-3319-1ch7 -- Details
Weber, M.; Schulze, M.; Lazzara, G.; Piccionello, A.P.; Pace, A.; Pibiri, I.: Oxadiazolyl-Pyridinium as Cationic Scaffold for Fluorinated Ionic Liquid Crystals, applied sciences, 11(21), 10347 (2021) -- DOI: 10.3390/app112110347 -- Details
Wittmann, B.; Biskup, T.; Kreger, K.; Köhler, J.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Hildner, Richard: All-optical manipulation of singlet exciton transport in individual supramolecular nanostructures by triplet gating, Nanoscale Horizons, 6, 998 (2021) -- DOI: 10.1039/d1nh00514f -- Details

-- 2020 --
Mechau, J.; Frank, A.; Bakirci, E.; Gumbel, S.; Jungst, T.; Giesa, R.; Groll, J.; Dalton, P.D.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Hydrophilic (AB)n segmented copolymers for melt extrusion based additive manufacturing, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 222(1), 2000265 (2020) -- DOI: 10.1002/macp.202000265 -- Details
Wollmann, J.; Kahle, F.J.; Bauer, I.; Köhler, A.; Strohriegl, P.: Versatile Approach to Well-Defined Oligofluorenes and Polyfluorenes with Low Dispersity, Macromolecules, 53(22), 10137–46 (2020) -- DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.0c01887 -- Details
Goel, M.; Siegert, M.; Krauss, G.; Mohanraj, J.; Hochgesang, A.; Heinrich, C.D.; Fried, M.; Pflaum, J.; Thelakkat, M.: HOMO–HOMO Electron Transfer: An Elegant Strategy for p‐Type Doping of Polymer Semiconductors toward Thermoelectric Applications, Advanced Materials, 32(43), 2003596 (2020) -- DOI: 10.1002/adma.202003596 -- Details
Aksit, M.; Gröschel, S.; Kuhn, U.; Aksit, A.; Kreger, K.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Altstädt, V.: Low-Density Polybutylene Terephthalate Foams with Enhanced Compressive Strength via a Reactive-Extrusion Process, Polymers 12(9), 2021 (2020) -- DOI: 10.3390/polym12092021 -- Details
Naqvi, B.A.; Schmid, M.; Sahay, P.; Naujoks, T.; Crovini, E.; Rodella, F.; Strohriegl, P.; Bräse, S.; Zysman-Colman, E.; Brütting, W.: What Controls the Orientation of TADF Emitters?, Frontiers in Chemistry, 8, 750 (2020) -- DOI: 10.3389/fchem.2020.00750 -- Details
Zhao, B.; Gothe, B.; Sarcletti, M.; Zhao, Y.; Rejek, T.; Liu, X.; Park, H.; Strohriegl, P.; Halik, M.: Wafer‐Scale Organic Complementary Inverters Fabricated with Self‐Assembled Monolayer Field‐Effect Transistors, Advanced Electronic Materials 6(9), 2000515 (2020) -- DOI: 10.1002/aelm.202000515 -- Details
Rodella, F.; Bagnich, S.A.; Duda, E.; Meier, T.; Kahle, F.J.; Athanasopoulos, S.; Köhler, A.; Strohriegl, P.: High Triplet Energy Host Materials for Blue TADF OLEDs—A Tool Box Approach, Frontiers in Chemistry, 8, 657 (2020) -- DOI: 10.3389/fchem.2020.00657 -- Details
Zhong, Y.; Hufnagel, M.; Thelakkat, M.; Li, C.; Hüttner, S.: Role of PCBM in the Suppression of Hysteresis in Perovskite Solar Cells, Advanced Functional Materials, 30(23), 1908920 (2020) -- DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201908920 -- Details
Schedl, A.E.; Howell, I.; Watkins, J.J.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Gradient Photonic Materials Based on One‐Dimensional Polymer Photonic Crystals, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 41(8), 2000069 (1-4) (2020) -- DOI: 10.1002/marc.202000069 -- Details
Schäfer, P.; Hopmann, C.; Facklam, M.; Hollerbach, L.; Kolb, T.; Schedl, A.E.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Nosic, F.; Wilhelmus, B.: Continuous Chemical Recycling of Polystyrene with a Twin-Screw Extruder in Hopmann C., Dahlmann R. (eds): Advances in Polymer Processing, Springer Vieweg, 37-49 (2020) -- DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-60809-8_4 -- Details
Schmidt, H.-W.; Würthner, F.: A Periodic System of Supramolecular Elements, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 59, 2-12 (2020) -- DOI: 10.1002/anie.201915643 -- Details
Dai, C.F.; Zhang, X.N.; Du, C.; Frank, A.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Zheng, Q.; Wu, Z.L.: Photoregulated Gradient Structure and Programmable Mechanical Performances of Tough Hydrogels with a Hydrogen-Bond Network, ACS Applied Materials Interfaces, 12(47), 53376-84 (2020) -- DOI: 10.1021/acsami.0c17198 -- Details
Frank, A.; Bernet, A.; Kreger, K.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Supramolecular microtubes based on 1,3,5-benzenetricarboxamides prepared by self-assembly upon heating, Soft Matter 16, 4564-68 (2020) -- DOI: 10.1039/d0sm00268b -- Details
Goel, M.; Thelakkat, M.: Polymer Thermoelectrics: Opportunities and Challenges, Macromolecules, 53(10), 3632-42 (2020) -- DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.9b02453 -- Details
Hahn, M.; Rosenbach, D.; Krimalowski, A.; Nazarenus, T.; Moos, R.; Thelakkat, M.; Danzer, M.A.: Investigating solid polymer and ceramic electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries by means of an extended Distribution of Relaxation Times analysis, Electrochimica Acta, 344, 136060 (2020) -- DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2020.136060 -- Details
Hils, C.; Dulle, M.; Sitaru, G.; Schöbel, J.; Frank, A.; Drechsler, M.; Greiner, A.; Schmalz, H.: Influence of patch size and chemistry on the catalytic activity of patchy hybrid nonwovens, Nanoscale Advances, 2, 438-52 (2020) -- DOI: 10.1039/C9NA00607A -- Details
Jin, M.; Neuber, C.; Schmidt, H.W.: Tailoring polypropylene for extrusion-based additive manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing, 33, 101101 (1-13) (2020) -- DOI: 10.1016/j.addma.2020.101101 -- Details
Körber, T.; Krohn, F.; Neuber, C.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Rössler, E.A.: Main and secondary relaxations of non-polymeric high-Tg glass formers as revealed by dielectric spectroscopy, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22, 9086-97 (2020) -- DOI: 10.1039/D0CP00930J -- Details
Nahm, D.; Weigl, F.; Schaefer, N.; Sancho, A.; Frank, A.; Groll, J.; Villmann, C.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Dalton, P.D.; Luxenhofer, R.: A versatile biomaterial ink platform for the melt electrowriting of chemically-crosslinked hydrogels, Material Horizons, 7, 928-33 (2020) -- DOI: 10.1039/c9mh01654f -- Details
Ramsperger, A.F.R.M.; Narayana, V.K.B.; Gross, W.; Mohanraj, J.; Thelakkat, M.; Greiner, A.; Schmalz, H.; Kress, H.; Laforsch, C.: Environmental exposure enhances the internalization of microplastic particles into cells, Science Advances, 6(50), eabd1211 (1-9) (2020) -- DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abd1211 -- Details
Schmode, P.; Savva, A.; Kahl, R.T.; Ohayon, D.; Meichsner, F.; Dolynchuk, O.; Thurn-Albrecht, T.; Inal, S.; Thelakkat, M.: The Key Role of Side Chain Linkage in Structure Formation and Mixed Conduction of Ethylene Glycol Substituted Polythiophenes, ACS Applied Materials Interfaces, 12(11), 13029-39 (2020) -- DOI: 10.1021/acsami.9b21604 -- Details
Schmode, P.; Schötz, K.; Dolynchuk, O.; Panzer, F.; Köhler, A.; Thurn-Albrecht, T.; Thelakkat, M.: Influence of ω-Bromo Substitution on Structure and Optoelectronic Properties of Homopolymers and Gradient Copolymers of 3-Hexylthiophene, Macromolecules, 53(7), 2474-84 (2020) -- DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.0c00352 -- Details
Schötz, K.; Askar, A.M.; Peng, W.; Seeberger, D.; Gujar, T.P.; Thelakkat, M.; Köhler, A.; Hüttner, S.; Bakr, O.M.; Shankar, K.; Panzer, F.: Double peak emission in lead halide perovskites by self-absorption, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 8, 2289-2300 (2020) -- DOI: 10.1039/C9TC06251C -- Details
Wittmann, B.; Wenzel, F.A.; Wiesneth, S.; Haedler, A.T.; Drechsler, M.; Kreger, K.; Köhler, J.; Meijer, E.W.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Hildner, Richard: Enhancing Long-Range Energy Transport in Supramolecular Architectures by Tailoring Coherence Properties, Journal of the American Chemical Society 142(18), 8323-30 (2020) -- DOI: 10.1021/jacs.0c01392 -- Details
Henkel, C.; Wittmann, J.E.; Träg, J.; Will, J.; Stiegler, L.M.S.; Strohriegl, P.; Hirsch, A.; Unruh, T.; Zahn, D.; Halik, M.: Mixed Organic Ligand Shells: Controlling the Nanoparticle Surface Morphology toward Tuning the Optoelectronic Properties, Small 16(2), 1903729 (2020) -- DOI: 10.1002/smll.201903729 -- Details

-- 2019 --
Krohn, F.; Neuber, C.; Rössler, E.A.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Organic Glasses of High Glass Transition Temperatures Due To Substitution with Nitrile Groups, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 123, 10286−93 (2019) -- DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.9b08792 -- Details
Klein, T.; Parkin, J.; de Jongh, P.A.J.M.; Esser, L.; Sepehrizadeh, T.; Zheng, G.; De Veer, M.; Alt, K.; Hagemeyer, C.E.; Haddleton, D.M.; Davis, T. P.; Thelakkat, M.; Kempe, K.: Functional Brush Poly(2‐ethyl‐2‐oxazine)s: Synthesis by CROP and RAFT, Thermoresponsiveness and Grafting onto Iron Oxide Nanoparticles, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 40(10), 1800911 (2019) -- DOI: 10.1002/marc.201800911 -- Details
Aksit, M.; Zhao, C.; Klose, B.; Kreger, K.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Altstädt, V.: Extruded Polystyrene Foams with Enhanced Insulation and Mechanical Properties by a Benzene-Trisamide-Based Additive, Polymers 11, 268 (2019) -- DOI: 10.3390/polym11020268 -- Details
Aksit, M.; Klose, B.; Zhao, C.; Kreger, K.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Altstädt, V.: Morphology control of extruded polystyrene foams with benzenetrisamide-based nucleating agents, Journal of Cellular Plastics 55, 249-261 (2019) -- DOI: 10.1177/0021955X19837508 -- Details
Burgard, M.; Weiss, D.; Kreger, K.; Schmalz, H.; Agarwal, S.; Schmidt, H.W.; Greiner, A.: Mesostructured Nonwovens with Penguin Downy Featherlike Morphology - Top-Down Combined with Bottom-Up, Advanced Functional Materials, 29(34), 1903166 (2019) -- DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201903166 -- Details
Goel, M.; Heinrich, C.D.; Krauss, G.; Thelakkat, M.: Principles of Structural Design of Conjugated Polymers Showing Excellent Charge Transport toward Thermoelectrics and Bioelectronics Applications, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 40(10), 1800915 (2019) -- DOI: 10.1002/marc.201800915 -- Details
Harris, J.D.; Stihl, M.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Carter, K.R.: Dithienobenzimidazole-Containing Conjugated Donor–Acceptor Polymers: Synthesis and Characterization, Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 57, 60-69 (2019) -- DOI: 10.1002/pola.29284 -- Details
Krimalowski, A.; Thelakkat, M.: Sequential Co-Click Reactions with Poly(glycidyl propargyl ether) toward Single-Ion Conducting Electrolytes, Macromolecules, 52(11), 4042-4051 (2019) -- DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.9b00206 -- Details
Mohanraj, J.; Stihl, M.; Simon, E.; von Sicard, O.; Schmidt, G.; Fleischer, M.; Neuber, C.; Thelakkat, M.: Li-Salt-Free, Coevaporated Cu(TFSI)2Y-Doped Hole Conductors for Efficient CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskite Solar Cells, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2(5), 3469-3478 (2019) -- DOI: 10.1021/acsaem.9b00260 -- Details
Reichstein, P.M.; Brendel, J.; Drechsler, M.; Thelakkat, M.: Poly(3-hexylthiophene)-block-poly(tetrabutylammonium-4-styrenesulfonate) Block Copolymer Micelles for the Synthesis of Polymer Semiconductor Nanocomposites, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2(4), 2133-2143 (2019) -- DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.9b00108 -- Details
Rosenbach, D.; Mödl, N.; Hahn, M.; Petry, J.; Danzer, M.A.; Thelakkat, M.: Synthesis and Comparative Studies of Solvent-Free Brush Polymer Electrolytes for Lithium Batteries, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2(5), 3373-3388 (2019) -- DOI: 10.1021/acsaem.9b00211 -- Details
Schedl, A.E.; Probst, P.; Meichner, C.; Neuber, C.; Kador, L.; Fery, A.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Confinement templates for hierarchical nanoparticle alignment prepared by azobenzene-based surface relief gratings, Soft Matter 15, 3872-78 (2019) -- DOI: 10.1039/C8SM02585A -- Details
Schmode, P.; Ohayon, D.; Reichstein, P.M.; Savva, A.; Inal, S.; Thelakkat, M.: High-Performance Organic Electrochemical Transistors Based on Conjugated Polyelectrolyte Copolymers, Chemistry of Materials, 31(14), 5286-95 (2019) -- DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.9b01722 -- Details
Steinlein, C.; Kreger, K.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Controlling the Aspect Ratio of Supramolecular Fibers by Ultrasonication, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 304, 1900258 (1-8) (2019) -- DOI: 10.1002/mame.201900258 -- Details

-- 2018 --
Schedl, A.E.; Neuber, C.; Fery, A.; Schmidt, H.W.: Controlled Wrinkling of Gradient Metal Films, Langmuir 34(47), 14249-14253 (2018) -- DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.8b03123 -- Details
Jin, M.; Giesa, R.; Neuber, C.; Schmidt, H.W.: Filament Materials Screening for FDM 3D Printing by Means of Injection‐Molded Short Rods, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 303, 1800507 (2018) -- DOI: 10.1002/mame.201800507 -- Details
Heinrich, C.D.; Reichstein, P.M.; Thelakkat, M.: Synthesis, Surface Grafting, and Fabrication of Ultrathin Polymeric SAMFETs with High Field-Effect Mobility, ACS Applied Materials Interfaces, 10(41), 35441-8 (2018) -- DOI: 10.1021/acsami.8b11662 -- Details
Hochleitner, G.; Fürsattel, E.; Giesa, R.; Groll, J.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Dalton, P.D.: Melt Electrowriting of Thermoplastic Elastomers, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 39(10), 1800055 (2018) -- DOI: 10.1002/marc.201800055 -- Details
Kahle, F.J.; Saller, C..; Olthof, S.; Li, C.; Lebert, J.; Weiß, S.; Herzig, E.M.; Hüttner, S.; Strohriegl, P.; Köhler, A.: Does Electron Delocalization Influence Charge Separation at Donor–Acceptor Interfaces in Organic Photovoltaic Cells?, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122(38), 21792–21802 (2018) -- DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b06429 -- Details
Seibt, S.; With, S.; Bernet, A.; Schmidt, H.W.; Förster, S.: Hydrogelation Kinetics Measured in a Microfluidic Device with in Situ X‑ray and Fluorescence Detection, Langmuir 34, 5535−5544 (2018) -- DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.8b00384 -- Details
Weller, T.; Rundel, K.; Krauss, G.; McNeill, Chris; Thelakkat, M.: Highly Efficient and Balanced Charge Transport in Thieno[3,4-c]pyrrole-4,6-dione Copolymers: Dramatic Influence of Thieno[3,2-b]thiophene Comonomer on Alignment and Charge Transport, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122(14), 7565-7574 (2018) -- DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b11984 -- Details
Burchardt-Tofaute, H.; Thelakkat, M.: The effect of fluorination on chain transfer reactions in the radical polymerization of oligo ethylene glycol ethenesulfonate monomers, Polymer Chemistry, 9(30), 4172-4186 (2018) -- DOI: 10.1039/C8PY00623G -- Details
Gujar, T.P.; Unger, T.; Schönleber, A.; Fried, M.; Panzer, F.; van Smaalen, S.; Köhler, A.; Thelakkat, M.: The role of PbI2 in CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite stability, solar cell parameters and device degradation, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20(1), 605-614 (2018) -- DOI: 10.1039/C7CP04749E -- Details
Heinrich, C.D.; Fischer, M.; Thurn-Albrecht, T.; Thelakkat, M.: Modular Synthesis and Structure Analysis of P3HT-b-PPBI Donor–Acceptor Diblock Copolymers, Macromolecules, 51(18), 7044-7051 (2018) -- DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.8b01301 -- Details

-- 2017 --
Hildner, Richard; Köhler, A.; Müller-Buschbaum, P.; Panzer, F.; Thelakkat, M.: π-Conjugated Donor Polymers: Structure Formation and Morphology in Solution, Bulk and Photovoltaic Blends, Advanced Energy Materials, 7(16), 1700314 (2017) -- DOI: 10.1002/aenm.201700314 -- Details

-- 2018 --
Lorenzoni, M.; Wagner, D.; Neuber, C.; Schmidt, H.W.; Perez-Murano, F.: Sub-30 nm patterning of molecular resists based on crosslinking through tip based oxidation, Applied Surface Science, 442, 106-113 (2018) -- DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2018.02.096 -- Details
Meier, T.; Gujar, T.P.; Schönleber, A.; Olthof, S.; Meerholz, K.; van Smaalen, S.; Panzer, F.; Thelakkat, M.; Köhler, A.: Impact of excess PbI2 on the structure and the temperature dependent optical properties of methylammonium lead iodide perovskites, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 6(28), 7512-7519 (2018) -- DOI: 10.1039/C8TC02237B -- Details
Mörl, M.; Steinlein, C.; Kreger, K.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Altstädt, V.: Improved compression properties of polypropylene extrusion foams by supramolecular additives, Journal of Cellular Plastics 54(3), 483-498 (2018) -- DOI: 10.1177/0021955X17695096 -- Details
Oliveira, M.P.; Albuquerque, R.Q.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Unveiling the Role of Macrodipolar Interactions in the Properties of Self-Assembled Supramolecular Materials, Chemistry - A European Journal, 24, 2609-2617 (2018) -- DOI: 10.1002/chem.201704548 -- Details
Raithel, D.; Simine, L.; Pickel, S.; Schötz, K.; Panzer, F.; Baderschneider, S.; Schiefer, D.; Lohwasser, R.H.; Köhler, J.; Thelakkat, M.; Sommer, M.; Köhler, A.; Rossky, P.J.; Hildner, Richard: Direct observation of backbone planarization via side-chain alignment in single bulky-substituted polythiophenes, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115(11), 2699-2704 (2018) -- DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1719303115 -- Details
Saller, C..; Kahle, F.J.; Müller, T.; Hahn, T.; Tscheuschner, S.; Priadko, D.; Strohriegl, P.; Bässler, H.; Köhler, A.: Facile Method for the Investigation of Temperature-Dependent C60 Diffusion in Conjugated Polymers, ACS Applied Materials Interfaces, 10(25), 21499–21509 (2018) -- DOI: 10.1021/acsami.8b05520 -- Details
Schmidt, M. M.; ElMahmoudy, M.; Malliaras, G.G.; Inal, S.; Thelakkat, M.: Smaller Counter Cation for Higher Transconductance in Anionic Conjugated Polyelectrolytes, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 219(2), 1700374 (2018) -- DOI: 10.1002/macp.201700374 -- Details

-- 2017 --
Shingne, N.; Geuss, M.; Thurn-Albrecht, T.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Mijangos, C.; Steinhart, M.; Martin, J.: Manipulating Semicrystalline Polymers in Confinement, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 121(32), 7723–7728 (2017) -- DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.7b05424 -- Details
Schörner, C.; Wolf, D.; Schumacher, T.; Bauer, P.; Thelakkat, M.; Lippitz, M.: Nondestructive Probing of a Photoswitchable Dithienylethene Coupled to Plasmonic Nanostructures, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 121(30), 16528-16532 (2017) -- DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b05558 -- Details
Mitchell, V.D.; Gann, Eliot; Hüttner, S.; Singh, C.R.; Subbiah, J.; Thomsen, L.; McNeill, Chris; Thelakkat, M.; Jones, D.J.: Morphological and Device Evaluation of an Amphiphilic Block Copolymer for Organic Photovoltaic Applications, Macromolecules, 50(13), 4942–4951 (2017) -- DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.7b00377 -- Details
Petrus, M.L.; Schlipf, J.; Li, C.; Gujar, T.P.; Giesbrecht, N.; Müller-Buschbaum, P.; Thelakkat, M.; Bein, T.; Hüttner, S.; Docampo, P.: Capturing the Sun: A Review of the Challenges and Perspectives of Perovskite Solar Cells, Advanced Energy Materials, 7(16), 1700264 (2017) -- DOI: 10.1002/aenm.201700264 -- Details
Weller, T.; Breuning, M.; Müller, C.J.; Gann, Eliot; McNeill, Chris; Thelakkat, M.: Fluorination in thieno[3,4-c]pyrrole-4,6-dione copolymers leading to electron transport, high crystallinity and end-on alignment, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 5(30), 7527-7534 (2017) -- DOI: 10.1039/C7TC01999H -- Details
Helfricht, N.; Mark, A.; Behr, M.; Bernet, A.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Papastavrou, G.: Writing with Fluid: Structuring Hydrogels with Micrometer Precision by AFM in Combination with Nanofluidics, Small 13(31), 1700962 (2017) -- DOI: 10.1002/smll.201700962 -- Details
Müller-Buschbaum, P.; Thelakkat, M.; Fässler, T.F.; Stutzmann, M.: Hybrid Photovoltaics – from Fundamentals towards Application, Advanced Energy Materials, 7(16), 1700248 (2017) -- DOI: 10.1002/aenm.201700248 -- Details
Heinrich, C.D.; Kostakoğlu, S.T.; Thelakkat, M.: Densely grafted liquid crystalline copper phthalocyanine side chain polymer: synthesis and characterization, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 5, 6259-6268 (2017) -- DOI: 10.1039/C7TC01234A -- Details
Zeglio, E.; Schmidt, M. M.; Thelakkat, M.; Gabrielsson, R.; Solin, N.; Inganäs, O.: Conjugated Polyelectrolyte Blends for Highly Stable Accumulation-Mode Electrochemical Transistors, Chemistry of Materials, 29(10), 4293–4300 (2017) -- DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.7b00474 -- Details
Balko, J.; Portale, G.; Lohwasser, R.H.; Thelakkat, M.; Thurn-Albrecht, T.: Surface induced orientation and vertically layered morphology in thin films of poly(3-hexylthiophene) crystallized from the melt, Journal of Materials Research 32(10), 1957-1968 (2017) -- DOI: 10.1557/jmr.2017.107 -- Details
Zehe, C.S.; Hill, J.A.; Funnell, N.P.; Kreger, K.; van der Zwan, K.P.; Goodwin, A.L.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Senker, J.: Mesoscale Polarization by Geometric Frustration in Columnar Supramolecular Crystals, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 56, 4432–4437 (2017) -- DOI: 10.1002/anie.201612122 -- Details
Huewe, F.; Steeger, A.; Kostova, K.; Burroughs, L.; Bauer, I.; Strohriegl, P.; Dimitrov, V.; Woodward, S.; Pflaum, J.: Low‐Cost and Sustainable Organic Thermoelectrics Based on Low‐Dimensional Molecular Metals, Advanced Materials (2017) -- DOI: 10.1002/adma.201605682 -- Details
Hahn, T.; Tscheuschner, S.; Kahle, F.J.; Reichenberger, Markus; Athanasopoulos, S.; Saller, C..; Bazan, G.C.; Nguyen, T.Q.; Strohriegl, P.; Bässler, H.; Köhler, A.: Monomolecular and Bimolecular Recombination of Electron-Hole Pairs at the Interface of a Bilayer Organic Solar Cell, Advanced Functional Materials, 27(1), 1604906 (2017) -- DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201604906 -- Details
Heinrich, C.D.; Hufnagel, M.; Singh, C.R.; Fischer, M.; Alam, S.; Hoppe, H.; Thurn-Albrecht, T.; Thelakkat, M.: Nanoscale Morphology from Donor–Acceptor Block Copolymers: Formation and Functions, Advances in Polymer Science 272, 157-191 (2017) -- DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-28338-8_7 -- Details
Kahle, F.J.; Bauer, I.; Strohriegl, P.; Köhler, A.: Influence of crosslinking on charge carrier mobility in crosslinkable polyfluorene derivatives, Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 55(1), 112-120 (2017) -- DOI: 10.1002/polb.24259 -- Details
Kahle, F.J.; Saller, C..; Köhler, A.; Strohriegl, P.: Crosslinked Semiconductor Polymers for Photovoltaic Applications, Advanced Energy Materials, 7(16), 1700306 (2017) -- DOI: 10.1002/aenm.201700306 -- Details
Maier, J.; Pärs, M.; Weller, T.; Thelakkat, M.; Köhler, J.: Deliberate Switching of Single Photochromic Triads, Scientific Reports, 7, 41739 (2017) -- DOI: 10.1038/srep41739 -- Details
Pötzschner, B.; Mohamed, F.; Bächer, C.; Wagner, E.; Lichtinger, A.; Bock, D.; Kreger, K.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Rössler, E.A.: Non-polymeric asymmetric binary glass-formers. II. Secondary relaxation studied by dielectric, 2H NMR, and 31P NMR spectroscopy, Journal of Chemical Physics, 146(16), 164504 (2017) -- DOI: 10.1063/1.4980085 -- Details
Pötzschner, B.; Mohamed, F.; Bächer, C.; Wagner, E.; Minikejew, R.; Kreger, K.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Rössler, E.A.: Non-polymeric asymmetric binary glass-formers. I. Main relaxations studied by dielectric, 2H NMR, and 31P NMR spectroscopy, Journal of Chemical Physics, 146(16), 164503 (2017) -- DOI: 10.1063/1.4980084 -- Details
Stelling, C.; Singh, C.R.; Karg, M.; König, T.A.F.; Thelakkat, M.; Retsch, M.: Plasmonic nanomeshes: their ambivalent role as transparent electrodes in organic solar cells, Scientific Reports, 7, 42530 (2017) -- DOI: 10.1038/srep42530 -- Details
Wang, C.; Müller, C.J.; Gann, Eliot; Liu, A.C.Y.; Thelakkat, M.; McNeill, Chris: Influence of fluorination on the microstructure and performance of diketopyrrolopyrrole-based polymer solar cells, Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 55(1), 49–59 (2017) -- DOI: 10.1002/polb.24151 -- Details
Weiss, D.; Kreger, K.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Self-Assembly of Alkoxy-Substituted 1,3,5-Benzenetrisamides Under Controlled Conditions, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 302, 1600390 (2017) -- DOI: 10.1002/mame.201600390 -- Details
Wilma, Kevin; Unger, T.; Kostakoğlu, S.T.; Hollfelder, M.; Hunger, C.; Langner, A.; Gürek, A. G.; Thelakkat, M.; Köhler, J.; Köhler, A.; Gekle, S.; Hildner, Richard: Excited state dynamics and conformations of a Cu(II)-phthalocyanine-perylenebisimide dyad, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 22169-22176 (2017)

-- 2016 --
Knauer, P.; Hahn, T.; Köhler, A.; Strohriegl, P.: Initiator-free crosslinking of oxetane functionalized low bandgap polymers: an approach towards stabilized bulk heterojunction solar cells, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 4(43), 10347-10357 (2016) -- DOI: 10.1039/c6tc03214a -- Details
Hahn, T.; Tscheuschner, S.; Saller, C..; Strohriegl, P.; Boregowda, P.; Mukhopadhyay, T.; Neher, D.; Bässler, H.; Köhler, A.: Role of Intrinsic Photogeneration in Single Layer and Bilayer Solar Cells with C-60 and PCBM, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120(43), 25083-25091 (2016) -- DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b08471 -- Details
Balko, J.; Rinscheid, A.; Wurm, A.; Schick, C.; Lohwasser, R.H.; Thelakkat, M.; Thurn-Albrecht, T.: Crystallinity of poly(3-hexylthiophene) in thin films determined by fast scanning calorimetry, Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 54(18), 1791-1801 (2016) -- DOI: 10.1002/polb.24092 -- Details
Neuber, C.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Strohriegl, P.; Wagner, D.; Krohn, F.; Schedl, A.E.; Bonanni, S.; Rawlings, C.; Düring, U.; Knoll, A.W.: PVD prepared molecular glass resists for scanning probe lithography, Proceedings of SPIE - Advances in Patterning Materials and Processes XXXIII, 9779, 97791C (2016), doi:10.1117/12.2219080 -- Details
Gorbunov, A.V.; Haedler, A.T.; Putzeys, T.; Zha, R.H.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Kivala, M.; Urbanavičiutė, U.; Wübbenhorst, M.; Meijer, E.W.; Kemerink, M.: Switchable Charge Injection Barrier in an Organic Supramolecular Semiconductor, ACS Applied Materials Interfaces, 8(24), 15535–15542 (2016) -- DOI: 10.1021/acsami.6b02988 -- Details
Gujar, T.P.; Thelakkat, M.: Highly Reproducible and Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells with Extraordinary Stability from Robust CH3NH3PbI3: Towards Large-Area Devices, Energy Technology, 4(3), 449–457 (2016) -- DOI: 10.1002/ente.201500421 -- Details
Haedler, A.T.; Meskers, S.C.J.; Zha, R.H.; Kivala, M.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Meijer, E.W.: Pathway Complexity in the Enantioselective Self-assembly of Functional Carbonyl-bridged Triarylamine Trisamides, Journal of the American Chemical Society 138(33), 10539–10545 (2016) -- DOI: 10.1021/jacs.6b05184 -- Details
Heinrich, C.D.; Thelakkat, M.: Poly-(3-hexylthiophene) bottlebrush copolymers with tailored side-chain lengths and high charge carrier mobilities, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 4, 5370-5378 (2016) -- DOI: 10.1039/C6TC01029F -- Details
Hufnagel, M.; Fischer, M.; Thurn-Albrecht, T.; Thelakkat, M.: Influence of Fullerene Grafting Density on Structure, Dynamics, and Charge Transport in P3HT-b-PPC61BM Block Copolymers, Macromolecules, 49(5), 1637–1647 (2016) -- DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.5b02276 -- Details
Hufnagel, M.; Thelakkat, M.: Simultaneous morphological stability and high charge carrier mobilities in donor–acceptor block copolymer/PCBM blends, Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 54(12), 1125–1136 (2016) -- DOI: 10.1002/polb.24013 -- Details
Kersch, M.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Altstädt, V.: Influence of different beta-nucleating agents on the morphology of isotactic polypropylene and their toughening effectiveness, Polymer, 98, 320-326 (2016) -- DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2016.06.051 -- Details
Konkin, A.; Singh, C.R.; Orlinskii, S.; Mamin, G.; Aganov, A.; Lohwasser, R.H.; Ritter, U.; Scharff, P.; Thelakkat, M.; Hoppe, H.: Light-induced X,W-band Electron Spin Resonance study of double-crystalline donor-acceptor P3HT-b-PPerAcr block copolymers in solid thin films, Synthetic Metals, 215, 251–259 (2016) -- DOI: 10.1016/j.synthmet.2016.02.002 -- Details
Mitchell, V.D.; Wong, W.W.H.; Thelakkat, M.; Jones, D.J.: The synthesis and purification of amphiphilic conjugated donor–acceptor block copolymers, Polymer Journal, 49, 155–161 (2016) -- DOI: 10.1038/pj.2016.97 -- Details
Müller, C.J.; Gann, Eliot; Singh, C.R.; McNeill, Chris; Thelakkat, M.: Control of Molecular Orientation in Polydiketopyrrolopyrrole Copolymers via Diffusive Noncovalent Interactions, Chemistry of Materials, 28(19), 7088–7097 (2016) -- DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.6b03245 -- Details
Müller, C.J.; Klein, T.; Gann, Eliot; McNeill, Chris; Thelakkat, M.: Azido-Functionalized Thiophene as a Versatile Building Block To Cross-Link Low-Bandgap Polymers, Macromolecules, 49(10), 3749–3760 (2016) -- DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.5b02659 -- Details
Müller, C.J.; Singh, C.R.; Thelakkat, M.: EDOT-diketopyrrolopyrrole copolymers for high bulk hole mobility and near infrared absorption, Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 54, 639-648 (2016) -- DOI: 10.1002/polb.23955 -- Details
Neugirg, B.; Helfricht, N.; Czich, S.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Papastavrou, G.; Fery, A.: Long-range interaction forces between 1,3,5-cyclohexanetrisamide fibers in crossed-cylinder geometry, Polymer, 102, 363–371 (2016) -- DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2016.03.068 -- Details
Panzer, F.; Baderschneider, S.; Gujar, T.P.; Unger, T.; Bagnich, S.A.; Jakoby, M.; Bässler, H.; Hüttner, S.; Köhler, J.; Moos, R.; Thelakkat, M.; Hildner, Richard; Köhler, A.: Reversible Laser Induced Amplified Spontaneous Emission from Coexisting Tetragonal and Orthorhombic Phases in Hybrid Lead Halide Perovskites, Advanced Optical Materials, 4(6), 917–928 (2016) -- DOI: 10.1002/adom.201500765 -- Details
Panzer, F.; Hanft, D.; Gujar, T.P.; Kahle, F.J.; Thelakkat, M.; Köhler, A.; Moos, R.: Compact Layers of Hybrid Halide Perovskites Fabricated via the Aerosol Deposition Process—Uncoupling Material Synthesis and Layer Formation, Materials, 9(4), 277 (2016) -- DOI: 10.3390/ma9040277 -- Details
Probst, C.; Meichner, C.; Audorff, H.; Walker, R.; Kreger, K.; Kador, L.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Improving Holographic Writing Performance of Photo-Orientable Azobenzene Polymers by Molecular Glasses, Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 54(20), 2110–2117 (2016) -- DOI: 10.1002/polb.24120 -- Details
Probst, C.; Meichner, C.; Kreger, K.; Kador, L.; Neuber, C.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Athermal Azobenzene-Based Nanoimprint Lithography, Advanced Materials, 28(13), 2624-2628 (2016) -- DOI: 10.1002/adma.201505552 -- Details
Reichstein, P.M.; Gödrich, S.; Papastavrou, G.; Thelakkat, M.: Influence of Composition of Amphiphilic Double-Crystalline P3HT-b-PEG Block Copolymers on Structure Formation in Aqueous Solution, Macromolecules, 49(15), 5484–5493 (2016) -- DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.6b01305 -- Details
Rudnick, A.; Bagnich, S.A.; Wagner, D.; Athanasopoulos, S.; Strohriegl, P.; Köhler, A.: The influence of torsion on excimer formation in bipolar host materials for blue phosphorescent OLEDs, Journal of Chemical Physics, 144, 214906 (2016) -- DOI: 10.1063/1.4953102 -- Details
Singh, C.R.; Honold, T.; Gujar, T.P.; Retsch, M.; Fery, A.; Karg, M.; Thelakkat, M.: The role of colloidal plasmonic nanostructures in organic solar cells, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18, 23155-23163 (2016) -- DOI: 10.1039/C6CP04451D -- Details
Singh, C.R.; Li, C.; Müller, C.J.; Hüttner, S.; Thelakkat, M.: Influence of Electron Extracting Interface Layers in Organic Bulk-Heterojunction Solar Cells, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 3, 1500422 (2016) -- DOI: 10.1002/admi.201500422 -- Details
Singh, S.; Li, C.; Panzer, F.; Narasimhan, K.L.; Gräser, A.; Gujar, T.P.; Köhler, A.; Thelakkat, M.; Hüttner, S.; Kabra, D.: Effect of Thermal and Structural Disorder on the Electronic Structure of Hybrid Perovskite Semiconductor CH3NH3PbI3, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 7(15), 3014–3021 (2016) -- DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.6b01207 -- Details
Wang, C.; Müller, C.J.; Gann, Eliot; Liu, A.C.Y.; Thelakkat, M.; McNeill, Chris: EDOT–diketopyrrolopyrrole copolymers for polymer solar cells, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 4, 3477-3486 (2016) -- DOI: 10.1039/C5TA10078J -- Details
Weiss, D.; Skrybeck, D.; Misslitz, H.; Nardini, D.; Kern, A.; Kreger, K.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Tailoring Supramolecular Nanofibers for Air Filtration Applications, ACS Applied Materials Interfaces, 8, 14885−14892 (2016) -- DOI: 10.1021/acsami.6b04720 -- Details
Zeglio, E.; Schmidt, M. M.; Thelakkat, M.; Gabrielsson, R.; Solin, N.; Inganäs, O.: Conjugated Polyelectrolyte Blend as Photonic Probe of Biomembrane Organization, Chemistry Select 1(14), 4340–4344 (2016) -- DOI: 10.1002/slct.201600920 -- Details
Zimmermann, E.; Wong, K.K.; Müller, M.; Hu, H.; Ehrenreich, P.; Kohlstädt, M.; Würfel, U.; Mastroianni, S.; Mathiazhagan, G.; Hinsch, A.; Gujar, T.P.; Thelakkat, M.; Schmidt-Mende, L.: Characterization of perovskite solar cells: Towards a reliable measurement protocol, APL Materials 4(9), 091901 (2016) -- DOI: 10.1063/1.4960759 -- Details

-- 2015 --
Haedler, A.T.; Kreger, K.; Issac, A.; Wittmann, B.; Kivala, M.; Hammer, N.; Köhler, J.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Hildner, Richard: Long-range energy transport in single supramolecular nanofibres at room temperature, Nature 523, 196–199 (2015) -- DOI: 10.1038/nature14570 -- Details
Bagnich, S.A.; Rudnick, A.; Schrögel, P.; Strohriegl, P.; Köhler, A.: Triplet energies and excimer formation in meta- and para-linked carbazolebiphenyl matrix materials, Philosophical transactions Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences, 373(2044), 20140446 (2015) -- DOI: 10.1098/rsta.2014.0446 -- Details
el Otell, Z.; Ringk, A.; Kolb, T.; Neuber, C.; Hansel, L.; de Marneffe, J.-F.: Molecular glass resist performance for nano-pattern transfer, Proceedings of SPIE - Advanced Etch Technology for Nanopatterning IV, 9428, 94280J (2015), doi:10.1117/12.2085828 -- Details
Bagnich, S.A.; Athanasopoulos, S.; Rudnick, A.; Schrögel, P.; Bauer, I.; Greenham, N.C.; Strohriegl, P.; Köhler, A.: Excimer Formation by Steric Twisting in Carbazole and Triphenylamine-Based Host Materials, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119(5), 2380–2387 (2015) -- DOI: 10.1021/jp512772j -- Details
Erhard, D.P.; Richter, F.; Bartz, C.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Fluorinated aromatic polyimides as high performance electret materials, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 36, 520-527 (2015) -- DOI: 10.1002/marc.201400638
Glatz, B.A.; Tebbe, M.; Kaoui, B.; Aichele, R.; Kuttner, C.; Schedl, A.E.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Zimmermann, W.; Fery, A.: Hierarchical line-defect patterns in wrinkled surfaces, Soft Matter, 11, 3332-3339 (2015) -- DOI: 10.1039/C5SM00318K -- Details
Gupta, G.; Singh, C.R.; Lohwasser, R.H.; Himmerlich, M.; Krischok, S.; Müller-Buschbaum, P.; Thelakkat, M.; Hoppe, H.; Thurn-Albrecht, T.: Morphology, Crystal Structure and Charge Transport in Donor-Acceptor Block Copolymer Thin Films, ACS Appl. Mater. Interf. 7(23), 12309–12318 (2015) -- DOI: 10.1021/am5049948
Hahn, T.; Saller, C..; Schuberth, M.; Bauer, I.; Unger, T.; Köhler, A.; Strohriegl, P.: Organic solar cells with crosslinked polymeric exciton blocking layer, Physica Status Solidi A, 212(10), 2162–2168 (2015) -- DOI: 10.1002/pssa.201532040 -- Details
Herrmann, F.; Muhsin, B.; Singh, C.R.; Shokhovets, S.; Gobsch, G.; Hoppe, H.; Presselt, M.: Influence of Interface Doping on Charge-Carrier Mobilities and Sub-Bandgap Absorption in Organic Solar Cells, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119(7), 9036–9040 (2015) -- DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b00124 -- Details
Huewe, F.; Steeger, A.; Bauer, I.; Doerrich, S.; Strohriegl, P.; Pflaum, J.: Energy Exchange between Phononic and Electronic Subsystem Governing The Nonlinear Conduction in DCNQI2Cu, Physical Review B, 92, 155107 (2015) -- DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.92.155107 -- Details
Hufnagel, M.; Fischer, M.; Thurn-Albrecht, T.; Thelakkat, M.: Donor–acceptor block copolymers carrying pendant PC71BM fullerenes with an ordered nanoscale morphology, Polymer Chemistry, 6, 813-826 (2015) -- DOI: 10.1039/C4PY01357C -- Details
Hunger, C.; Rao, K.D.M.; Gupta, R.; Singh, C.R.; Kulkarni, G.U.; Thelakkat, M.: Transparent Metal Network with Low Haze and High Figure of Merit applied to Front and Back Electrodes in Semitransparent ITO-free Polymer Solar Cells, Energy Technology, 3(6), 638–645 (2015) -- DOI: 10.1002/ente.201500014 -- Details
Jones, A.O.F.; Knauer, P.; Resel, R.; Ringk, A.; Strohriegl, P.; Werzer, O.; Sferrazza, M.: Thermal Stability and Molecular Ordering of Organic Semiconductor Monolayers: Effect of an Anchor Group, ChemPhysChem, 16(8), 1712–1718 (2015) -- DOI: 10.1002/cphc.201500098 -- Details
Karg, M.; König, T.A.F.; Retsch, M.; Stelling, C.; Reichstein, P.M.; Honold, T.; Thelakkat, M.; Fery, A.: Colloidal self-assembly concepts for light management in photovoltaics, Materials Today, 18(4), 185–205 (2015) -- DOI: 10.1016/j.mattod.2014.10.036 -- Details
Meichner, C.; Schedl, A.E.; Neuber, C.; Kreger, K.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Kador, L.: Refractive-index determination of solids from first- and second-order critical diffraction angles of periodic surface patterns, AIP Advances, 5, 087135 (2015) -- DOI: 10.1063/1.4928654 -- Details
Müller, C.J.; Brendel, J.; Ruckdeschel, P.; Pflaum, J.; Thelakkat, M.: Diketopyrrolopyrroles with a Distinct Energy Level Cascade for Efficient Charge Carrier Generation in Organic Solar Cells, Advanced Energy Materials, 5(21), 1500914 (2015) -- DOI: 10.1002/aenm.201500914 -- Details
Müller, C.J.; Gann, Eliot; McNeill, Chris; Thelakkat, M.: Influence of fluorination in π-extended backbone polydiketopyrrolopyrroles on charge carrier mobility and depth-dependent molecular alignment, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 3, 8916-8925 (2015) -- DOI: 10.1039/C5TC01948F -- Details
Müller, C.J.; Singh, C.R.; Fried, M.; Thelakkat, M.: High Bulk Electron Mobility Diketopyrrolopyrrole Copolymers with Perfluorothiophene, Advanced Functional Materials, 25(18), 2725–2736 (2015) -- DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201404540 -- Details
Neuber, C.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Strohriegl, P.; Ringk, A.; Kolb, T.; Schedl, A.E.; Fokkema, V.; van Veghel, M.G.A.; Cooke, M.; Rawlings, C.; Düring, U.; Knoll, A.; de Marneffe, J.-F.; el Otell, Z.; Kästner, M.; Krivoshapkina, Y.; Budden, M.; Rangelow, I.W.: Tailored molecular glass resists for Scanning Probe Lithography, Proceedings of SPIE - Advances in Patterning Materials and Processes XXXII, 9425, 94250E (2015), online: 22.02.2015, doi:10.1117/12.2085734 -- Details
Panzer, F.; Sommer, M.; Bässler, H.; Thelakkat, M.; Köhler, A.: Spectroscopic Signature of Two Distinct H-Aggregate Species in Poly(3-hexylthiophene), Macromolecules, 48(5), 1543–1553 (2015) -- DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.5b00129 -- Details
Singer, J.; Ringk, A.; Giesa, R.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Melt Electrospinning of Small Molecules, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 300, 259-276 (2015) -- DOI: 10.1002/mame.201400296 -- Details

-- 2014 --
Spreitler, F.; Sommer, M.; Hollfelder, M.; Thelakkat, M.; Gekle, S.: Unravelling the conformations of di-(perylene bisimide acrylate) by combining time-resolved fluorescence-anisotropy experiments and molecular modelling, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 16, 25959-25968 (2014) -- DOI: 10.1039/C4CP03064H -- Details
Inal, S.; Rivnay, J.; Leleux, P.; Ferro, M.; Ramuz, M.; Brendel, J.; Schmidt, M. M.; Thelakkat, M.; Malliaras, G.G.: A High Transconductance Accumulation Mode Electrochemical Transistor, Advanced Materials, 26(44), 7450-7455 (2014) -- DOI: 10.1002/adma.201403150 -- Details
Marr, I.; Neumann, K.; Thelakkat, M.; Moos, R.: Undoped and doped poly(tetraphenylbenzidine) as sensitive material for an impedimetric nitrogen dioxide gas dosimeter, Applied Physics Letters, 105(13), 133301-3 (2014) -- DOI: 10.1063/1.4896847 -- Details
With, S.; Trebbin, M.; Bartz, C.; Neuber, C.; Dulle, M.; Yu, S.; Roth, S.V.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Förster, S.: Fast Diffusion-Limited Lyotropic Phase Transitions Studied in Situ Using Continuous Flow Microfluidics/Microfocus-SAXS, Langmuir 30(42), 12494–12502 (2014) -- DOI: 10.1021/la502971m -- Details
Neumann, K.; Thelakkat, M.: Perovskite solar cells involving poly(tetraphenylbenzidine)s: investigation of hole carrier mobility, doping effects and photovoltaic properties, RSC Advances, 4(82), 43550 – 43559 (2014) -- DOI: 10.1039/c4ra05564k -- Details
Haedler, A.T.; Beyer, S.R.; Hammer, N.; Hildner, Richard; Kivala, M.; Köhler, J.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Synthesis and Photophysical Properties of Multichromophoric Carbonyl-Bridged Triarylamines, Chemistry - A European Journal, 20, 11708–11718 (2014) -- DOI: 10.1002/chem.201403667 -- Details
Zehe, C.S.; Schmidt, M.; Siegel, R.; Kreger, K.; Daebel, V.; Ganzleben, S.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Senker, J.: Influence of fluorine side-group substitution on the crystal structure formation of benzene-1,3,5-trisamides, CrystEngComm, 16, 9273–9283 (2014) -- DOI: 10.1039/c4ce01077a -- Details
Decoppet, J.-D.; Moehl, T.; Babkair, S.S.; Alzubaydi, R.A.; Ansari, A.A.; Habib, S.S.; Zakeeruddin, S.M.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Grätzel, M.: Molecular gelation of ionic liquid–sulfolane mixtures, a solid electrolyte for high performance dye-sensitized solar cells, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2, 15972-15977 (2014) -- DOI: 10.1039/c4ta01995d -- Details
Panzer, F.; Bässler, H.; Lohwasser, R.H.; Thelakkat, M.; Köhler, A.: The Impact of Polydispersity and Molecular Weight on the Order–Disorder Transition in Poly(3-hexylthiophene), Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 5(15), 2742–2747 (2014) -- DOI: 10.1021/jz5009938 -- Details
Rao, K.D.M.; Hunger, C.; Gupta, R.; Kulkarni, G.U.; Thelakkat, M.: A cracked polymer templated metal network as a transparent conducting electrode for ITO-free organic solar cells, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 16, 15107-15110 (2014) -- DOI: 10.1039/C4CP02250E -- Details
Ehlert, S.; Mehdizadeh Taheri, S.; Pirner, D.; Drechsler, M.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Förster, S.: Polymer Ligand Exchange to Control Stabilization and Compatibilization of Nanocrystals, ACS Nano 8(6), 6114–6122 (2014) -- DOI: 10.1021/nn5014512 -- Details
Neubig, A.; Thelakkat, M.: Random vs. alternating donor-acceptor copolymers: A comparative study of absorption and field effect mobility, Polymer, 55(11), 2621–2627 (2014) -- DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2014.04.004 -- Details
Hufnagel, M.; Muth, M.A.; Brendel, J.; Thelakkat, M.: Fullerene-Grafted Copolymers Exhibiting High Electron Mobility without Nanocrystal Formation, Macromolecules, 47(7), 2324-2332 (2014) -- DOI: 10.1021/ma402609y -- Details
Brendel, J.; Schmidt, M. M.; Hagen, G.; Moos, R.; Thelakkat, M.: Controlled Synthesis of Water-Soluble Conjugated Polyelectrolytes Leading to Excellent Hole Transport Mobility, Chemistry of Materials, 26(6), 1992-1998 (2014) -- DOI: 10.1021/cm500503t -- Details
Pars, M.; Gradmann, S.; Gräf, K.; Bauer, P.; Thelakkat, M.; Köhler, J.: Optical gating with organic building blocks. A quantitative model for the fluorescence modulation of photochromic perylene bisimide dithienylcyclopentene triads, Scientific Reports, 4, 4316 (1-6) (2014) -- DOI: 10.1038/srep04316 -- Details
Schmidt, R.; Pärs, M.; Weller, T.; Thelakkat, M.; Köhler, J.: Trapping on demand: External regulation of excitation energy transfer in a photoswitchable smart matrix, Applied Physics Letters, 104, 013304 (2014) -- DOI: 10.1063/1.4860984 -- Details
Claußen, K.U.; Giesa, R.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Longitudinal polymer gradient materials based on crosslinked polymers, Polymer, 55, 29-38 (2014) -- DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2013.11.018 -- Details
Fischer, F.; Hahn, T.; Bässler, H.; Bauer, I.; Strohriegl, P.; Köhler, A.: Measuring Reduced C60 Diffusion in Crosslinked Polymer Films by Optical Spectroscopy, Advanced Functional Materials, 24(39), 6172–6177 (2014) -- DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201401153 -- Details
Kästner, M.; Nieradka, K.; Ivanov, T.; Lenk, S.; Krivoshapkina, Y.; Ahmad, A.; Angelov, T.; Guliyev, E.; Reum, A.; Budden, M.; Hrasok, T.; Hofer, M.; Neuber, C.; Rangelow, I.W.: Electric field scanning probe lithography on molecular glass resists using self-actuating, self-sensing cantilever, Proceedings of SPIE - Alternative Lithographic Technologies VI, 9049, 9049C-1 bis C-9 (2014) -- DOI: 10.1117/12.2046973 -- Details
Kersch, M.; Pischke, L.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Altstädt, V.: Influence of trisamide-based additives on the morphological and mechanical properties of isotactic polypropylene, Polymer, 55, 3227-3233 (2014) -- DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2014.05.030 -- Details
Lygaitis, R.; Schmaltz, B.; Degutytė, R.; Grazulevicius, J.V.; Degbia, M.; Tran Van, F.; Strohriegl, P.; Jankauskas, V.; Bouclé, J.: Star-shaped triphenylamine-based molecular glass for solid state dye sensitized solar cell application, Synthetic Metals, 195, 328–334 (2014) -- DOI: 10.1016/j.synthmet.2014.06.024 -- Details
Muth, M.A.; Gupta, G.; Wicklein, A.; Carrasco-Orozco, M.; Thurn-Albrecht, T.; Thelakkat, M.: Crystalline vs Liquid Crystalline Perylene Bisimides: Improved Electron Mobility via Substituent Alteration, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 118(1), 92–102 (2014) -- DOI: 10.1021/jp4086602 -- Details
Neuber, C.; Ringk, A.; Kolb, T.; Wieberger, F.; Strohriegl, P.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Fookema, V.; Cooke, M.; Rawlings, C.; Düring, U.; Knoll, A.W.; de Marneffe, J.-F.; De Schepper, P.; Kästner, M.; Krivoshapkina, Y.; Budden, M.; Rangelow, I.W.: Molecular glass resists for scanning probe lithography, Proceedings of SPIE - Alternative Lithographic Technologies VI, 9049, 9094V-1 bis V-9 (2014) -- DOI: 10.1117/12.2047108 -- Details
Neumann, K.; Schwarz, C.; Köhler, A.; Thelakkat, M.: Influence of the Excited-State Charge-Transfer Character on the Exciton Dissociation in Donor–Acceptor Copolymers, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 118(1), 27–36 (2014) -- DOI: 10.1021/jp407014q -- Details
Wieberger, F.; Kolb, T.; Neuber, C.; Ober, C.K.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Nanopatterning with tailored molecules, Proceedings of SPIE - Advances in Patterning Materials and Processes XXXI, 9051, 90510G-1 bis G-11 (2014) -- DOI: 10.1117/12.2047109 -- Details

-- 2013 --
Balko, J.; Sommer, M.; Lohwasser, R.H.; Thelakkat, M.; Thurn-Albrecht, T.: Determination of the Crystallinity of Semicrystalline Poly(3-hexylthiophene) by Means of Wide-Angle X-ray Scattering, Macromolecules, 46(24), 9642–9651 (2013) -- DOI: 10.1021/ma401946w -- Details
Bernet, A.; Behr, M.; Albuquerque, R.Q.; Schmidt, M.; Senker, J.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Supramolecular Chromaticity and Thermoresponsive Hydrogels: A Self-Assembly Study on Maleamic Acid-Based Amphiphiles, Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science, 140, 1-13 (2013) -- DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-01683-2_8 -- Details
Raue, M.; Bernet, A.; Stapf, S.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Blümich, B.; Mang, T.: Sodium NMR Relaxation: A Versatile Non-invasive Tool for the Monitoring of Phase Transitions and the Estimation of Effective Pore Sizes of Supramolecular Hydrogels, Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science, 140, 45-51 (2013) -- DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-01683-2_4 -- Details
Pärs, M.; Gräf, K.; Bauer, P.; Thelakkat, M.; Köhler, J.: Optical gating of perylene bisimide fluorescence using dithienylcyclopentene photochromic switches, Applied Physics Letters, 103, 221115 (2013) -- DOI: 10.1063/1.4837355 -- Details
Dibb, G.F.A.; Muth, M.A.; Kirchartz, T.; Engmann, S.; Hoppe, H.; Gobsch, G.; Thelakkat, M.; Blouin, N.; Tierney, S.; Carrasco-Orozco, M.; Durrant, J.R.; Nelson, J.: Influence of doping on charge carrier collection in normal and inverted geometry polymer: fullerene solar cells, Scientific Reports, 3, 3335 (2013) -- DOI: 10.1038/srep03335 -- Details
Muth, M.A.; Mitchel, W.; Tierney, S.; Lada, T.A.; Xue, X.; Richter, H.; Carrasco-Orozco, M.; Thelakkat, M.: Influence of charge carrier mobility and morphology on solar cell parameters in devices of mono- and bis-fullerene adducts, Nanotechnology, 24(48), 484001 (1-6) (2013) -- DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/24/48/484001 -- Details
Strohriegl, P.; Knauer, P.; Saller, C..; Scheler, E.: Patternable conjugated polymers for organic solar cells, Proceedings of SPIE 8830(Organic Photovoltaics XIV), 88300P (2013) -- DOI: 10.1117/12.2023899 -- Details
Karolewski, A.; Neubig, A.; Thelakkat, M.; Kümmel, S.: Optical absorption in donor–acceptor polymers – alternating vs. random, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 15, 20016 – 20025 (2013) -- DOI: 10.1039/C3CP52739E -- Details
Gräf, K.; Rahim, M.A.; Das, S.; Thelakkat, M.: Complementary co-sensitization of an aggregating squaraine dye in solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells, Dyes and Pigments, 99(3), 1101–1106 (2013) -- DOI: 10.1016/j.dyepig.2013.08.003 -- Details
Strohriegl, P.; Wagner, D.; Schrögel, P.; Hoffmann, S.; Köhler, A.; Heinemeyer, U.; Münster, I.; Lennartz, Ch.: Novel Host Materials for Blue Phosphorescent OLEDs, Proceedings of SPIE 8829(Organic Light Emitting Materials and Devices XVII), 882906 (2013) -- DOI: 10.1117/12.2023305 -- Details
Daeneke, T.; Gräf, K.; Watkins, S.E.; Thelakkat, M.; Bach, U.: Infrared Sensitizers in Titania-Based Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells using a Dimethylferrocene Electrolyte, ChemSusChem, 6(11), 2056–2060 (2013) -- DOI: 10.1002/CSSC.201300582 -- Details
Schmidt, M.; Zehe, C.S.; Siegel, R.; Heigl, J.; Steinlein, C.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Senker, J.: NMR-crystallographic study of two-dimensionally self-assembled cyclohexane-based low-molecular-mass organic compounds, CrystEngComm, 15, 8784-8796 (2013) -- DOI: 10.1039/C3CE41158C -- Details
Saberi Moghaddam, R.; Hüttner, S.; Vaynzof, Y.; Ducati, C.; Divitini, G.; Lohwasser, R.H.; Musselman, K.P.; Sepe, A.; Scherer, M.R.J.; Thelakkat, M.; Steiner, U.; Friend, R.H.: Polymer Crystallization as a Tool To Pattern Hybrid Nanostructures: Growth of 12 nm ZnO Arrays in Poly(3-hexylthiophene)., Nano Letters 13(9), 4499-4504 (2013) -- DOI: 10.1021/nl4024275 -- Details
Wagner, D.; Hoffmann, S.; Heinemeyer, U.; Münster, I.; Köhler, A.; Strohriegl, P.: Triazine based bipolar host materials for blue phosphorescent OLEDs, Chem. Mater. 25, 3758–3765 (2013) -- DOI: 10.1021/cm4023216 -- Details
Claußen, K.U.; Lintz, E.; Giesa, R.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Scheibel, T.: Protein Gradient Films of Fibroin and Gelatine, Macromolecular Bioscience, 13(10), 1396-1403 (2013) -- DOI: 10.1002/mabi.201300221 -- Details
Kurz, R.; Cobo, M.F.; de Azevedo, E.R.; Sommer, M.; Wicklein, A.; Thelakkat, M.; Hempel, G.; Saalwächter, K.: Avoiding Bias Effects in NMR Experiments for Heteronuclear Dipole–Dipole Coupling Determinations: Principles and Application to Organic Semiconductor Materials, ChemPhysChem, 14(13), 3146-55 (2013) -- DOI: 10.1002/cphc.201300255 -- Details
Brendel, J.; Liu, F.; Lang, A.S.; Russell, T.P.; Thelakkat, M.: Macroscopic Vertical Alignment of Nanodomains in Thin Films of Semiconductor Amphiphilic Block Copolymers, ACS Nano 7(7), 6069–6078 (2013) -- Details
Lohwasser, R.H.; Gupta, G.; Kohn, P.; Sommer, M.; Lang, A.S.; Thurn-Albrecht, T.; Thelakkat, M.: Phase Separation in the Melt and Confined Crystallization as the Key to Well-Ordered Microphase Separated Donor–Acceptor Block Copolymers, Macromolecules, 46(11), 4403–4410 (2013) -- DOI: 10.1021/ma3021147 -- Details
Haedler, A.T.; Misslitz, H.; Buehlmeyer, C.; Albuquerque, R.Q.; Köhler, A.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Controlling the π-Stacking Behavior of Pyrene Derivatives: Influence of H-Bonding and Steric Effects in Different States of Aggregation, ChemPhysChem, 14, 1818-1829 (2013) -- DOI: 10.1002/cphc.201300242 -- Details
Singh, C.R.; Gupta, G.; Lohwasser, R.H.; Engmann, S.; Balko, J.; Thelakkat, M.; Thurn-Albrecht, T.; Hoppe, H.: Correlation of charge transport with structural order in highly ordered melt-crystallized poly(3-hexylthiophene) thin films, Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 51(12), 943–951 (2013) -- DOI: 10.1002/polb.23297 -- Details
Wieberger, F.; Kolb, T.; Neuber, C.; Ober, C.K.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Combinatorial Techniques to Efficiently Investigate and Optimize Organic Thin Film Processing and Properties, Molecules, 18(4), 4120-4139 (2013) -- DOI: 10.3390/molecules18044120 -- Details
Bauer, P.; Sommer, M.; Thurn, J.; Pärs, M.; Köhler, J.; Thelakkat, M.: A photoswitchable poly(3-hexylthiophene), Chemical Communications, 49, 4637-4639 (2013) -- DOI: 10.1039/C3CC41765D -- Details
Ringk, A.; Roelofs, W.S.C.; Smits, E.C.P.; van der Marel, C.; Salzmann, I.; Neuhold, A.; Gelinck, G.H.; Resel, R.; de Leeuw, D.M.; Strohriegl, P.: n-Type self-assembled monolayer field-effect transistors for flexible organic electronics, Organic Electronics, 14(5), 1297-–1304 (2013) -- DOI: 10.1016/j.orgel.2013.02.016 -- Details
Goldberg-Oppenheimer, P.; Kabra, D.; Vignolini, S.; Hüttner, S.; Sommer, M.; Neumann, K.; Thelakkat, M.; Steiner, U.: Hierarchical Orientation of Crystallinity by Block-Copolymer Patterning and Alignment in an Electric Field, Chemistry of Materials, 25(7), 1063-1070 (2013) -- DOI: 10.1021/cm3038075 -- Details
Gräf, K.; Körzdörfer, T.; Kümmel, S.; Thelakkat, M.: Synthesis of donor-substituted meso-phenyl and meso-ethynylphenyl BODIPYs with broad absorption, New Journal of Chemistry, 37(5), 1417-1426 (2013) -- DOI: 10.1039/C3NJ00157A -- Details
Abraham, F.; Kress, R.; Smith, P.; Schmidt, H.-W.: A New Class of Ultra-Efficient Supramolecular Nucleating Agents for Isotactic Polypropylene, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 214(1), 17-24 (2013) -- DOI: 10.1002/macp.201200487 -- Details
Albuquerque, R.Q.; Timme, A.; Kress, R.; Senker, J.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Theoretical Investigation of Macrodipoles in Supramolecular Columnar Stackings, Chemistry - A European Journal, 19(5), 1647-1657 (2013) -- DOI: 10.1002/chem.201202507 -- Details
Lang, A.S.; Muth, M.A.; Heinrich, C.D.; Carrasco-Orozco, M.; Thelakkat, M.: Pendant perylene polymers with high electron mobility, Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 51(20), 1480–1486 (2013) -- DOI: 10.1002/polb.23357 -- Details
Misslitz, H.; Kreger, K.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Supramolecular Nanofiber Webs in Nonwoven Scaffolds as Potential Filter Media, Small 9(12), 2053–2058 (2013) -- DOI: 10.1002/smll.201202334 -- Details
Richter, F.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Supramolecular Nucleating Agents for Polybutylene Terephthalate based on 1,3,5-Benzenetrisamides, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 298(2), 190-200 (2013) -- DOI: 10.1002/mame.201200034 -- Details
Ringk, A.; Li, X.; Gholamrezaie, F.; Smits, E.C.P.; Neuhold, A.; Moser, A.; van der Marel, C.; Gelinck, G.H.; Resel, R.; de Leeuw, D.M.; Strohriegl, P.: N-Type Self-Assembled Monolayer Field-Effect Transistors and Complementary Inverters, Advanced Functional Materials, 23(16), 2016–2023 (2013) -- DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201202888 -- Details
Schmidt, M.; Wittmann, J.J.; Kress, R.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Senker, J.: Probing self-assembled 1,3,5-benzenetrisamides in isotactic polypropylene by 13C DQ solid-state NMR spectroscopy, Chemical Communications, 49, 267-269 (2013) -- DOI: 10.1039/c2cc37384j -- Details

-- 2012 --
Bieligmeyer, M.; Mehdizadeh Taheri, S.; German, I.; Boisson, C.; Probst, C.; Milius, W.; Altstädt, V.; Breu, J.; Schmidt, H.-W.; D'Agosto, F.; Förster, S.: Completely Miscible Polyethylene Nanocomposites, Journal of the American Chemical Society 134(44), 18157–-18160 (2012) -- DOI: 10.1021/ja307297c -- Details
Kluge, D.; Singer, J.; Neugirg, B.; Neubauer, J.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Fery, A.: Top-down meets bottom-up: A comparison of the mechanical properties of melt electrospun and self-assembled 1,3,5-benzenetrisamide fibers, Polymer, 53(25), 5754–-5759 (2012) -- DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2012.10.016 -- Details
Ringk, A.; Li, X.; Gholamrezaie, F.; Smits, E.C.P.; Neuhold, A.; Moser, A.; Gelinck, G.H.; Resel, R.; de Leeuw, D.M.; Strohriegl, P.: N-type self-assembled monolayer field-effect transistors, Proceedings of SPIE 8478(Organic Field-Effect Transistors XI) (2012) -- DOI: 10.1117/12.929535 -- Details
Andringa, A.M.; Roelofs, W.S.C.; Sommer, M.; Thelakkat, M.; Kemerink, M.; de Leeuw, D.M.: Localizing trapped charge carriers in NO2 sensors based on organic field-effect transistors, Applied Physics Letters, 101, 153302 (2012) -- DOI: 10.1063/1.4758697 -- Details
Claußen, K.U.; Tebbe, M.; Giesa, R.; Schweikart, A.; Fery, A.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Towards tailored topography: facile preparation of surface-wrinkled gradient poly(dimethyl siloxane) with continuously changing wavelength, RSC Advances, 2, 10185-10188 (2012) -- DOI: 10.1039/C2RA21859C -- Details
Wieberger, F.; Neuber, C.; Ober, C.K.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Tailored Star Block Copolymer Architecture for High Performance Chemically Amplified Resists, Advanced Materials, 24(44), 5939–-5944 (2012) -- DOI: 10.1002/adma.201201547 -- Details
Singer, J.; Giesa, R.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Shaping self-assembling small molecules into fibres by melt electrospinning, Soft Matter, 8, 9972-9976 (2012) -- DOI: 10.1039/c2sm26469b -- Details
Pettau, R.; Müller, T.; Khazimullin, M.; Rehberg, I.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Structure-property relations of liquid crystalline gels with ABA-triblock copolymers as gelators, Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie, 226(7-8), 645-664 (2012) -- DOI: 10.1524/zpch.2012.0284 -- Details
Schmelz, J.; Schedl, A.E.; Steinlein, C.; Manners, I.; Schmalz, H.: Length Control and Block-Type Architectures in Worm-like Micelles with Polyethylene Cores, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134, 14217 (2012) -- DOI: 10.1021/ja306264d
Brendel, J.; Burchardt, H.; Thelakkat, M.: Semiconductor amphiphilic block copolymers for hybrid donor–acceptor nanocomposites, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22, 24386-24393 (2012) -- DOI: 10.1039/C2JM34033J -- Details
Willinger, K.; Thelakkat, M.: Photosensitizers in Solar Energy Conversion in Eds.: Tebello Nyokong, Vefa Ahsen: Photosensitizers in medicine, environment, and security, Springer, 527-618 (2012) -- DOI: 10.1007/978-90-481-3872-2 -- Details
Wolfer, P.; Kreger, K.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Stingelin, N.; Smith, P.: Photo-Oriented Trisazobenzene Layers for Patterned Liquid-Crystal Alignment, Molecular Crystals Liquid Crystals, 562, 133-140 (2012) -- DOI: 10.1080/15421406.2012.674857 -- Details
Kohn, P.; Ghazaryan, L.; Gupta, G.; Sommer, M.; Wicklein, A.; Thelakkat, M.; Thurn-Albrecht, T.: Thermotropic Behavior, Packing, and Thin Film Structure of an Electron Accepting Side-Chain Polymer, Macromolecules, 45(14), 5676-5683 (2012) -- DOI: 10.1021/ma3010197 -- Details
Claußen, K.U.; Scheibel, T.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Giesa, R.: Polymer Gradient Materials: Can nature teach us new tricks?, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 297(10), 938-957 (2012) -- DOI: 10.1002/mame.201200032 -- Details
Hüttner, S.; Hodgkiss, J.; Sommer, M.; Friend, R.H.; Steiner, U.; Thelakkat, M.: Morphology-Dependent Charge Photogeneration in Donor-Acceptor Block Copolymer Films Based on Poly(3-hexylthiophene)-block-Poly(perylene bisimide acrylate), Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 116(33), 10070-10078 (2012) -- DOI: 10.1021/jp301966p -- Details
Bubel, S.; Ringk, A.; Strohriegl, P.; Schmechel, R.: N-type perylene to fill voids in solution processed nanoparticulate zinc oxide thin films, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 44(10), 2124-–2127 (2012) -- DOI: 10.1016/j.physe.2012.06.027 -- Details
Wijeratne, K.; Akilavasan, J.; Thelakkat, M.; Bandara, J.: Enhancing the solar cell efficiency through pristine 1-dimensional SnO2 nanostructures: Comparison of charge transport and carrier lifetime of SnO2 particles vs. nanorods, Electrochimica Acta, 72, 192-198 (2012) -- DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2012.04.016 -- Details
Timme, A.; Kress, R.; Albuquerque, R.Q.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Phase Behavior and Mesophase Structures of 1,3,5-Benzene- and 1,3,5-Cyclohexanetricarboxamides: Towards an Understanding of the Losing Order at the Transition into the Isotropic Phase, Chemistry - A European Journal, 18(27), 8329–-8339 (2012) -- DOI: 10.1002/chem.201103216 -- Details
Kolb, T.; Neuber, C.; Krysak, M.; Ober, C.K.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Multicomponent Physical Vapor Deposited Films with Homogeneous Molecular Material Distribution Featuring Improved Resist Sensitivity, Advanced Functional Materials, 22(18), 3865–-3873 (2012) -- DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201103130 -- Details
Kluge, D.; Singer, J.; Neubauer, J.; Abraham, F.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Fery, A.: Influence of the Molecular Structure and Morphology of Self-Assembled 1,3,5-Benzenetrisamide Nanofibers on their Mechanical Properties, Small, 8(16), 2563-–2570 (2012) -- DOI: 10.1002/smll.201200259 -- Details
Spreitler, F.; Sommer, M.; Thelakkat, M.; Köhler, J.: Conformational dynamics of di-(perylene bisimide acrylate) and its footprints in steady-state, time-resolved, and fluorescence-correlation spectroscopy, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 14(22), 7971-7980 (2012) -- DOI: 10.1039/c2cp40387k -- Details
Bernet, A.; Behr, M.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Supramolecular hydrogels based on antimycobacterial amphiphiles, Soft Matter 8(18), 4873-4876 (2012) -- DOI: 10.1039/C2SM07456G -- Details
Schmidt, M.; Wittmann, J.J.; Kress, R.; Schneider, D.; Steuernagel, S.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Senker, J.: Crystal Structure of a Highly Efficient Clarifying Agent for Isotactic Polypropylene, Crystal Growth & Design, 12(5), 2543–-2551 (2012) -- DOI: 10.1021/cg300151s -- Details
Lohwasser, R.H.; Thelakkat, M.: Synthesis of Amphiphilic Rod–Coil P3HT-b-P4VP Carrying a Long Conjugated Block Using NMRP and Click Chemistry, Macromolecules, 45(7), 3070–-3077 (2012) -- DOI: 10.1021/ma2024733 -- Details
Scharsich, C.; Lohwasser, R.H.; Sommer, M.; Asawapirom, U.; Scherf, U.; Thelakkat, M.; Neher, D.; Köhler, A.: Control of aggregate formation in poly(3-hexylthiophene) by solvent, molecular weight, and synthetic method, Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 50(6), 442-453 (2012) -- DOI: 10.1002/polb.23022 -- Details
Ronova, I. A.; Bruma, M.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Conformational rigidity and dielectric properties of polyimdes, Structural Chemistry, 23(1), 219-226 (2012) -- DOI: 10.1007/s11224-011-9865-1 -- Details
Bernet, A.; Albuquerque, R.Q.; Behr, M.; Hoffmann, S.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Formation of a supramolecular chromophore: a spectroscopic and theoretical study, Soft Matter 8(1), 66-69 (2012) -- DOI: 10.1039/c1sm06789c -- Details
Claußen, K.U.; Giesa, R.; Scheibel, T.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Learning from Nature: Synthesis and Characterization of Longitudinal Polymer Gradient Materials Inspired by Mussel Byssus Threads, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 33(3), 206-211 (2012) -- DOI: 10.1002/marc.201100620 -- Details
Kersch, M.; Wolff-Fabris, F.; Stumpf, M.; Richter, F.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Altstädt, V.: Barrier Properties of Polyamide 12 Films Nucleated with Talc, Journal of Plastics Technology, 8(4), 331-338 (2012) -- Details
Wagner, D.; Rothmann, M.; Strohriegl, P.; Lennartz, Ch.; Münster, I.; Wagenblast, G.; Schildknecht, Ch.: Host Materials for Blue Phosphorescent OLEDs, Proceedings of SPIE, 8476(Organic Light Emitting Materials and Devices XVI), 84761-1-9 (2012), doi:10.1117/12.928913 -- Details
Wieberger, F.; Forman, D.C.; Neuber, C.; Gröschel, A.H.; Böhm, M.; Müller, A.H.E.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Ober, C.K.: Tailored star-shaped statistical teroligomers via ATRP for lithographic applications, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22, 73-79 (2012) -- DOI: 10.1039/c1jm11922b -- Details

-- 2011 --
Muth, M.A.; Carrasco-Orozco, M.; Thelakkat, M.: Liquid-Crystalline Perylene Diester Polymers with Tunable Charge-Carrier Mobility, Advanced Functional Materials, 21(23), 4510-4518 (2011) -- DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201101694 -- Details
Schrögel, P.; Langer, N.; Schildknecht, Ch.; Wagenblast, G.; Lennartz, Ch.; Strohriegl, P.: Meta-linked CBP-derivatives as host materials for a blue iridium carbene complex, Organic Electronics, 12(11), 2047-2055 (2011) -- DOI: 10.1016/j.orgel.2011.08.012 -- Details
Schrögel, P.; Hoping, M.; Kowalsky, W.; Hunze, A.; Wagenblast, G.; Lennartz, Ch.; Strohriegl, P.: Phosphazene-Based Host Materials for the Use in Blue Phosphorescent Organic Light-Emitting Diodes, Chemistry of Materials, 23(22), 4947-4953 (2011) -- DOI: 10.1021/cm201940f -- Details
Bandara, J.; Shankar, K.; Grimes, C.A.; Thelakkat, M.: Efficient and stable, structurally inverted poly(3-hexylthiopen): [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester heterojunction solar cells with fibrous like poly(3-hexylthiopen), Thin Solid Films, 520(1), 582-590 (2011) -- DOI: 10.1016/j.tsf.2011.07.022 -- Details
Bauer, W.A.; Neuber, C.; Ober, C.K.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Combinatorial Optimization of a Molecular Glass Photo Resist System for Electron Beam Lithography, Advanced Materials, 23(45), 5404-5408 (2011) -- DOI: 10.1002/adma.201103107 -- Details
Haberkorn, N.; Kim, S.; Kim, K.S.; Sommer, M.; Thelakkat, M.; Sohn, B.H.; Theato, P.: Template-Assisted Fabrication of Highly Ordered Interpenetrating Polymeric Donor/Acceptor Nanostructures for Photovoltaic Applications, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 212(19), 2142-2150 (2011) -- DOI: 10.1002/macp.201100269 -- Details
Audorff, H.; Walker, R.; Kador, L.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Holographic Investigations of Azobenzene-Containing Low-Molecular-Weight Compounds in Pure Materials and Binary Blends with Polystyrene, Chemistry - A European Journal, 17, 12722-12728 (2011) -- DOI: 10.1002/chem.201100941 -- Details
Stumpf, M.; Spörrer, A.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Altstädt, V.: Influence of supramolecular aditives on foam morphology injection-molded i-PP, Journal of Cellular Plastics 47(6), 519-534 (2011) -- DOI: 10.1177/0021955X11408769 -- Details
Khazimullin, M.; Müller, T.; Messlinger, S.; Rehberg, I.; Schöpf, W.; Krekhov, A.; Pettau, R.; Kreger, K.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Gel formation in a mixture of a block copolymer and a nematic liquid crystal, Physical Review E 84(2), 021710-1-021710-11 (2011) -- DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.84.021710 -- Details
Zerson, M.; Spitzner, E.C.; Riesch, C.; Lohwasser, R.H.; Thelakkat, M.; Magerle, R.: Subsurface Mapping of Amorphous Surface Layers on Poly(3-hexylthiophene), Macromolecules, 44(15), 5874-5877 (2011) -- DOI: 10.1021/ma2011359
Hoffmann, S.; Koenen, J.-M.; Scherf, U.; Bauer, I.; Strohriegl, P.; Bässler, H.; Köhler, A.: Triplet-Triplet Annihilation in a Series of Poly(p-phenylene) Derivatives, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 115(26), 8417-8423 (2011) -- DOI: 10.1021/jp202763e -- Details
Werzer, O.; Resel, R.; Cherney, B.; Plank, H.; Rothmann, M.; Strohriegl, P.; Trimmel, G.; Rapallo, A.; Porzio, W.: Crystallographic structure and morphology of bithiophene-fluorene polymer nanocrystals, Polymer, 52(15), 3368-3373 (2011) -- DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2011.04.063 -- Details
Bandara, J.; Willinger, K.; Thelakkat, M.: Multichromophore light harvesting in hybrid solar cells, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13, 12906-12911 (2011) -- DOI: 10.1039/C1CP21697J -- Details
Singh, C.R.; Sommer, M.; Himmerlich, M.; Wicklein, A.; Krischok, S.; Thelakkat, M.; Hoppe, H.: Morphology controlled open circuit voltage in polymer solar cells, Physica Status Solidi (RRL), 5(7), 247– 249 (2011) -- DOI: 10.1002/pssr.201105213 -- Details
Lang, A.S.; Thelakkat, M.: Modular synthesis of poly(perylene bisimides) using click chemistry: A comparative study, Polymer Chemistry, 2, 2213-2221 (2011) -- DOI: 10.1039/c1py00191d -- Details
Erten-Ela, S.; Brendel, J.; Thelakkat, M.: Solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells fabricated with nanoporous TiO2 and TPD dyes: Analysis of penetration behavior and I–V characteristics, Chemical Physics Letters, 510(1-3), 93-98 (2011) -- DOI: 10.1016/j.cplett.2011.05.005 -- Details
Hüttner, S.; Sommer, M.; Kohn, P.; Hodgkiss, J.; Thurn-Albrecht, T.; Friend, R.H.; Steiner, U.; Thelakkat, M.: Tunable charge transport using supramolecular self-assembly of nanostructured crystalline block copolymers, ACS Nano, 5(5), 3506–-3515 (2011) -- DOI: 10.1021/nn200647d -- Details
Rothmann, M.; Fuchs, E.; Schildknecht, Ch.; Langer, N.; Lennartz, Ch.; Münster, I.; Strohriegl, P.: Designing a bipolar host material for blue phosphorescent OLEDs: Phenoxy-carbazole substituted triazine, Organic Electronics, 12(7), 1192-1197 (2011) -- DOI: 10.1016/j.orgel.2011.03.038 -- Details
Schrögel, P.; Tomkeviciene, A.; Strohriegl, P.; Hoffmann, S.; Köhler, A.; Lennartz, Ch.: A series of CBP-derivatives as host materials for blue phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 21(7), 2266-2273 (2011) -- DOI: 10.1039/c0jm03321a -- Details
Lohwasser, R.H.; Thelakkat, M.: Toward Perfect Control of End Groups and Polydispersity in Poly(3-hexylthiophene) via Catalyst Transfer Polymerization, Macromolecules, 44(9), 3388-–3397 (2011) -- DOI: 10.1021/ma200119s -- Details
Da Como, E.; Borys, N.J.; Strohriegl, P.; Walter, M.J.; Lupton, J.M.: Formation of a Defect-Free pi-Electron System in Single beta-Phase Polyfluorene Chains, Journal of the American Chemical Society 133(11), 3690-3692 (2011) -- DOI: 10.1021/ja109342t -- Details
Hoffmann, S.; Schrögel, P.; Rothmann, M.; Strohriegl, P.; Köhler, A.: Triplet Excimer Emission in a Series of 4,4'-Bis(N-carbazolyl)-2,2'-biphenyl Derivatives, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 115(3), 414-421 (2011) -- DOI: 10.1021/jp107408e -- Details
Leon, C.P.; Kador, L.; Peng, B.; Thelakkat, M.: Effect of the substrate morphology on the adsorption of Ru-bipyridyl sensitizers on anatase TiO2, Physica Status Solidi A, 208(1), 59-64 (2011) -- DOI: 10.1002/pssa.201026159 -- Details
Bernet, A.; Behr, M.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Supramolecular nanotube-based fiber mats by self-assembly of a tailored amphiphilic low-molecular weight hydrogelator, Soft Matter, 7, 1058-1065 (2011) -- DOI: 10.1039/C0SM00456A -- Details
Wolfer, P.; Audorff, H.; Kreger, K.; Kador, L.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Stingelin, N.; Smith, P.: Photo-induced molecular alignment of trisazobenzene derivatives, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 21, 4339-4345 (2011) -- DOI: 10.1039/C0JM03477K -- Details
Bandara, J.; Shankar, K.; Basham, J.; Wietasch, H.; Paulose, M.; Varghese, O.K.; Grimes, C.A.; Thelakkat, M.: Integration of TiO2 nanotube arrays into solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells, The European Physics Journal - Applied Physics, 53(02), 20601 (2011) -- DOI: 10.1051/epjap/2010100387 -- Details
Pars, M.; Hofmann, C.; Willinger, K.; Bauer, P.; Thelakkat, M.; Köhler, J.: An Organic Optical Transistor Operated under Ambient Conditions, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 50(48), 11405-11408 (2011) -- DOI: 10.1002/anie.201104193
Pérez León, C.; Kador, L.; Peng, B.; Thelakkat, M.: Effect of the substrate morphology on the adsorption of Ru-bipyridyl sensitizers on anatase TiO2, Physica Status Solidi A, 208(1), 59–64 (2011) -- DOI: 10.1002/pssa.201026159 -- Details
Schütz, M.; Schedl, A.E.; Wagner, F.; Breu, J.: Complexing aging assisted synthesis of high aspect ratio Fe3+/Mg2+ layered double hydroxides, Applied Clay Science 54(3-4), 281-286 (2011) -- DOI: 10.1016/j.clay.2011.10.004 -- Details
Xe, L.; Nazeeruddin, M.K.; Thelakkat, M.; Barnes, P.R.F.; Durrant, J.R.: Spectroelectrochemical studies of hole percolation on functionalised nanocrystalline TiO2 films: a comparison of two different ruthenium complexes, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13(4), 1575-1584 (2011) -- DOI: 10.1039/c0cp01013h -- Details

-- 2010 --
Krekhova, M.; Lattermann, G.; Schmalz, H.; Lang, T.; Richter, R.: Towards softer thermo-reversible magnetogels, Physics Procedia 9, 224 (2010) -- DOI: 10.1016/j.phpro.2010.11.050
Pascui, O. F.; Lohwasser, R.H.; Sommer, M.; Thelakkat, M.; Thurn-Albrecht, T.; Saalwächter, K.: High Crystallinity and Nature of Crystal−Crystal Phase Transformations in Regioregular Poly(3-hexylthiophene), Macromolecules, 43(22), 9401-9410 (2010) -- DOI: 10.1021/ma102205t -- Details
Hofmann, C.; Lindner, S.; Ruppert, M.; Hirsch, A.; Haque, S.A.; Thelakkat, M.; Köhler, J.: The influence of π-π-stacking on the light-harvesting properties of perylene bisimide antennas that are covalently linked to a [60]fullerene., Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 12(43), 14485-91 (2010) -- DOI: 10.1039/C0CP01200A -- Details
Scheler, E.; Betthausen, E.; Strohriegl, P.: Synthesis and Properties of Alternating Fluorene-Based Oligomers for Sub-µm Photopatterning, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 211(19), 2081-2089 (2010) -- DOI: 10.1002/macp.201000165 -- Details
Erhard, D.P.; Lovera, D.; Jenninger, W.; Wagner, J.; Altstädt, V.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Tailored Additives to Improve the Electret Performance of Polycarbonates, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 211, 2179-2186 (2010) -- DOI: 10.1002/macp.201000171 -- Details
Wicklein, A.; Muth, M.A.; Thelakkat, M.: Room temperature liquid crystalline perylene diester benzimidazoles with extended absorption, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 20(39), 8646-8652 (2010) -- DOI: 10.1039/C0JM01626H -- Details
Sommer, M.; Hüttner, S.; Thelakkat, M.: Donor–acceptor block copolymers for photovoltaic applications, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 20, 10788-10797 (2010) -- DOI: 10.1039/C0JM00665C -- Details
Lohwasser, R.H.; Thelakkat, M.: Synthesis and Characterization of Monocarboxylated Poly(3-hexylthiophene)s via Quantitative End Group Functionalization, Macromolecules, 43(18), 7611–-7616 (2010) -- DOI: 10.1021/ma1013258 -- Details
Kolemen, S.; Cakmak, Y.; Erten-Ela, S.; Altay, Y.; Brendel, J.; Thelakkat, M.; Akkaya, E.: Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Using Red and Near-IR Absorbing Bodipy Sensitizers, Organic Letters, 12(17), 3812-3815 (2010) -- DOI: 10.1021/ol1014762 -- Details
Lang, A.S.; Neubig, A.; Sommer, M.; Thelakkat, M.: NMRP versus “Click” Chemistry for the Synthesis of Semiconductor Polymers Carrying Pendant Perylene Bisimides, Macromolecules, 43(17), 7001-7010 (2010) -- DOI: 10.1021/ma100708h -- Details
Brendel, J.; Lu, Y.; Thelakkat, M.: Polymer templated nanocrystalline titania network for solid state dye sensitized solar cells, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 20, 7255-7265 (2010) -- DOI: 10.1039/C0JM00916D -- Details
Hofmann, C.; Lindner, S.; Ruppert, M.; Hirsch, A.; Haque, S.A.; Thelakkat, M.; Köhler, J.: Mutual Interplay of Light Harvesting and Triplet Sensitizing in a Perylene Bisimide Antenna−Fullerene Dyad, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 114(28), 9148-9156 (2010) -- DOI: 10.1021/jp1035585 -- Details
Wu, Z.; Petzold, A.; Henze, T.; Thurn-Albrecht, T.; Lohwasser, R.H.; Sommer, M.; Thelakkat, M.: Temperature and Molecular Weight Dependent Hierarchical Equilibrium Structures in Semiconducting Poly(3-hexylthiophene), Macromolecules, 43(10), 4646-4653 (2010) -- DOI: 10.1021/ma902566h -- Details
Hoffmann, S.; Scheler, E.; Koenen, J.-M.; Forster, M.; Scherf, U.; Strohriegl, P.; Bässler, H.; Köhler, A.: Triplet energy transfer in conjugated polymers. III. An experimental assessment regarding the influence of disorder on polaronic transport, Physical Review B, 81(16), 165208 (2010) -- DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.81.165208 -- Details
Krysak, M.; Kolb, T.; Neuber, C.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Ober, C.K.: All-dry processible and PAG-attached molecular glasses for improved lithographic performance, Proceedings of SPIE, 7639, 76392C-8 (2010) -- DOI: 10.1117/12.848385 -- Details
Forman, D.C.; Wieberger, F.; Gröschel, A.H.; Müller, A.H.E.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Ober, C.K.: Comparison of star and linear ArF resists, Proceedings of SPIE, 7639, 76390P (2010) -- DOI: 10.1117/12.848344 -- Details
Erhard, D.P.; Lovera, D.; Giesa, R.; Altstädt, V.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Influence of Physical Aging on the Performance of Corona-charged Amorphous Polymer Electrets, Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 48, 990-997 (2010) -- DOI: 10.1002/polb.21987 -- Details
Erhard, D.P.; Lovera, D.; von Salis-Soglio, C.; Giesa, R.; Altstädt, V.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Recent Advances in the Improvement of Polymer Electret Films, Advances in Polymer Science 228, 155-207 (2010) -- DOI: 10.1007/12_2009_45 -- Details
Kale, T.S.; Krishnamoorthy, K.; Thelakkat, M.; Thayumanavan, S.: Charge Mobility in Nonconjugated Dendrons with Charge Transport Functionality in Every Layer, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 1(7), 1116-1121 (2010) -- DOI: 10.1021/jz1002204 -- Details
Rothmann, M.; Haneder, S.; Da Como, E.; Lennartz, Ch.; Schildknecht, Ch.; Strohriegl, P.: Donor-Substituted 1,3,5-Triazines as Host Materials for Blue Phosphorescent Organic Light-Emitting Diodes., Chemistry of Materials, 22(7), 2403-2410 (2010) -- DOI: 10.1021/cm9033879 -- Details
Hoffmann, S.; Bässler, H.; Koenen, J.-M.; Forster, M.; Scherf, U.; Scheler, E.; Strohriegl, P.; Köhler, A.: Spectral diffusion in poly(para-phenylene)-type polymers with different energetic disorder, Physical Review B, 81(11), 115103/1-115103/8 (2010) -- DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.81.115103 -- Details
Audorff, H.; Kreger, K.; Walker, R.; Haarer, D.; Kador, L.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Holographic Gratings and Data Storage in Azobenzene-Containing Block Copolymers and Molecular Glasses, Advances in Polymer Science, 228, 59-121 (2010) -- DOI: 10.1007/12_2009_35 -- Details
Hüttner, S.; Sommer, M.; Steiner, U.; Thelakkat, M.: Organic Field Effect Transistors from Triarylamine Side-chain Polymers, Applied Physics Letters, 96, 073503 (2010) -- DOI: 10.1063/1.3300464 -- Details
Kluge, D.; Abraham, F.; Schmidt, S.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Fery, A.: Nanomechanical Properties of Supramolecular Self-Assembled Whiskers Determined by AFM Force Mapping, Langmuir 26(5), 3020-3023 (2010) -- DOI: 10.1021/la904780c -- Details
Rabe, G.W.; Komber, H.; Haussler, L.; Kreger, K.; Lattermann, G.: Polymerization of Diethyl Vinylphosphonate Mediated by Rare-Earth Tris(amide) Compounds, Macromolecules, 43(3), 1178-1181 (2010) -- DOI: 10.1021/ma902068n
Barea, E.M.; Garcia-Belmonte, G.; Sommer, M.; Hüttner, S.; Bolink, H.J.; Thelakkat, M.: Determination of charge carrier mobility of hole transporting polytriarylamine-based diodes, Thin Solid Films, 518(12), 3351-3354 (2010) -- DOI: 10.1016/j.tsf.2009.10.003 -- Details
Bhondale, C.J.; Thelakkat, M.: Efficient Hybrid Polymer/Titania Solar Cells Sensitized with Carboxylated Polymer Dye, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 94(5), 817-822 (2010) -- DOI: 10.1016/j.solmat.2009.12.030 -- Details
Domracheva, N.E.; Morozov, V.I.; Gruzdev, M.; Manapov, R.A.; Lattermann, G.: Iron-Containing Poly(propylene imine) Dendromesogens with Photoactive Properties, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 211(7), 791-800 (2010) -- DOI: 10.1002/macp.200900554 -- Details
Erhard, D.P.; Giesa, R.; Altstädt, V.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Charge Storage Performance of Polyetherimide Ultem®1000 - Influence of Secondary Antioxidants and Purification, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 115(2), 1247 - 1255 (2010) -- DOI: 10.1002/app.30823 -- Details
Kreger, K.; Wolfer, P.; Audorff, H.; Kador, L.; Stingelin-Stutzmann, N.; Smith, P.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Stable Holographic Gratings with Small-Molecular Trisazobenzene Derivatives, Journal of the American Chemical Society 132, 509-516 (2010) -- DOI: 10.1021/ja9091038
Pettau, R.; Erdelen, C.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Design and Implementation of a Reactor Setup for Combinatorial Anionic Synthesis of Block Copolymer Series with well-defined Compositions, Macromolecular Reaction Engineering, 4, 65-72 (2010) -- DOI: 10.1002/mren.200900037 -- Details
Scheler, E.; Strohriegl, P.: Three color random fluorene-based oligomers for fast micrometer-scale photopatterning, Chemistry of Materials, 22(4), 1410-1419 (2010) -- DOI: 10.1021/cm902254f -- Details
Sommer, M.; Hüttner, S.; Thelakkat, M.: Semiconductor block copolymers for photovoltaic applications in Bruno Pignataro (Editor): Ideas in Chemistry and Molecular Sciences:, Advances in Nanotechnology, Materials and Devices, Wiley, 317-338 (2010)
Sommer, M.; Hüttner, S.; Thelakkat, M.: Donor–Acceptor Block Copolymers with Nanoscale Morphology for Photovoltaic applications, Advances in Polymer Science, 228, 123-153 (2010) -- DOI: DOI:10.1007/12_2009_34 -- Details
Stillings, C.; Pettau, R.; Wendorff, J.H.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Kreger, K.: Lamellar Nanoconfinements Effects in Discotic Liquid Crystalline Block Copolymers, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 211, 250-258 (2010) -- DOI: 10.1002/macp.200900439
Wicklein, A.; Kohn, P.; Ghazaryan, L.; Thurn-Albrecht, T.; Thelakkat, M.: Synthesis and structure elucidaton of discotic liquid crystalline perylene imide benzimidazole, Chemical Communications, 46, 2328 - 2330 (2010) -- DOI: 10.1039/b921476c -- Details
Abraham, F.; Ganzleben, S.; Hanft, D.; Smith, P.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Synthesis and Structure-Efficiency Relations of 1,3,5-Benzenetrisamides as Nucleating Agents and Clarifiers for Isotactic Poly(propylene), Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 211(2), 171-181 (2010) -- DOI: 10.1002/macp.200900409 -- Details
Abraham, F.; Schmidt, H.-W.: 1,3,5-Benzenetrisamide based nucleating agents for poly(vinylidene fluoride), Polymer, 51(4), 913-921 (2010) -- DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2009.12.011 -- Details

-- 2009 --
Lovera, D.; Bilbao, C.; Schreier, Ph.; Kador, L.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Altstädt, V.: Charge storage of electrospun fiber mats of poly(phenylene ether)/polystyrene blends, Polymer Engineering and Science 49(12), 2430-2439 (2009) -- DOI: 10.1002/pen.21493 -- Details
Sommer, M.; Hüttner, S.; Steiner, U.; Thelakkat, M.: Influence of molecular weight on the solar cell performance of double-crystalline donor-acceptor block copolymers, Applied Physics Letters, 95(18), 183308 (2009) -- DOI: 10.1063/1.3257367 -- Details
Wicklein, A.; Lang, A.S.; Muth, M.A.; Thelakkat, M.: Swallow-Tail Substituted Liquid Crystalline Perylene Bisimides: Synthesis and Thermotropic Properties, Journal of the American Chemical Society 131(40), 14442–14453 (2009) -- DOI: 10.1021/ja905260c -- Details
Gietl, M.L.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Giesa, R.; Terrenoire, A.; Balk, R.: Semiquantitative Method for the Evaluation of Grease Barrier Coatings, Progress in Organic Coatings, 66, 107-112 (2009) -- DOI: 10.1016/j.porgcoat.2009.06.009 -- Details
Lang, A.S.; Kogler, F.R.; Sommer, M.; Wiesner, U.; Thelakkat, M.: Semiconductor Dendritic-Linear Block Copolymers by Nitroxide Mediated Radical Polymerization, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 30(14), 1243-1248 (2009) -- DOI: 10.1002/marc.200900203 -- Details
Haneder, S.; Da Como, E.; Feldmann, J.; Rothmann, M.; Strohriegl, P.; Lennartz, Ch.; Molt, O.; Münster, I.; Schildknecht, Ch.; Wagenblast, G.: Effect of Electric Field on Coulomb-Stabilized Excitons in Host/Guest Systems for Deep-Blue Electrophosphorescence, Advanced Functional Materials, 19(15), 2416 - 2422 (2009) -- DOI: 10.1002/adfm.200900197 -- Details
Walker, R.; Audorff, H.; Kador, L.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Synthesis and Structure–Property Relations of a Series of Photochromic Molecular Glasses for Controlled and Efficient Formation of Surface Relief Nanostructures, Advanced Functional Materials, 19(16), 2630 - 2638 (2009) -- DOI: 10.1002/adfm.200900140 -- Details
Kristiansen, M.; Smith, P.; Chanzy, H.; Bärlocher, C.; Gramlich, V.; McCusker, L.; Weber, T.; Pattison, P.; Blomenhofer, M.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Structural Aspects of 1,3,5-Benzenetrisamides-A New Family of Nucleating Agents, Crystal Growth & Design, 9(6), 2556-2558 (2009) -- DOI: 10.1021/cg900139d -- Details
Willinger, K.; Fischer, K.; Kisselev, R.; Thelakkat, M.: Synthesis, spectral, electrochemical and photovoltaic properties of novel heteroleptic polypyridyl ruthenium(II) donor-antenna dyes, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 19, 5364 - 5376 (2009) -- DOI: 10.1039/b901988j -- Details
Lohwasser, R.H.; Bandara, J.; Thelakkat, M.: Tailor-made synthesis of poly(3-hexylthiophene) with carboxylic end groups and its application as a polymer sensitizer in solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 19, 4126-4130 (2009) -- DOI: 10.1039/b900921c -- Details
Wicklein, A.; Ghosh, S.; Sommer, M.; Würthner, F.; Thelakkat, M.: Self-Assembly of Semiconductor Organogelator Nanowires for Photoinduced Charge Separation, ACS Nano 3(5), 1107-1114 (2009) -- DOI: 10.1021/nn9001165 -- Details
Hillebrand, R.; Grimm, S.; Giesa, R.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Mathwig, K.; Gösele, U.; Steinhart, M.: Characterization of microrod arrays by image analysis, Applied Physics Letters, 94, 164103 (2009) -- DOI: 10.1063/1.3122141 -- Details
Zharnikova, N.; Usol'tseva, N.; Kudrik, E.; Thelakkat, M.: Synthesis, Mesomorphism and Electrochemical Properties of Tetrasubstituted Zinc and Copper Phthalocyanines, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 19, 3161 - 3167 (2009) -- DOI: 10.1039/b821306b -- Details
Scheler, E.; Strohriegl, P.: Tailoring fluorene-based oligomers for fast photopatterning, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 19, 3207 - 3212 (2009) -- DOI: 10.1039/b822894a -- Details
Hillenbrand, J.; Motz, T.; Sessler, G.M.; Zhang, X.; Behrendt, N.; von Salis-Soglio, C.; Erhard, D.P.; Altstädt, V.; Schmidt, H.-W.: The effect of additives on charge decay in electron-beam charged polypropylene films, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 42, 065410-065418 (2009) -- DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/42/6/065410 -- Details
Audorff, H.; Walker, R.; Kador, L.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Polarization Dependence of the Formation of Surface Relief Gratings in Azobenzene-Containing Molecular Glasses, Journal of Physics B: Condensed Matter, 113(11), 3379-3384 (2009) -- DOI: 10.1021/jp809151x -- Details
Audorff, H.; Walker, R.; Kador, L.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Holographic Studies of Azobenzene-Containing Low-Molecular-Weight Organic Glasses, Proceedings of SPIE 7233, 72330O (2009) -- DOI: 10.1117/12.811007
Da Como, E.; Feldmann, J.; Scheler, E.; Strohriegl, P.; Lupton, J.M.: Single molecule spectroscopy of oligofluorenes: how molecular length influences polymorphism, Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing 95(1), 61-66 (2009) -- DOI: 10.1007/s00339-008-4993-1 -- Details
Gollwitzer, C.; Krekhova, M.; Lattermann, G.; Rehberg, I.; Richter, R.: Surface instabilities and magnetic soft matter, Soft Matter 5(10), 2093-2100 (2009) -- DOI: 10.1039/b820090d -- Details
Hillebrand, R.; Grimm, S.; Giesa, R.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Mathwig, K.; Gösele, U.; Steinhart, M.: Polymer microrod arrays prepared by non-destructive molding evaluated by real space image analysis, Polymer Preprints, 50(1) (2009)
Hofmann, C.; Bauer, P.; Haque, S.A.; Thelakkat, M.; Köhler, J.: Energy- and charge-transfer processes in flexible organic donor-acceptor dyads, Journal of Chemical Physics, 131, 144512 (1-10) (2009)
Hüttner, S.; Sommer, M.; Chiche, A.; Krausch, G.; Steiner, U.; Thelakkat, M.: Controlled solvent vapour annealing for polymer electronics, Soft Matter 5, 4206-4211 (2009) -- DOI: 10.1039/B907147D -- Details
King, S.M.; Sommer, M.; Thelakkat, M.; Haque, S.A.: Charge separation and recombination in self-organizing nanostructured donor-acceptor block copolymers films, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 19, 5436-5441 (2009) -- DOI: 10.1039/b905708k
Lovera, D.; Ruckdäschel, H.; Altstädt, V.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Charge storage of ternary polymer blends based on poly(phenylene ether), Polymer International, 58(11), 1260-1266 (2009) -- DOI: 10.1002/pi.2653 -- Details
Walker, R.; Audorff, H.; Kador, L.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Optimization of the photochromic response of photoaddressable polymers with azobenzene-containing molecular glasses, Proceedings of SPIE 7358, 735803/1-735803/8 (2009) -- DOI: 10.1117/12.822491

-- 2008 --
Altstädt, V.; Lovera, D.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Schmidt, S.; Fery, A.: Electrospun Polymeric Fine Fibres - Characterisation of their Morphology and Properties, Microscopy and Imaging, 10(2), 29-31 (2008) -- DOI: 10.1002/imic.200890039
Stillings, C.; Martin, E.; Steinhart, M.; Pettau, R.; Paraknowitsch, J.; Geuss, M.; Schmidt, J.; Germano, G.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Gösele, U.; Wendorff, J.H.: Nanoscaled Discotic Liquid Crystal/Polymer Systems: Confinement Effects on Morphology and Thermodynamics, Molecular Crystals Liquid Crystals, 495, 285-293 (2008) -- DOI: 10.1080/15421400802430349 -- Details
Grimm, S.; Giesa, R.; Sklarek, K.; Langner, A.; Gösele, U.; Schmidt, H.W.; Steinhart, M.: Nondestructive Replication of Self-Ordered Nanoporous Alumina Membranes via Cross-Linked Polyacrylate Nanofiber Arrays, Nano Letters 8(7), 1954-1959 (2008) -- DOI: 10.1021/nl080842c -- Details
Lattermann, G.; Krekhova, M.: Thermoreversible organoferrogels: morphological, thermal and magnetic characterisation, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 18(24), 2842-2848 (2008) -- DOI: 10.1039/b800692j -- Details
Snaith, H.J.; Karthikeyan, C.S.; Petrozza, A.; Teuscher, J.; Moser, J.-E.; Nazeeruddin, M.K.; Thelakkat, M.; Grätzel, M.: High extinction coefficient “antenna” dye in solid-state dye-sensitised solar cells: a photo-physical and electronic study, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112, 7562–7566 (2008) -- DOI: 10.1021/jp801714u -- Details
Gollwitzer, C.; Turanov, A.; Krekhova, M.; Lattermann, G.; Rehberg, I.; Richter, R.: Measuring the deformation of a ferrogel sphere in a homogeneous magnetic field, Journal of Chemical Physics, 128, 164709 (2008) -- DOI: 10.1063/1.2905212 -- Details
Werzer, O.; Matoy, K.; Smilgies, DM; Rothmann, M.; Strohriegl, P.; Resel, R.: Uniaxially aligned poly[(9,9-dioctylfluorenyl-2,7-diyl)-co-bithiophene] thin films characterized by the X-ray diffraction pole figure technique, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 107(3), 1817-1821 (2008) -- DOI: 10.1002/app.27231 -- Details
Boschloo, G.; Marinado, T.; Nonomura, K.; Edvinsson, T.; Agrios, A.G.; Hagberg, D.P.; Sun, L.; Quintana, M.; Karthikeyan, C.S.; Thelakkat, M.; Hagfeldt, A.: A comparative study of a polyene-diphenylaniline dye and Ru(dcbpy)2(NCS)2 in electrolyte-based and solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells, Thin Solid Films, 516(20), 7214–7217 (2008) -- DOI: 10.1016/j.tsf.2007.12.035 -- Details
Hüttner, S.; Sommer, M.; Thelakkat, M.: n-type organic field effect transistors from perylene bisimide block copolymers and homopolymers, Applied Physics Letters, 92, 093302/1-3 (2008) -- DOI: 10.1063/1.2885712 -- Details
Karthikeyan, C.S.; Thelakkat, M.: Key aspects of individual layers in solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells and novel concepts to improve their performance, Inorganica Chimica Acta, 361, 635–655 (2008) -- Details
Maria, S.; Susha, A.S.; Sommer, M.; Rogach, A.L.; Thelakkat, M.: Semiconductor Block Copolymer Nanocomposites with Lamellar Morphology via Self- Organization, Macromolecules, 41, 6081-6088 (2008)
Pfeiffer, F.; Felix, N.M.; Neuber, C.; Ober, C.K.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Towards environmentally friendly, dry deposited, water developable molecular glass photoresists, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 10, 1257 - 1262 (2008) -- DOI: 10.1039/b715819j -- Details
Pfeiffer, F.; Neuber, C.; Schmidt, H.-W.: All-dry photoresist systems: Physical vapor depositions of molecular glasses, Proceedings of SPIE 69231, 69231F/1-69231F/8 (2008) -- DOI: 10.1117/12.771101 -- Details
Ravichandar, R.; Thelakkat, M.; Somanthan, N.: Fluorescence Quenching of Substituted Polyperylene with Functionalized Polythiophenes, Journal of Fluorescence, 18, 891-898 (2008)
Shankar, K.; Bandara, J.; Paulose, M.; Wietasch, H.; Varghese, O.K.; Mor, G.K.; LaTempa, T.J.; Thelakkat, M.; Grimes, C.A.: Highly Efficient Solar Cells using TiO2 Nanotube Arrays Sensitized with a Donor-Antenna Dye, Nano Letters 8, 1654-1659 (2008) -- Details
Sommer, M.; Hüttner, S.; Wunder, S.; Thelakkat, M.: Novel Electron-Conducting Block-Copolymers: Morphological, Optical and Electronic Properties, Advanced Materials, 20, 2523-2527 (2008)
Sommer, M.; Lang, A.S.; Thelakkat, M.: Crystalline-Crystalline Donor-Acceptor Block Copolymers, Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed. 47, 1-5 (2008)

-- 2007 --
Müller, M.; Schoepf, W.; Rehberg, I.; Timme, A.; Lattermann, G.: Fréedericksz transition in a thermoreversible nematic gel, Physical Review E 76, 061701 (2007) -- DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.76.061701 -- Details
Kreger, K.; Bäte, M.; Neuber, C.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Strohriegl, P.: Combinatorial Development of Blue OLEDs Based on Star Shaped Molecules, Advanced Functional Materials, 17, 3456-3461 (2007) -- DOI: 10.1002/adfm.200700223 -- Details
Lovera, D.; Bilbao, C.; Altstädt, V.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Giesa, R.: Electrospun Nanofibers of High Performance Electret Polymers, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 13, 444-445 (2007) -- DOI: 10.1017/S1431927607082220 -- Details
Alagiriswamy, A.A.; Jäger, C.; Haarer, D.; Thelakkat, M.; Knoll, A.; Krausch, G.: Local potential distribution of macrophase separated polymer blend domains, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 40(16), 4855-4865 (2007) -- Details
Domracheva, N.E.; Mirea, A.; Schwoerer, M.; Torre Lorente, L.; Lattermann, G.: Liquid-crystalline dendrimer Cu(II) complexes and Cu(0) nanoclusters based on the Cu(II) complexes: An electron paramagnetic resonance investigation, Physics of the Solid State, 49(7), 1392-1402 (2007) -- DOI: 10.1134/S1063783407070335 -- Details
Kreger, K.; Löffler, C.; Walker, R.; Wirth, N.; Bingemann, D.; Audorff, H.; Rössler, E.A.; Kador, L.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Dynamic Behavior of the Minority Phase of Photoaddressable Block Copolymers, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 208(14), 1530-1541 (2007) -- DOI: 10.1002/macp.200700120 -- Details
Erhard, D.P.; Giesa, R.; Altstädt, V.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Synthesis and Structure-Property Relationships of Fluorinated Poly(ether imide)s as Electret Materials, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 208(14), 1522-1529 (2007) -- DOI: 10.1002/macp.200700111 -- Details
Smirnova, A.; Lattermann, G.: Induction of mesomorphism in mixtures of poly[4-(3-methacryloylpropyl)pyridine] with partially fluorinated derivatives of benzoic acid, Polymer Science Serie A, 49(5), 538-548 (2007) -- DOI: 10.1134/S0965545X07050070 -- Details
Frese, T.; Lovera, D.; Sandler, J.K.W.; Lim, G.T.; Altstädt, V.; Giesa, R.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Electret Properties of Polyetherimides: Influence of Water Content and Comparison with other High-Temperature Polymer Films, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 292(5), 582-587 (2007) -- DOI: 10.1002/mame.200600463 -- Details
Sommer, M.; Lindner, S.; Thelakkat, M.: Microphase-Separated Donor- Acceptor Diblock Copolymers: Influence of HOMO Energy Levels and Morphology on Polymer Solar Cells, Advanced Functional Materials, 17(9), 1493-1500 (2007) -- DOI: 10.1002/adfm.200600634 -- Details
Mohmeyer, N.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Synthesis and Structure-Property Relationships of Amphiphilic Organogelators, Chemistry - A European Journal, 13(16), 4499 - 4509 (2007) -- DOI: 10.1002/chem.200601154 -- Details
Mohmeyer, N.; Behrendt, N.; Zhang, X.; Smith, P.; Altstädt, V.; Sessler, G.M.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Additives to improve the electret properties of isotactic polypropylene, Polymer, 48(6), 1612-1619 (2007) -- DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2006.08.001 -- Details
Lovera, D.; Ruckdäschel, H.; Göldel, A.; Behrendt, N.; Frese, T.; Sandler, J.K.W.; Altstädt, V.; Giesa, R.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Tailored Polymer Electrets Based on Poly(2,6 Dimethyl-1,4-Phenylene Ether) and its Blends with Polystyrene, European Polymer Journal 43, 1195-1201 (2007) -- DOI: 10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2006.12.032 -- Details
Häckel, M.; Kador, L.; Kropp, D.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Polymer Blends with Azobenzene-Containing Block Copolymers as Stable Rewritable Volume Holographic Medium, Advanced Materials, 19(2), 227-231 (2007) -- DOI: 10.1002/adma.200601458
Bauer, P.; Wietasch, H.; Lindner, S.; Thelakkat, M.: Synthesis and Characterization of Donor-Bridge-Acceptor Molecule Containing Tetraphenylbenzidine and Perylene bisimide, Chemistry of Materials, 19, 88-94 (2007)
Breiner, T.; Kreger, K.; Hagen, R.; Häckel, M.; Kador, L.; Müller, A.H.E.; Kramer, E.J.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Blends of Poly(methacrylate) Block Copolymers with Photoaddressable Segments, Macromolecules, 40(6), 2100-2108 (2007) -- DOI: 10.1021/ma0624907 -- Details
Handa, S.; Wietasch, H.; Thelakkat, M.; Durrant, J.R.; Haque, S.A.: Reducing charge recombination losses in solid state dye sensitized solar cells: the use of donor-acceptor sensitizer dyes, Chemical Communications, 17, 1725-1727 (2007)
Karthikeyan, C.S.; Peter, K.; Wietasch, H.; Thelakkat, M.: Highly Efficient Solid-State Dye-Sensitized TiO2 Solar Cells via Control of Retardation of Recombination Using Novel Donor Antenna Dyes, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 91, 432-439 (2007) -- DOI: 10.1016/j.solmat.2006.10.006
Karthikeyan, C.S.; Wietasch, H.; Thelakkat, M.: Highly Efficient Solid-State Dye-Sensitized TiO2 Solar Cells Using Donor Antenna Dyes Capable of Multistep Charge Transfer Cascade, Advanced Materials, 19(8), 1091-1095 (2007)
Lindner, S.; Kaufmann, N.; Thelakkat, M.: Nanostructured Semiconductor Block Copolymers: p-p Stacking, Optical and Electrochemical Properties, Organic Electronics, 8, 69-75 (2007)
Neuber, C.; Bäte, M.; Thelakkat, M.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Hänsel, H.; Zettl, H.; Krausch, G.: Combinatorial Preparation and Characterization of Thin-Film Multilayer Electro-Optical Devices, Review of Scientific Instruments, 78, 072216 1-11 (2007) -- DOI: 10.1063/1.2756993 -- Details
Pfeiffer, F.; Felix, N.M.; Neuber, C.; Ober, C.K.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Physical Vapor Deposition of Molecular Glass Photoresists: A New Route to Chemically Amplified Patterning, Advanced Functional Materials, 17(14), 2336-2342 (2007) -- DOI: 10.1002/adfm.200600717 -- Details
Scheler, E.; Bauer, I.; Strohriegl, P.: Synthesis and photopatterning of fluorene based reactive mesogens, Macromolecular Symposia, 254, 203-209 (2007)
Scheler, E.; Strohriegl, P.: Synthesis of Oligofluorenes by Endcapping, Liquid Crystals 34, 667-672 (2007)
Sonntag, M.; Strohriegl, P.: Synthesis of a novel liquid crystalline bisindenocarbzole derivative, Liquid Crystals 34(1), 49-57 (2007) -- Details
Werzer, O.; Matoy, K.; Strohriegl, P.; Resel, R.: Temperature treatment of semiconducting polymers: An X-ray reflectivity study., Thin Solid Films, 515(14), 5601-5605 (2007)

-- 2006 --
Neuber, C.; Giesa, R.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Influence of Chain Stiffness and Preparation Methods on the Efficiency of Polyimide Alignment Layers for Liquid Crystal Orientation, Molecular Crystals Liquid Crystals, 461, 83-99 (2006) -- DOI: 10.1080/15421400601091359 -- Details
Neuber, C.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Giesa, R.: Polyimide Fibers Obtained by Spinning Lyotropic Solutions of Rigid-Rod Aromatic Poly(amic ethyl ester)s, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 291(11), 1315-1326 (2006) -- DOI: 10.1002/mame.200600256 -- Details
Neuber, C.; Bäte, M.; Giesa, R.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Combinatorial methods for the optimization of the vapor deposition of polyimide monomers and their polymerization, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 16(34), 3466 - 3477 (2006) -- DOI: 10.1039/b606091a -- Details
Behrendt, N.; Greiner, C.; Fischer, F.; Frese, T.; Altstädt, V.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Giesa, R.; Hillenbrand, J.; Sessler, G.M.: Morphology and electret behaviour of microcellular high glass temperature films, Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing 85, 87-93 (2006) -- DOI: 10.1007/s00339-006-3660-7 -- Details
Mohmeyer, N.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Kristiansen, P.M.; Altstädt, V.: Influence of Chemical Structure and Solubility of Bisamide Additives on the Nucleation of Isotactic Polypropylene and the Improvement of Its Charge Storage Properties, Macromolecules, 39(17), 5760-5767 (2006) -- DOI: 10.1021/ma060340q -- Details
Mohmeyer, N.; Kuang, D.; Wang, P.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Zakeeruddin, S.M.; Grätzel, M.: An efficient organogelator for ionic liquids to prepare stable quasi-solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 16(29), 2978-2983 (2006)
Behrendt, N.; Altstädt, V.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Development of Porous Polypropylene Blends with NA11 Particles and Glass Hollow Spheres by Biaxial Stretching for Electret Applications, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 13, 5 (2006)
Behrendt, N.; Mohmeyer, N.; Hillenbrand, J.; Klaiber, M.; Zhang, X.; Sessler, G.M.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Altstädt, V.: Charge storage behavior of isotropic and biaxially-oriented polypropylene films containing α- and β-nucleating agents, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 99(3), 650-658 (2006) -- DOI: 10.1002/app.22502 -- Details
Domracheva, N.E.; Mirea, A.; Schwoerer, M.; Torre Lorente, L.; Lattermann, G.: Magnetic properties of poly(propylene imine)-copper dendromesogenic: an EPR study. , ChemPhysChem, 7(12), 2567-2577 (2006) -- Details
Greß, A.; Häckel, M.; Kropp, D.; Frenz, C.; Kador, L.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Block copolymers for holographic information storage, Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering 94, 218-219 (2006)
Gruzdev, M.; Usol'tseva, N.; Torre Lorente, L.; Lattermann, G.: Liquid crystalline nanocomposites of dendrimers derived from poly(propyleneiminie) with iron oxide nanoparticles, Izv. Vyss. Uch. Zeved. Khimiya Tekhnol. 49, 36-40 (2006)
Hillenbrand, J.; Behrendt, N.; Altstädt, V.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Sessler, G.M.: Electret properties of biaxially stretched polypropylene films containing various additives, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 39(3), 535-540 (2006) -- DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/39/3/017
Karthikeyan, C.S.; Thelakkat, M.; Willert-Porada, M.: Dye Sensitized Solar Cells: A Comparative Study Using Different Nanocrystalline-Titania, Ceramic Transactions, 172, 115 (2006)
Karthikeyan, C.S.; Thelakkat, M.; Willert-Porada, M.: Different Mesoporous Titania Films for Solid State Dye Sensitized Solar Cells, Thin Solid Films, 511-512, 187-194 (2006)
Krishnan, S.; Paik, M.Y.; Ober, C.K.; Hexemer, A.; Sohn, K. E.; Kramer, E.J.; Häckel, M.; Kador, L.; Kropp, D.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Tailoring surface properties using functional side groups on block copolymers, Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering 51(232nd ACS Meeting, ACS Paper), 105 (2006)
Kristiansen, P.M.; Greß, A.; Smith, P.; Hanft, D.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Phase behavior, nucleation and optical properties of the binary system isotactic polypropylene/N,N',N''-tris-isopentyl-1,3,5-benzene-tricarboxamide, Polymer, 47, 249-253 (2006) -- DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2005.08.053 -- Details
Lattermann, G.; Krekhova, M.: Thermoreversible ferrogels, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 27(16), 1373-1379 (2006) -- Details
Lindner, S.; Hüttner, S.; Chiche, A.; Thelakkat, M.; Krausch, G.: Charge Separation at Self-assembled Nanostructured Bulk Interface in Block Copolymers, Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed. 45(20), 3364-3368 (2006)
Lindner, S.; Thelakkat, M.: Fluorescent Dye-Labeled Polymers Carrying Triphenylamine, Styrene, or Acrylate Pendant Groups, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 207, 2084-2092 (2006) -- DOI: 10.1002/macp.200600385
Muthukrishnan, S.; Erhard, D.P.; Mori, H.; Müller, A.H.E.: Synthesis and Characterization of Surface-Grafted Hyperbranched Glycomethacrylates, Polym. Mater. Sci. Eng. 94 (2006) -- Details
Muthukrishnan, S.; Erhard, D.P.; Mori, H.; Müller, A.H.E.: Synthesis and Characterization of Surface-Grafted Hyperbranched Glycomethacrylates, Macromolecules, 39, 2743-2750 (2006) -- DOI: 10.1021/ma052575s -- Details
Perez Leon, C.; Kador, L.; Peng, B.; Thelakkat, M.: Characterization of the Adsorption of Ru-bpy Dyes on Mesoporous TiO2 Films with UV-Vis, Raman, and FTIR Spectroscopies, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110(17), 8723-8730 (2006)
Radhakrishnan, S.; Somanathan, N.; Narashimhaswamy, T.; Thelakkat, M.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Thermal studies on polythiophene containing mesogenic side chains, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 85(2), 433-438 (2006)
Riess, G.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Novel Urea-Siloxane Polymers as Gelling Agents for Silicone Fluids: Influence of the Hard Segment, Monatshefte fuer Chemie, 137(7), 935-941 (2006)
Scharf, C.; Peter, K.; Bauer, P.; Jung, C.; Thelakkat, M.; Köhler, J.: Towards the Characterisation of Energy-Transfer Processes in Organic Donor-Acceptor Dyads Based on Triphenyldiamine and Perylenebisimides, Chemical Physics, 328, 403-409 (2006) -- DOI: 10.1016/j.chemphys.2006.07.030
Sommer, M.; Thelakkat, M.: Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Donor-Acceptor Block Copolymers in Nanostructured Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells, The European Physics Journal - Applied Physics, 36, 245-249 (2006) -- Details
Sonntag, M.; Strohriegl, P.: Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Bisindenocarbazoles, Tetrahedron, 62(34), 8103-8108 (2006)
Sonntag, M.; Strohriegl, P.: Novel Bisindenocarbazole Derivative Exhibiting a Nematic Mesophase, Tetrahedron Letters, 47(47), 8313 (2006)
Thiem, H.; Jandke, M.; Hanft, D.; Strohriegl, P.: Synthesis and Orientation of Fluorene Containing Reactive Mesogens, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 207, 370-381 (2006)
Thiem, H.; Strohriegl, P.; Setayesh, S.; de Leeuw, D.: New fluorene-bithiophene-based trimers as stable materials for organic field-effect transistors, Synthetic Metals, 156(7-8), 582-589 (2006)
You, F.; Paik, M.Y.; Häckel, M.; Kador, L.; Kropp, D.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Ober, C.K.: Control and Suppression of Surface Relief Gratings in Liquid-Crystalline Perfluoroalkyl-Azobenzene Polymers, Advanced Functional Materials, 16, 1577-1581 (2006) -- DOI: 10.1002/adfm.200500711

-- 2005 --
Blomenhofer, M.; Ganzleben, S.; Hanft, D.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Kristiansen, M.; Smith, P.; Stoll, K.; Mäder, D.; Hoffmann, K.: "Designer" Nucleating Agents for Polypropylene, Macromolecules, 38(9), 3688-3695 (2005) -- DOI: 10.1021/ma0473317 -- Details
Bolognesi, A.; Botta, C.; Facchinetti, D.; Mercogliano, C.; Jandke, M.; Strohriegl, P.; Kreger, K.; Relini, A.; Rolandi, R.: Polarized electroluminescence from double-layer LEDs with active film formed by two perpendicularly oriented polymers in ACS: CHROMOGENIC PHENOMENA IN POLYMERS, ACS Symposium Series, 888, 211-219 (2005) -- Details
Grecu, M.N.; Mirea, A.; Ghica, C.; Cölle, M.; Schwoerer, M.: Paramagnetic defect centres in crystalline Alq3, Journal of Physics B: Condensed Matter, 17, 6271 (2005)
Häckel, M.; Kador, L.; Kropp, D.; Frenz, C.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Holographic Gratings in Diblock Copolymers with Azobenzene and Mesogenic Side Groups in the Photoaddressable Dispersed Phase, Advanced Functional Materials, 15(10), 1722 - 1727 (2005) -- DOI: 10.1002/adfm.200500158 -- Details
Häckel, M.; Kador, L.; Kropp, D.; Frenz, C.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Holographic information storage in azobenzene-containing diblock copolymers, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering (Organic Holographic Materials and Applications III) 5935 (2005)
Handa, S.; Haque, S.A.; Peter, K.; Palomares, E.; Thelakkat, M.; Durrant, J.R.: Supermolecular control of charge transfer in dye-sensitized nanocrystalline TiO2 films: Towards a quantitative structure-function relationship, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 44, 5740-5744 (2005)
Handa, S.; Haque, S.A.; Peter, K.; Palomares, E.; Thelakkat, M.; Durrant, J.R.: Supermolecular control of charge transfer in dye-sensitized nanocrystalline TiO2 films: Towards a quantitative structure-function relationship, Nature Materials 4, 723-724 (2005)
Hillenbrand, J.; Behrendt, N.; Mohmeyer, N.; Altstädt, V.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Sessler, G.M.: Charge retention in biaxially-oriented polypropylene films containing various additives, Proceedings of 12. Int. Symp. on Electrets, Bahia, 276-279 (2005)
Lattermann, G.; Lafuente Cerda, O.; Schoepf, W.; Rehberg, I.; de Lozar, A.: Planar-fingerprint transition in a thermoreversible liquid crystalline gel, Physical Review E, 71(5), 051707 (2005) -- DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.71.051707
Lattermann, G.; Schaz, A.: ABC mesogens: a novel 'hexagonal columns-in-lamellae' morphology of low molar mass partially fluorinated 'three-chain' benzoic acids, Liquid Crystals 32(4), 407-415 (2005) -- Details
Lattermann, G.; Schaz, A.; Valaityte, E.: Investigations on liquid crystalline partially fluorinated alkyl and succinimidyl benzoates, Liquid Crystals 32(4), 513-525 (2005) -- Details
Lattermann, G.; Torre Lorente, L.; Schwoerer, M.; Mirea, A.; Domracheva, N.E.: EPR characterisation of Cu-II complexes of poly(propylene imine) dendromesogens: Using the orienting effect of a magnetic field, ChemPhysChem, 6(1), 110-119 (2005) -- Details
Mohmeyer, N.; Schmidt, H.-W.: A new class of low-molecular-weight amphiphilic gelators, Chemistry - A European Journal, 11, 863-872 (2005)
Pérez León, C.; Kador, L.; Peng, B.; Thelakkat, M.: Influence of the Solvent on the Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectra of Ruthenium(II) Bipyridyl Complexes, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 109, 5783-5789 (2005) -- DOI: 10.1021/jp044946x
Schmidt, H.-W.; Blomenhofer, M.; Ganzleben, S.; Hanft, D.; Kristiansen, M.; Smith, P.; Stoll, K.; Mäder, D.; Hoffmann, K.: Trisamide based nucleating agents for isotactic polypropylene, Addcon World 2005, International Conference, 11th Hamburg Germany, Sept. 21-22, 2005 (2005) -- Details
Strohriegl, P.; Kitzerow, H.-S.; Paelke, L.: Photorefractive polymer-dispersed liquid crystal based on a photoconducting polysiloxane, Applied Physics Letters, 86(3), 031104 (2005) -- DOI: 10.1063/1.1852082 -- Details
Strohriegl, P.; Kreger, K.; Hanft, D.; Sonntag, M.; Setayesh, S.; de Leeuw, D.: Novel star-shaped triphenylamine-based molecular glasses and their use in OFETs, Chemistry of Materials, 17(11), 3031-3039 (2005) -- Details
Strohriegl, P.; Sonntag, M.; Lanzani, G.; Virgili, T.; Antognazza, A.R.; Cabanillas-Gonzales, J.: Ultrafast field assisted exciton dissociation in oligofluorenes, Synthetic Metals, 152(1-3), 113-116 (2005) -- Details
Strohriegl, P.; Sonntag, M.; Lanzani, G.; Virgili, T.; Antognazza, A.R.; Cabanillas-Gonzales, J.; Gadermaier, C.: Two-step field-induced singlet dissociation in a fluorene trimer, Physical Review B, 71(15), 155207 (2005) -- Details
Thiem, H.; Rothmann, M.; Strohriegl, P.: New fluorene-bithiophene based oligomers for the use in OFETs – Tuning thermal properties by molecular weight, Designed Monomers and Polymers 8, 619-628 (2005)
Thiem, H.; Strohriegl, P.; Shkunov, M.; McCulloch, I.: Photopolymerization of reactive mesogens, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 206, 2153-2159 (2005)
Wippl, J.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Giesa, R.: High Temperature Thermosets With a Low Coefficient of Thermal Expansion, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 290, 657-668 (2005) -- DOI: 10.1002/mame.200500120 -- Details

-- 2004 --
Bäte, M.; Neuber, C.; Giesa, R.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Combinatorial Investigation of the Vapor Deposition Polymerization of Aromatic Polyimides, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 25, 371-376 (2004)
Frenz, C.; Fuchs, A.; Schmidt, H.W.; Theissen, U.; Haarer, D.: Diblock Copolymers with Azobenzene Side-Groups and Polystyrene Matrix: Synthesis, Characterization and Photoaddressing, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 205, 1246-1258 (2004)
Giesa, R.; Janickis, V.; Ancutiene, I.: Formation of copper sulfide layers on the Surface of Polyethylene films of Various Density by the Use of polythionic acids, Polish Journal of Chemistry, 78, 349 (2004)
Giesa, R.; Wippl, J.; Schmidt, H.-W.: High temperature Thermosets with Low Coefficient of Thermal Expansion, Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering 90, 446 (2004)
Häckel, M.; Kador, L.; Frenz, C.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Consequences of the Kramers-Kronig relations for light diffraction on thick gratings, Optics Letters, 29, 1721-1723 (2004)
Häckel, M.; Kador, L.; Frenz, C.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Holographic studies on block copolymers, Proceedings of SPIE 5521, 63-72 (2004)
Jäger, C.; Haarer, D.; Peng, B.; Thelakkat, M.: The influence of the Time-of-flight mobility on the efficiency of solid-state dye-sensitized TiO2 solar cells, Applied Physics Letters, 85(25), 6185-6187 (2004)
Kisselev, R.; Thelakkat, M.: Synthesis and Characterization of Poly(triarylamine)s Containing Isothianaphthene Moieties, Macromolecules, 37, 8951-8958 (2004)
Lattermann, G.; Facher, A.; Gruzdev, M.; Smirnova, A.; Usol'tseva, N.; Bykovy, V.: Induction of mesomorphic properties in poly(propylene imine) dendrimers and their model compounds, Molecular Crystals Liquid Crystals, 409, 29-42 (2004) -- Details
Lattermann, G.; Valaityte, E.; Schaz, A.: Investigations on liquid crystalline partially fluorinated 'one-chain' and 'two-chain' benzoic acids , Liquid Crystals 31(10), 1311-1321 (2004) -- Details
Lindner, S.; Thelakkat, M.: Nanostructured n-type Organic Semiconductor in a p-type Matrix via Self-Assembly of Block Copolymers, Macromolecules, 37, 8832-8835 (2004)
Mohmeyer, N.; Müller, B.K.; Behrendt, N.; Hillenbrand, J.; Klaiber, M.; Zhang, X.; Smith, P.; Altstädt, V.; Sessler, G.M.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Nucleation of isotactic polypropylene by triphenylamine-based trisamide derivatives and their influence on charge-storage properties, Polymer, 45, 6655-6663 (2004) -- DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2004.07.046
Mohmeyer, N.; Wang, P.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Zakeeruddin, S.M.; Grätzel, M.: Quasi-solid-state dye sensitized solar cells with 1,3:2,4-di-O-benzylidene-D-sorbitol derivatives as low molecular weight organic gelators, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 14, 1905-1909 (2004)
Neuber, C.; Giesa, R.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Polyimide orientation layers prepared from lyotropic poly(amic ethyl ester)s, Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering 90, 294 (2004)
Neuber, C.; Giesa, R.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Lyotropic para-linked aromatic poly(amic ethyl ester)s as precursors for polyimides and their fibers, Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering 90, 574 (2004)
Peng, B.; Jungmann, G.; Jäger, C.; Haarer, D.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Thelakkat, M.: Systematic investigation of the role of compact TiO2 layer in solid state, dye-sensitized TiO2 solar cells, Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 248, 1479-1489 (2004)
Peng, B.; Peter, K.; Wietasch, H.; Thelakkat, M.: Interface Modifications in Solid-State Dye-Sensitized TiO2 Solar Cells, Proceedings of SPIE 5215, 60-70 (2004)
Peter, K.; Wietasch, H.; Peng, B.; Thelakkat, M.: Dual functional materials for interface modifications in solid-state dye-sensitized TiO2 solar cells, Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing 79, 6571 (2004)
Sonntag, M.; Strohriegl, P.: Novel 2,7-linked Carbazole Trimers as Model Compounds for Conjugated Carbazole Polymers, Chemistry of Materials, 16(23), 4736-4742 (2004)
Thelakkat, M.: Organic Light Emitting Diodes in Marcel Dekker: Encyclopedia of Supramolecular Chemistry (online version) NY 2004 (2004)
Thelakkat, M.; Schmitz, C.; Neuber, C.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Materials screening and combinatorial development of thin film multilayer electro-optical devices, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 25, 204-223 (2004)

-- 2003 --
Domracheva, N.E.; Ovchinnikov, I.V.; Turanov, A.; Lattermann, G.: Anomalies in the Magnetic Behavior of a Rapidly Cooled Chromium Mesogen, Physics of the Solid State, 45, 793-796 (2003)
Domracheva, N.E.; Ovchinnikov, I.V.; Turanov, A.; Lattermann, G.: Detection of the internal electric field and relaxational magnetoelectrioc effect in chromium mesogen, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 710-715 (2003)
Haarer, D.; Bilke, R.; Thelakkat, M.; Jäger, C.: Charge transport and charge generation in the bulk and at interfaces: discotic hole conductors versus amorphous hole conductors, Proceedings of SPIE - Organic photonic materials and devices 4991, 234-241 (2003)
Hänsel, H.; Zettl, H.; Krausch, G.; Kisselev, R.; Thelakkat, M.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Optical and Electronic Contributions in Double-Heterojunction Organic Thin-Film Solar Cells, Advanced Materials, 24, 2056-2060 (2003) -- DOI: 10.1002/adma.200305274
Kristiansen, M.; Werner, M.; Tervoort, T.; Smith, P.; Blomenhofer, M.; Schmidt, H.-W.: The Binary System Isotactic Polypropylene/Bis(3,4-dimethyl-benzylidene)sorbitol: Phase Behavior, Nucleation and Optical Properties, Macromolecules, 36(14), 5150-5156 (2003) -- DOI: 10.1021/ma030146t -- Details
Leopold, A.; Bausinger, R.; Haarer, D.; Ostrauskaite, J.; Thelakkat, M.: Influence of the sensitizer on the dynamic behaviour of an organic photorefractive material , Proceedings of SPIE 5216, 202-210 (2003)
Neuber, C.; Giesa, R.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Lyotropic Para-Linked Aromatic Poly(amic ethyl ester)s, Macromolecular Symposia, 199/1, 253-266 (2003) -- DOI: 10.1002/masy.200350922
Neuber, C.; Giesa, R.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Polyimide Orientation Layers Prepared from Lyotropic Aromatic Poly(Amic Ethyl Ester)s, Advanced Functional Materials, 5, 387-391 (2003)
Ostrauskaite, J.; Strohriegl, P.: Formation of macrocycles in the synthesis of poly(N-(2-ethylhexyl)carbazol-3,6-diyl), Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 204, 1713 (2003)
Paliulis, O.; Ostrauskaite, J.; Gaidelis, V.; Jankauskas, V.; Strohriegl, P.: Synthesis of conjugated carbazole trimers and pentamers by Suzuki coupling, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 204, 1706 (2003)
Peter, K.; Thelakkat, M.: Synthesis and Characterization of Bifunctional Polymers Carrying Tris(bipyridyl)ruthenium(II) and Triphenylamine Units, Macromolecules, 36, 1779-1785 (2003)
Schmitt, G.; Giesa, R.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Cholesteric networks based on lyotropic mixtures, ChemPhysChem, 4, 505-508 (2003)
Zhang, M.; Breiner, T.; Mori, H.; Müller, A.H.E.: Amphiphilic cylindrical brushes with poly(acrylic acid) core and poly(n-butyl acrylate) shell and narrow length distribution, Polymer, 44, 1449 (2003) -- Details

-- 2002 --
Breiner, T.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Müller, A.H.E.: Kinetics of the anionic polymerization of 2-(tert-butyldimethylsilyloxy)ethyl methacrylate, e-Polymers, 022 (2002)
Bausinger, R.; Leopold, A.; Zilker, S.J.; Haarer, D.; Ostrauskaite, J.; Thelakkat, M.: Temperature dependent Measurements on a low molecular weight photorefractive glass, Proceedings of SPIE 4462, 217-224 (2002)
Cui, Li.; Lattermann, G.: Synthesis and Characterization of New Acrylate and Methacrylate Monomers with Pendant Pyridine Groups, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 203, 2432-2437 (2002)
Cui, Li.; Sapagovas, V.; Lattermann, G.: Synthesis and Thermal Behaviour of Liquid Crystalline Pyridinium Bromides Containing a Biphenyl Core, Liquid Crystals 29, 1121-1132 (2002)
Ewert, K.; Ahmad, A.; Evans, H.M.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Safinya, C.R.: Efficient Synthesis and Cell-Transfection Properties of a New Multivalent Cationic Lipid for Nonviral Gene Delivery, Journal of Medical Chemistry, 45, 5023-5029 (2002)
Hänsel, H.; Zettl, H.; Krausch, G.; Schmitz, C.; Kisselev, R.; Thelakkat, M.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Combinatorial study of the long-term stability of organic thin-film solar cells, Applied Physics Letters, 81(11), 2106-2108 (2002) -- DOI: 10.1063/1.1506203
Kisselev, R.; Thelakkat, M.: Synthesis of novel bis(diarylamino)-1,3-dithienyl isothianaphthenes, Chemical Communications, 1530-1531 (2002)
Leopold, A.; Bausinger, R.; Haarer, D.; Ostrauskaite, J.; Thelakkat, M.: Temperature Dependencies in Organic Photorefractive materials, Proceedings of SPIE 4802, 33-41 (2002)
Lopez, L.C.; Strohriegl, P.; Stübinger, T.: Synthesis of poly(fluorenevinylene-co-phenylenevinylene) by Suzuki coupling, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 203, 1926-1930 (2002)
Neuber, C.; Giesa, R.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Synthesis and Properties of Lyotropic para-Linked Aromatic Poly(amic ethyl ester)s, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 203, 598-604 (2002)
Ostrauskaite, J.; Karickal, H.R.; Leopold, A.; Haarer, D.; Thelakkat, M.: Poly[bis(triphenylamine)ether]s with low glass transition temperatures as photoconductors in fast photorefractive systems, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 12, 58-64 (2002)
Pfeuffer, T.; Hanft, D.; Strohriegl, P.: Vitryfying star-shaped liquid crystals: synthesis and application in cholesteric polymer networks, Liquid Crystals 29, 1555-1564 (2002)
Riess, G.; Mendolia, M.S.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Novel Urea-Siloxane Polymers as Gelling Agents for Silicone Fluids, Macromolecular Symposia, 181, 123-134 (2002)
Somanathan, N.; Radhakrishnan, S.; Thelakkat, M.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Studies on 3-(2-ethylhexyl)thiophene polymers, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 287(4), 236-242 (2002)
Strohriegl, P.; Hanft, D.; Jandke, M.; Pfeuffer, T.: Reactive Mesogens: Synthesis and Application in Optoelectronic Devices, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 709 (2002)
Thelakkat, M.: Star-shaped, Dendrimeric and polymeric triarylamines as Photoconductors and Hole transport Materials, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 287(7), 442-461 (2002)
Thelakkat, M.; Ostrauskaite, J.; Leopold, A.; Bausinger, R.; Haarer, D.: Fast and stable photorefractive systems with compatible photoconductors and bifunctional NLO-dyes, Chemical Physics, 285, 133-147 (2002)
Thelakkat, M.; Schmitz, C.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Fully Vapor-Deposited Thin-Layer Titanium Dioxide Solar Cells, Advanced Materials, 14(8), 577-581 (2002)
Uhm, J.S.; Giesa, R.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Orientation and In-Situ Photopolymerization of a Diacetylene Monomer in Gel-Processed Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene: Films with Several Optical Security Features, Advanced Functional Materials, 12(6&7), 441-446 (2002)
Yao, S.; Hohle, C.; Strohriegl, P.; Würthner, F.: Efficient Synthesis of a Multifunctional Dye Conjugate for Photorefractive Applications, Synthesis 1143 (2002)

-- 2001 --
Alvarado, S.; Rieß, W.; Jandke, M.; Strohriegl, P.: STM-investigation of vapor deposition polymerization, Organic Electronics, 2, 75 (2001)
Ariu, M.; Lidzey, D.G.; Lavrentiev, M.; Jandke, M.; Strohriegl, P.: A Study of Different Structural Phases of the Polymer Poly(9,9'-dioctylfluorene) using Raman Spectroscopy, Synthetic Metals, 116, 217 (2001)
Baier, J.; Pösch, P.; Jungmann, G.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Seilmeier, A.: Intermolecular energy transfer after vibrational excitation of a perylene dye in solution, in polymer binder, and in a side-chain copolymer, Journal of Chemical Physics, 114(15), 6739-6743 (2001)
Bilke, R.; Leicht, A.; Jäger, C.; Haarer, D.; Schmitz, C.; Karickal, H.R.; Thelakkat, M.: Influence of energy levels on the electronic properties of organic light harvesting devices, Synthetic Metals, 124, 91-93 (2001)
Blumstengel, S.; Meinardi, F.; Tubino, R.; Gurioli, M.; Jandke, M.; Strohriegl, P.: Long-range energy transfer of singlet and triplet excitations in dye-doped tris(phenylquinoxaline), Journal of Chemical Physics, 115, 3249 (2001)
Bolognesi, A.; Botta, C.; Facchinetti, D.; Jandke, M.; Kreger, K.; Strohriegl, P.; Blumstengel, S.: Polarized electroluminescence in double layer LEDs with perpendiculary oriented polymers, Advanced Materials, 13, 1072 (2001)
Brandenburger, F.; Matthes, B.; Seifert, K.; Strohriegl, P.: Cholesteric polymer networks with steroids as chiral compounds, Liquid Crystals 28, 1035 (2001)
Domracheva, N.E.; Ovchinnikov, I.V.; Turanov, A.; Lattermann, G.; Facher, A.: Features of the Magnetic and Dielectric Behavior of Mesophases of Chromium(III) Complexes with Azacyclic Ligands, Physics of the Solid State, 43, 1188-1194 (2001)
Evans, H.M.; Slack, N.L.; Lin, A.J.; Ewert, K.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Sanfinya, C.R.: Structure function studies of cationic lipid: DNA complexes containing ternary lipid mixtures demonstrate improved gene delivery, Biophysical Journal, 80, 2353 (2001)
Giesa, R.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Soluble Polyimides, Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology Elsevier Sci., Oxford, 8750-8752 (2001)
Giesa, R.; Schmidt, H.-W.: High-Temperature Stable Polymers, Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology Elsevier Sci., Oxford, 3803-3806 (2001)
Grasser, W.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Giesa, R.: Fibers spun from poly(ethylene terephthalate) blended with a thermotropic liquid crystalline copolyester with non-coplanar biphenylene units, Polymer, 42, 8517-8527 (2001)
Grasser, W.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Giesa, R.: Thermotropic liquid crystalline copolyesters with non-coplanar biphenylene units tailored for blend fiber processing with PET, Polymer, 42, 8529-8540 (2001)
Haridas, K.R.; Ostrauskaite, J.; Thelakkat, M.; Heim, M.; Bilke, R.; Haarer, D.: Synthesis of low melting hole conductor systems based on triarylamines and application in dye sensitized solar cells, Synthetic Metals, 121, 1573-1574 (2001)
Jäger, C.; Bilke, R.; Heim, M.; Haarer, D.; Karickal, H.R.; Thelakkat, M.: Novel Hole Transporting Poly(triphenyldiamine)s for Application in Hybrid Solar Cells, Proceedings of SPIE 4108, 104-111 (2001)
Jäger, C.; Bilke, R.; Heim, M.; Haarer, D.; Karickal, H.R.; Thelakkat, M.: Hybrid solar cells with novel hole transporting poly(triphenyldiamine)s, Synthetic Metals, 121, 1543-1544 (2001)
Jandke, M.; Hanft, D.; Strohriegl, P.; Whitehead, K.; Grell, M.; Bradley, D.D.C.: Polarized electroluminescence from photocrosslinkable nematic fluorene bisacrylates, Proceedings of SPIE 4105, 338 (2001)
Pfeuffer, T.; Strohriegl, P.; Theissen, U.; Zilker, S.J.: Vitrifying cholesteric materials with photopolymerizable groups – synthesis and holographic applications, Proceedings of SPIE 4463, 40 (2001)
Schmitt, G.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Giesa, R.: New liquid crystalline di- and tetra-acrylates for network formation, Liquid Crystals 28, 1611-1621 (2001)
Schmitz, C.; Pösch, P.; Thelakkat, M.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Montali, A.; Feldmann, K.; Smith, P.; Weder, C.: Polymeric Light-Emitting Diodes Based on Poly(p-phenylene ethynylene), Poly(triphenyldiamine), and Spiroquinoxaline, Advanced Functional Materials, 11, 41-46 (2001)
Schmitz, C.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Thelakkat, M.: Synthesis of Lithium-quinolate complexes and their use as emitter and interface materials in OLEDs, Proceedings of SPIE 4105, 183-193 (2001)
Slack, N.L.; Davidson, P.; Chibbaro, M.A.; Jeppesen, C.; Eiselt, P.; Warriner, H.E.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Pincus, P.; Safinya, C.R.: The bridging conformations of double-end anchored polymer-surfactants destabilize a hydrogel of lipid membranes, Journal of Chemical Physics, 115, 6252-6257 (2001)
Thelakkat, M.; Pösch, P.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Synthesis and Characterization of Highly Fluorescent Main-Chain Copolyimides Containing Perylene and Quinoxaline Units, Macromolecules, 34, 7441-7447 (2001)
Usol'tseva, N.; Lattermann, G.; Facher, A.; Bykovy, V.; Smirnova, A.: Lyotropic Mesomorphism of Decyloxybenzoyl Substituted Alkylamines and Poly(propylene imine) Dendrimers in Non-aqueous Solutions, Liquid Crystals and their Application 1, 14-20 (2001)
Zilker, S.J.; Hofmann, U.; Leopold, A.; Grasruck, M.; Hohle, C.; Strohriegl, P.: Influence of the charge transport characteristics on the holographic respons eof organic photorefractive materials, Molecular Crystals Liquid Crystals, 358, 15 (2001)

-- 2000 --
Bettenhausen, J.; Strohriegl, P.: Novel photoconductive polymers, Abschlußbericht SFB 213, 15 (2000)
Hofmann, U.; Grasruck, M.; Leopold, A.; Schreiber, A.; Schloter, S.; Hohle, C.; Strohriegl, P.; Haarer, D.; Zilker, S.J.: Correlation Between Dispersivity of Charge Transport and Holographic Response Time in an Organic Photorefractive Material, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 104, 3887 (2000)
Hohle, C.; Strohriegl, P.; Zilker, S.J.; Haarer, D.: Amorphous monolithic triphenylamine derivatives with fast holographic response times, Proceedings of SPIE 4104, 78 (2000)
Hoischen, A.; Kitzerow, H.-S.; Kürschner, K.; Strohriegl, P.: Optical Storage Effect Due to Photopolymerization of Mesogenic Twin Molecules, Journal of Applied Physics, 87, 2105 (2000)
Jandke, M.; Strohriegl, P.; Brütting, W.; Gmeiner, J.; Schwoerer, M.: Polarized electroluminescence from rubbing aligned poly (p-phenylenevinylene), Synthetic Metals, 111-112, 177 (2000)
Kürschner, K.; Strohriegl, P.: Polymerizable Liquid Crystalline Twin Molecules, Synthesis and Thermotropic Properties, Liquid Crystals 27, 1595 (2000)
Kürschner, K.; Strohriegl, P.; van de Witte, P.; Lub, J.: Glass forming nematic twin molecules: Synthesis and polymerization kinetics, Molecular Crystals Liquid Crystals, 353, 301-310 (2000)
Leopold, A.; Hofmann, U.; Grasruck, M.; Zilker, S.J.; Haarer, D.; Ostrauskaite, J.; Grazulevicius, J.V.; Thelakkat, M.; Hohle, C.; Strohriegl, P.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Bacher, A.; Bradley, D.D.C.; Redecker, M.; Inbasekaran, M.; Wu, W.W.; Woo, E.P.: Variation of the Glass Transition Temperature in Organic Photorefractive Materials: Plastizicer versus Novel Synthetic Approaches, Proceedings of SPIE 4104, 95-103 (2000)
Schmitt, G.; Giesa, R.; Schmidt, H.-W.: New nematic diacrylates with a calamitic core of four to six aromatic rings for the preparation of cholesteric networks, Freiburger Arbeitstagung Flüssigkristalle 29, 10 (2000)
Schmitz, C.; Pösch, P.; Thelakkat, M.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Efficient screening of materials and fast optimization of vapor deposited OLED characteristics, Macromolecular Symposia, 154, 209-221 (2000)
Schmitz, C.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Thelakkat, M.: Lithium-quinolate complexes as emitter and interface materials in organic light-emitting diodes, Chemistry of Materials, 12, 3012-3019 (2000)
Theissen, U.; Zilker, S.J.; Pfeuffer, T.; Strohriegl, P.: Photopolymerizable Cholesteric Liquid Crystals – New Materials for Holographic Applications, Advanced Materials, 22, 1698 (2000)
Whitehead, K.; Grell, M.; Bradley, D.D.C.; Jandke, M.; Strohriegl, P.: Highly Polarized Blue Electroluminescence from Homogeneously Aligned Films of Poly(9,9-dioctylfluorene, Applied Physics Letters, 76, 2946 (2000)

-- 1999 --
Bacher, A.; Bleyl, I.; Erdelen, C.H.; Etzbach, K.-H.; Haarer, D.; Paulus, W.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Hexaalkoxytriphenylenes: Charge carrier mobility and characterization in organic LEDs, ACS PMSE Proceedings 80, 250-251 (1999)
Bacher, A.; Erdelen, C.H.; Paulus, W.; Ringsdorf, H.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Schuhmacher, P.: Photo-Cross-Linked Triphenylenes as Novel Insoluble Hole Transport Materials in Organic LEDs, Macromolecules, 32(14), 4551-4557 (1999)
Bleyl, I.; Erdelen, C.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Haarer, D.: One-dimensional hopping transport in a columnar discotic liquid-crystalline glass, Philosophical Magazine B, 79(3), 463-475 (1999)
Blumstengel, S.; Sassella, A.; Filippini, A.; Gurioli, M.; Porzio, W.; Jandke, M.; Strohriegl, P.: Growth of ordered thin films of tris(phenylquinoxaline) by organic molecular beam deposition, Synthetic Metals, 111-112, 99 (1999)
Dingemans, T.J.; Bacher, A.; Thelakkat, M.; Pedersen, L.G.; Samulski, E.T.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Spectral tuning of light emitting diodes with phenyl-thiophenes, Synthetic Metals, 105, 171-177 (1999)
Gebhardt, V.; Bacher, A.; Thelakkat, M.; Stalmach, U.; Meier, H.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Haarer, D.: Electroluminescent Behavior of a Homologous Series of Phenylenevinylene Oligomers, Advanced Materials, 11(2), 119-123 (1999)
Grasruck, M.; Schreiber, A.; Hofmann, U.; Zilker, S.J.; Leopold, A.; Schloter, S.; Hohle, C.; Strohriegl, P.; Haarer, D.: Dispersive Hole Transport in Organic Photorefractive Glasses, Physical Review, B 60, 16543 (1999)
Hofmann, U.; Grasruck, M.; Leopold, A.; Schreiber, A.; Schloter, S.; Zilker, S.J.; Haarer, D.; Thelakkat, M.; Hohle, C.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Strohriegl, P.: Build-up dynamics of fast organic photorefractive glasses, Proceedings of SPIE 3799, 32-42 (1999)
Hohle, C.; Hofmann, U.; Schloter, S.; Thelakkat, M.; Strohriegl, P.; Haarer, D.; Zilker, S.J.: Photorefractive triphenylamine-based glass: a multifunctional low molecular weight compound with fast holographic response, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 9, 2205 (1999)
Hohle, C.; Strohriegl, P.; Hofmann, U.; Haarer, D.: Bifunctional Cyclosiloxanes with Photorefractive properties, Proceedings of SPIE 3796, 353 (1999)
Jandke, M.; Kreger, K.; Strohriegl, P.: Poly(phenylquinoxaline)s by vapor deposition polymerization, Synthetic Metals, 111-112, 221 (1999)
Jandke, M.; Strohriegl, P.; Brütting, W.; Gmeiner, J.; Schwoerer, M.: Polarized Electroluminescence from Rubbing-Aligned Poly(p-phenylene vinylene), Advanced Materials, 11, 1518 (1999)
Jonda, C.; Mayer, A.B.R.; Thelakkat, M.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Schreiber, A.; Haarer, D.; Terrell, D.: Investigation of TDAPBs as Hole-Transporting Materials for Organic Light-Emitting Devices (OLEDs), Advanced Materials for Optics and Electronics, 9, 117-128 (1999)
Luetkens, H.; Klauß, H.-H.; Benda, R.; Walf, G.H.; Litterst, F.J.; Lattermann, G.: Magnetic Properties of Liquid Crystalline Iron Complexes, Hyperfine Interactions 120-121, 243-246 (1999)
Pfeuffer, T.; Kürschner, K.; Strohriegl, P.: Novel nematic bis-1,5-hexadiene monomers: Synthesis and photopolymerization to cholesteric polymer networks, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 200, 2480 (1999)
Pösch, P.; Thelakkat, M.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Perylenediimides with Electron Transport Moieties for Electroluminescent Devices, Synthetic Metals, 102, 1110-1112 (1999)
Redecker, M.; Bradley, D.D.C.; Jandke, M.; Strohriegl, P.: Electron transport in starburst quinoxalines, Applied Physics Letters, 75, 109 (1999)
Schmidt, H.-W.; Schmitz, C.; Pösch, P.; Thelakkat, M.: Combinatorial methods for screening and optimization of materials and device parameters in organic light emitting diodes, Proceedings of SPIE 3797, 58-65 (1999)
Schmitt, G.; Eiselt, P.; Giesa, R.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Synthesis and properties of para-linked aromatic polycondensates containing 3,3 ,4,4 -biphenyltetracarboxylic-N,N-bis(4-aminobiphenyl) diimide units, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 200, 1879-1888 (1999)
Schmitz, C.; Pösch, P.; Thelakkat, M.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Efficient screening of electron transport material in multi-layer organic light emitting diodes by combinatorial methods, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 1, 1777-1781 (1999)
Schmitz, C.; Pösch, P.; Thelakkat, M.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Combinatorial Methods for Screening and Optimization of Materials and Device Parameters in OLEDs, Polymer Preprints of the American Chemical Society, 40(2), 1182-1183 (1999)
Schmitz, C.; Pösch, P.; Thelakkat, M.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Efficient Screening of Electron Transport Material in Multi-layer Organic Light Emitting Diodes by Combinatorial Methods, Proceedings of SPIE 3797, 423-431 (1999)
Schmitz, C.; Thelakkat, M.; Schmidt, H.-W.: A Combinatorial Study of the Dependence of Organic LED Characteristics on Layer Thickness, Advanced Materials, 11(10), 821-826 (1999)
Schulze, U.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Safinya, C.R.: Synthesis of Novel Cationic Poly(Ethylene Glycol) Containing Lipids, Bioconjugate Chemistry, 10(3), 548-552 (1999)
Thelakkat, M.; Hagen, J.; Haarer, D.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Poly(triarylamine)s- synthesis and application in electroluminescent devices and photovoltaics, Synthetic Metals, 102, 1125-1128 (1999)
Thelakkat, M.; Schmitz, C.; Hohle, C.; Strohriegl, P.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Hofmann, U.; Schloter, S.; Haarer, D.: Novel functional materials based on triarylamines-synthesis and application in electroluminescent devices and photorefractive systems, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 1, 1693-1698 (1999)
Thelakkat, M.; Schmitz, C.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Novel Triarylamine Polymers as Hole Transport Materials in OLEDs, Polymer Preprints of the American Chemical Society, 40(2), 1230-1231 (1999)
Zilker, S.J.; Grasruck, M.; Wolff, J.; Schloter, S.; Leopold, A.; Kol´chenko, M.A.; Hofmann, U.; Schreiber, A.; Strohriegl, P.; Hohle, C.; Haarer, D.: Characterization of charge generation and transport in a photorefractive organic glass: Comparison between conventional and holographic time-of flight experiments, Chemical Physics Letters, 306, 285 (1999)

-- 1998 --
Facher, A.; Stebani, U.; Lattermann, G.; Diele, S.; Neundorf, M.: 3,4-Dialkoxybenzoyl Substituted Derivatives of Hexahydro-1,3,5-triazine with Hexagonal Columnar Mesophases, Liquid Crystals 25, 441-448 (1998)
Fink, R.; Heischkel, Y.; Thelakkat, M.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Jonda, C.; Hüppauff, M.: Synthesis and Application of Dimeric 1,3,5-Triazine Ethers as Hole-Blocking Materials in Electroluminescent Devices, Chemistry of Materials, 10(11), 3620-3625 (1998)
Greiner, A.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Aromatic Main Chain Liquid Crystalline Polymers, Handbook of Liquid Crystals Vol. 3, 3-25 (1998)
Heischkel, Y.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Synthesis of ABC-triblock copolymers for light emitting diodes, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 199, 869-880 (1998)
Hofmann, U.; Schloter, S.; Schreiber, A.; Hoechstetter, K.; Bäuml, G.; Zilker, S.J.; Haarer, D.; Thelakkat, M.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Ewert, K.; Eisenbach, C.D.: Organic Photorefractive Systems based on Triphenyldiamine Derivatives, Proceedings of SPIE 3471, 124-133 (1998)
Hohle, C.; Strohriegl, P.; Schloter, S.; Hofmann, U.; Haarer, D.: Synthesis and characterization of novel photorefractive low molecular weight glasses, Proceedings of SPIE 3471, 29 (1998)
Jandke, M.; Strohriegl, P.; Berleb, S.; Werner, E.; Brütting, W.: Phenylquinoxaline polymers and low molar mass glasses as electron transport materials in organic LEDs, Macromolecules, 31, 6434 (1998)
Pösch, P.; Fink, R.; Thelakkat, M.; Schmidt, H.-W.: A comparison of hole blocking/electron transport polymers in organic LEDs, Acta Polymerica, 49, 487-494 (1998)
Schloter, S.; Hofmann, U.; Strohriegl, P.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Haarer, D.: High-performance polysiloxane-based photorefractive polymers with nonlinear optical azo, stilbene, and tolane chromophores, Journal of the Optical Society of America, B Optical Physics, 15, 2473 (1998)
Schulze, U.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Synthesis and characterization of ABA-triblock copolymers with poly(ethylene glycol) segments and LC-segments, Polymer Bulletin, 40, 159-166 (1998)
Slack, N.L.; Schellhorn, M.; Eiselt, P.; Chibbaro, M.A.; Schulze, U.; Warriner, H.E.; Davidson, P.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Safinya, C.R.: Synthesis and Phase Behavior of New Amphiphilic PEG-Based Triblock Copolymers as Gelling Agents for Lamellar Liquid Crystalline Phases, Macromolecules, 31(24), 8503-8508 (1998)
Stalmach, U.; Detert, H.; Meier, H.; Gebhardt, V.; Haarer, D.; Bacher, A.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Relationship between structure and electroluminescence of oligo(p-phenylenevinylene)s, Optical Materials, 9, 77-81 (1998)
Thelakkat, M.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Synthesis and Properties of Novel Derivatives of 1,3,5- Tris(diarylamino)benzenes for Electroluminescent Devices, Advanced Materials, 10(3), 219-223 (1998)
Thelakkat, M.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Low Molecular Weight and Polymeric Heterocyclics as Electron Transport/Hole-blocking Materials in Organic Light-emitting Diodes, Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 9, 429-442 (1998)
Walf, G.H.; Benda, R.; Litterst, F.J.; Stebani, U.; Schmidt, S.; Lattermann, G.: Liquid Crystalline Octahedral Iron(III) Complexes with 1,4,7-tris[3,4-bis(decyloxy)benzyl]-1,4,7-triazacyclohexane: Thermal Characterization and Mössbauer Investigations of Bridging and Redox Behavior, Chemistry - A European Journal, 4, 93-99 (1998)
Wittmann, J.C.; Meyer, S.; Damman, P.; Dosière, M.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Preparation and characterization of side-chain liquid crystalline polymer thin films aligned on PTFE friction-transferred layers, Polymer, 39(15), 3545-3550 (1998)

-- 1997 --
Alvarado, S.; Rieß, W.; Seidler, P.F.; Strohriegl, P.: STM-induced luminescence study of poly(p-phenylenevinylene) by conversion under ultraclean conditions, Physical Review, B 56, 1269 (1997)
Bacher, A.; Bleyl, I.; Erdelen, C.H.; Haarer, D.; Paulus, W.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Low Molecular Weight and Polymeric Triphenylenes as Hole Transport Materials in Organic Two-Layer LEDs, Advanced Materials, 9(13), 1031-1035 (1997)
Bacher, A.; Erdelen, C.H.; Haarer, D.; Paulus, W.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Triphenylenes: a new class of hole transport material in organic light-emitting diodes, Proceedings of SPIE 3148, 313-320 (1997)
Bettenhausen, J.; Greczmiel, M.; Jandke, M.; Strohriegl, P.: Oxadiazoles and phenylquinoxalines as electron transport materials, Synthetic Metals, 91, 223 (1997)
Bettenhausen, J.; Strohriegl, P.; Brütting, W.; Tokuhisha, H.; Tsutsui, T.: Electron transport in a starburst oxadiazole, Journal of Applied Physics, 82, 4957 (1997)
Bleyl, I.; Erdelen, C.; Etzbach, K.-H.; Paulus, W.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Siemensmeyer, K.; Haarer, D.: Photopolymerization and transport properties of liquid crystalline triphenylenes, Molecular Crystals Liquid Crystals, 299, 149-155 (1997)
Cameron, J.H.; Facher, A.; Lattermann, G.; Diele, S.: Poly(propyleneimine) Dendromesogens with Hexagonal Columnar Mesophases, Advanced Materials, 9, 398-403 (1997)
Fink, R.; Frenz, C.; Thelakkat, M.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Aromatic Polyethers with 1,3,5-Triazine Units as Hole Blocking/Electron Transport Materials in LEDs, Polymer Preprints of the American Chemical Society, 38(1), 323 (1997)
Fink, R.; Frenz, C.; Thelakkat, M.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Synthesis and Characterization of Aromatic Poly(1,3,5-triazine-ether)s for Electroluminescent Devices, Macromolecules, 30(26), 8177-8181 (1997)
Fink, R.; Frenz, C.; Thelakkat, M.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Aromatic Polyethers with 1,3,5-Triazine Units as Hole Blocking/Electron Transport Materials in LEDs, Macromolecular Symposia, 125, 151-155 (1997)
Fink, R.; Frenz, C.; Thelakkat, M.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Aromatic ethers with 1,3,5-triazine units as hole blocking/electron transport materials in LEDs, Proceedings of SPIE 3148, 194-200 (1997)
Gebhardt, V.; Bacher, A.; Thelakkat, M.; Stalmach, U.; Meier, H.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Haarer, D.: Light-emitting diodes based on phenylenevinylene oligomers with defined chain lengths, Synthetic Metals, 90, 123-126 (1997)
Greczmiel, M.; Strohriegl, P.; Meier, M.; Brütting, W.: Polymethacrylates with pendant oxadiazole units: Synthesis and applications, Macromolecules, 30, 6042 (1997)
Hagen, J.; Schaffrath, W.; Otschik, P.; Fink, R.; Bacher, A.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Haarer, D.: Novel hybrid solar cells consisting of inorganic nanoparticles and an organic hole transport material, Synthetic Metals, 89, 215-220 (1997)
Hohle, C.; Eckl, M.; Hofmann, U.; Schloter, S.; Haarer, D.; Strohriegl, P.: Synthetic approaches to photorefractive polymers and low molar mass glasses, Proceedings of SPIE 3144, 134 (1997)
Ranke, P.; Bleyl, I.; Simmerer, J.; Haarer, D.; Bacher, A.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Electroluminescence and electron transport in a perylene dye, Applied Physics Letters, 71, 1332-1334 (1997)
Reichelt, N.; Schulze, U.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Synthesis and characterization of ABA-triblock copolymers with polystyrene and main-chain liquid crystalline polyester segments, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 198, 3907-3930 (1997)
Schloter, S.; Hofmann, U.; Hagen, R.; Hohle, C.; Ewert, K.; Strohriegl, P.; Eisenbach, C.D.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Haarer, D.: New Photorefractive Polymers for Real-Time Holography, Proceedings of SPIE 3144, 142-153 (1997)
Schulze, U.; Reichelt, N.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Block Copolymers with Liquid Crystalline Segments, Macromolecular Symposia, 117, 131-140 (1997)
Schulze, U.; Skrifvars, M.; Reichelt, N.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Modification of Unsaturated Polyesters by Poly(ethylene glycol) End Groups, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 64, 527-537 (1997)
Stebani, U.; Lattermann, G.; Wittenberg, M.; Wendorff, J.H.: Liquid crystalline derivatives of oligoalkylene-amines and -amino ethers with amide, ester, urea and urethane functions, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 7, 607-614 (1997)
Stohr, A.; Strohriegl, P.: Synthesis and optical characterization of cholesteric polymer networks, Molecular Crystals Liquid Crystals, 299, 211 (1997)
Stohr, A.; Strohriegl, P.: Polymer networks containing cholesteryl compounds of different functionality, Pure & Applied Chemistry, A 34, 1125 (1997)
Thelakkat, M.; Bacher, A.; Fink, R.; Haubner, F.; Schmidt, H.-W.: New hole transport materials for organic light emitting devices, Polymer Preprints of the American Chemical Society, 38(1), 396 (1997)
Thelakkat, M.; Bacher, A.; Fink, R.; Haubner, F.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Synthesis and properties of new hole transport materials for organic light-emitting devices, Proceedings of SPIE 3148, 306-312 (1997)
Thelakkat, M.; Fink, R.; Haubner, F.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Synthesis and Properties of Novel Hole Transport Materials for Electroluminescent Devices, Macromolecular Symposia, 125, 157-164 (1997)
Thelakkat, M.; Fink, R.; Pösch, P.; Ring, J.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Electrochemical characterization of hole transport and electron transport materials for organic LEDs, Polymer Preprints of the American Chemical Society, 38(1), 394 (1997)
Warriner, H.E.; Davidson, P.; Slack, N.L.; Schellhorn, M.; Eiselt, P.; Idziak, S.H.J.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Safinya, C.R.: Lamellar biogels comprising fluid membranes with a newly synthesized class of polyethylene glycol-surfactants, Journal of Chemical Physics, 107(9), 3707-3722 (1997) -- DOI: 10.1063/1.474726 -- Details

-- 1996 --
Beginn, U.; Lattermann, G.: Supramolecular Mesophases via Hydrogen Bonding in Main Chain Polyhydrazides, Polymer Preprints of the American Chemical Society, 37, 70 (1996)
Beginn, U.; Lattermann, G.: Mesogenic Low Molecular and Polymeric Hydrazides. Part II. Mesophase Characterization, Acta Polymerica, 47, 214 (1996)
Bettenhausen, J.; Brütting, R.; Greczmiel, M.; Strohriegl, P.; Buchwald, E.; Meier, M.; Brütting, W.; Schwoerer, M.: Oxadiazole containing polymers and their use in polymer LEDs, Inorganic and Organic Electroluminescence, Wissenschaft und Technik Verlag, 239 (1996)
Bettenhausen, J.; Strohriegl, P.: Dendrimers with 1,3,4-oxadiazole units, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 17, 623 (1996)
Bettenhausen, J.; Strohriegl, P.: Efficient synthesis of starburst oxadiazole compounds, Advanced Materials, 8, 507 (1996)
Buchwald, E.; Meier, M.; Brütting, W.; Rieß, W.; Strohriegl, P.; Schwoerer, M.: Charge transport and electroluminescence in PPV mono-and heterolayer light emitting devices, Inorganic and Organic Electroluminescence, Wissenschaft und Technik Verlag, 117 (1996)
Eckl, M.; Strohriegl, P.; Eich, M.; Sprave, M.; Vydra, J.: Nonlinear optical active polymethacrylates with high glass transition temperatures, Molecular Crystals Liquid Crystals, 283, 143 (1996)
Giesa, R.: Synthesis and Properties of Conjugated Poly(arylene ethynylene)s,, Journal of Macromolecular Science - Reviews in Macromolecular Chemistry & Physics, C36(4), 631-670 (1996)
Greczmiel, M.; Pösch, P.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Strohriegl, P.; Buchwald, E.; Meier, M.; Rieß, W.; Schwoerer, M.: Polymer Light Emitting Diodes, Macromolecular Symposia, 102, 371-380 (1996) -- DOI: 10.1002/masy.19961020144 -- Details
Hagen, R.; Zobel, O.; Sahr, O.; Biber, M.; Eckl, M.; Strohriegl, P.; Eisenbach, C.D.; Haarer, D.: Poling and orientational relaxation: Comparison of nonlinear optical main-chain and side-chain polymers, Journal of Applied Physics, 80, 3162 (1996)
Lattermann, G.; Stebani, U.; Wendorff, J.H.; Wittenberg, M.: ‘Metallomesogens with Branched, Dendrimeric Amino Ligands’, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 35, 1858 (1996)
Lattermann, G.; Stebani, U.; Wendorff, J.H.; Wittenberg, M.: Metallomesogene mit verzweigten, dendrimeren Aminliganden’, Angewandte Chemie, 108, 1941 (1996)
Meier, M.; Buchwald, E.; Karg, S.; Pösch, P.; Greczmiel, M.; Strohriegl, P.; Rieß, W.: Heterolayer light emitting diodes based on new oxadiazole polymers, Synthetic Metals, 76, 95 (1996)
Winters, M.A.; Debenedetti, P.G.; Condo, P.D.; Radosz, M.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Effects of Compressed Carbon Dioxide on the Phase Equilibrium and Molecular Order of a Lyotropic Polyamide Solution, Macromolecules, 29(14), 4904-4909 (1996)

-- 1995 --
Beginn, U.; Lattermann, G.: Mesogenic Low Molecular and Polymeric Hydrazides, Part I. Synthesis, Macromolecular Reports, A32, Suppl. 7, 985 (1995)
Buchwald, E.; Meier, M.; Karg, S.; Pösch, P.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Strohriegl, P.; Rieß, W.; Schwoerer, M.: Enhanced Efficiency of Polymer Light Emitting Diodes Utilizing Oxadiazole Polymers, Advanced Materials, 7(10), 839-842 (1995)
Eckl, M.; Müller, H.; Strohriegl, P.; Beckmann, S.; Etzbach, K.-H.; Eich, M.; Vydra, J.: NLO-active polymethacrylates with high glass-transition temperatures, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 196, 315 (1995)
Eckl, M.; Müller, H.; Strohriegl, P.; Eich, M.; Sprave, M.; Vydra, J.: Nonlinear optical active polymethacrylates, Proceedings of SPIE 2527, 92-104 (1995)
Eiselt, P.; Denzinger, S.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Liquid crystalline model compounds based on 3,3',4,4'-biphenyltetracarboxylic dianhydride (BPDA), Liquid Crystals 18(2), 257-262 (1995)
Giesa, R.; Joslin, S.; Melot, D.; Farris, R.J.: Properties of Fibers Spun from Blends of a Thermotropic Liquid Crystalline Block Copolymer with Poly(ethyleneterephthalate), Polymers & Polymer Composites, 3(5), 333 (1995)
Joachimi, D.; Lattermann, G.; Schellhorn, M.; Tschierske, C.; Zugenmaier, P.: Investigation of the crystal structure of two chain amphiphilic diols, Liquid Crystals 18, 303 (1995)
Schellhorn, M.; Lattermann, G.: Synthesis and characterization of liquid crystalline polysiloxanes with "two chain" diol substituents, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 196, 211 (1995)
Skrifvars, M.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Synthesis of N-(2,5-dicarboxyphenyl)maleimide, Synthetic Communications 25(12), 1809-1815 (1995)
Skrifvars, M.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Unsaturated Para-Linked Aromatic LC Polyesters: Thermotropic and Lyotropic Systems, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 55, 1787-1795 (1995)
Staufer, G.; Schellhorn, M.; Lattermann, G.: Cis,cis-(3,5-dihydroxycyclohexyl)-3,4-bis(alkoxy)benzoates. Thermal behaviour and water absorption, Liquid Crystals 18, 519 (1995)
Stebani, U.; Lattermann, G.: Liquid Crystalline Poly[N-3,4-bis(decyloxy)benzoyl)ethyleneimine] via Cationic Polymerization, Macromolecular Reports, A32, 385 (1995)
Stebani, U.; Lattermann, G.: Unconventional Mesogens of Hyperbranched Amides and Corresponding Ammonium Derivatives, Advanced Materials, 7, 578 (1995)
Stebani, U.; Lattermann, G.; Festag, R.; Wittenberg, M.; Wendorff, J.H.: A Novel Class of Mesogens: Liquid Crystalline Derivatives of Linear Oligoalkylene amides, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 5, 2247 (1995)
Vydra, J.; Beisinghoff, H.; Feix, H.; Eckl, M.; Strohriegl, P.; Görtz, W.; Eich, M.: Photobleaching in side chain NLO-polymers, Proceedings of SPIE 2527, 171-79 (1995)
Yeo, S.-D.; Debenedetti, P.G.; Radosz, M.; Giesa, R.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Supercritical Antisolvent Process for a Series of Substituted Para-Linked Aromatic Polyamides, Macromolecules, 28, 1316-1317 (1995)
Zobel, O.; Eckl, M.; Strohriegl, P.; Haarer, D.: Polysiloxane based photorefractive polymer with high optical gain and diffraction efficiency, Advanced Materials, 7, 911 (1995)

-- 1994 --
Becker, K.H.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Synthesis of Para-linked Precursors for Unsubstituted and Substituted Poly(p-phenylene pyromellitimide)s, Polymer Preprints of the American Chemical Society, 35(1), 349 (1994)
Beginn, C.; Grazulevicius, J.V.; Strohriegl, P.; Simmerer, J.; Haarer, D.: Synthesis of poly(9-hexyl-3,6-carbazolyleneetynylene) and its model compounds, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 195, 2353 (1994)
Beginn, U.; Lattermann, G.: Liquid Crystalline Primary Benzamides, Molecular Crystals Liquid Crystals, 241, 215 (1994)
Eich, M.; Beisinghoff, H.; Knödler, B.; Ohl, M.; Sprave, M.; Vydra, J.; Eckl, M.; Strohriegl, P.; Dörr, M.; Zentel, R.; Ahlheim, M.; Stähelin, M.; Zysset, B.; Liang, J.; Levenson, R.; Zyss, J.: Electrooptical properties and poling stability of high glass transition polymers, Proceedings of SPIE 2285, 104-116 (1994)
Eiselt, P.; Giesa, R.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Liquid Crystalline Model Compounds and Aromatic Copolyimides Based on 3,3',4,4'-Biphenyltetracarboxylic Dianhydride (BPDA), Polymer Preprints of the American Chemical Society, 35(1), 505 (1994)
Giesa, R.; Joslin, S.; Farris, R.J.: Thermotropic Liquid Crystalline Polymers with flexible Moieties blended with Poly(ethylene terephthalate), Polymer, 35, 4303 (1994)
Giesa, R.; Schulz, R.C.: Alternating, All-Trans Polyenynes: Model Compounds for Poly(diacetylene)s with Defined Conjugation Length, Polymer International, 33, 43 (1994)
Hatke, W.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Synthesis, structure-property relations and lyotropic behavior of perfluoroalkyl-substituted para-linked aromatic polyamides, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 195, 3579-3595 (1994)
Lee, S.; Oertli, A.G.; Gannon, M.A.; Liu, A.J.; Pearson, D.S.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Fredrickson, G.H.: Phase Behavior of Liquid Crystalline Polymer/Model Compound Mixtures: Theory and Experiment, Macromolecules, 27, 3955-3962 (1994)
Mather, P.; Grizzutti, N.; Heffner, G.; Ricker, M.; Rochefort, W.E.; Seitz, M.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Pearson, D.S.: Synthesis and characterization of a semiflexible liquid crystalline polyester with a broad nematic region, Liquid Crystals 17(6), 811-826 (1994)
Österholm, H.; Fiebig, W.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Synthesis and characterization of a homologous series of aromatic-aliphatic polyesters with non-coplanar 2,2'-dimethylbiphenylene units, Polymer, 35(21), 4697-4701 (1994)
Schellhorn, M.; Lattermann, G.: Synthesis and Characterization of Liquid Crystalline Monofunctionalized "Two Chain" Diols and Corresponding Low Molecular Siloxane Derivatives, Liquid Crystals 17, 529 (1994)
Schmidt, S.; Lattermann, G.; Kleppinger, R.; Wendorff, J.H.: Octahedral Metallomesogens of Chromium, Molybdenum and Tungsten with 1,4,7-trisubstituted 1,4,7-Triazacyclononane and Three Carbonyl Groups as Ligands, Liquid Crystals 16, 693 (1994)
Stebani, U.; Lattermann, G.; Wittenberg, M.; Festag, R.; Wendorff, J.H.: Liquid Crystalline Diethylenetriamides, Advanced Materials, 6, 572 (1994)
von Seggern, H.; Schmidt-Winkel, P.; Zhang, C.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Synthesis and structure-property relations of polymers for light emitting diodes based on isolated chromophore units, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 195, 2023-2037 (1994)
Zhang, C.; von Seggern, H.; Pakbaz, K.; Kraabel, B.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Heeger, A.J.: Blue electroluminescent diodes utilizing blends of poly(p-phenylphenylene vinylene) in poly(9-vinylcarbazole), Synthetic Metals, 62, 35-40 (1994)

-- 1993 --
Bastiaansen, C.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Nishino, T.; Smith, P.: Transparency and dichroism of ultra-drawn UHMW-PE films in the visible wavelength range, Polymer, 34(18), 3951-3954 (1993)
Becker, K.H.; Giesa, R.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Aryl Substituted Rod-Like Polyimides: One-Step Synthesis and Precursor Route, ANTEC Society of Plastic Engineers 39, 667-671 (1993)
Giesa, R.; Keller, U.; Eiselt, P.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Synthesis and Thermal Properties of Aryl-Substituted Rod-Like Polyimides, Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 31, 141-151 (1993)
Hatke, W.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Synthesis and Properties of Perfluoroalkyl Substituted Para-Linked Aromatic Polyamides, ANTEC Society of Plastic Engineers 39, 1908-1910 (1993)
Kawatsuki, N.; Dörr, M.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Synthesis and Characterization of Aromatic Polyesters with Dicyanovinyl Substituents, Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 31, 1013-1021 (1993)
Kawatsuki, N.; Pakbaz, K.; Schmidt, H.-W.: New photocrosslinkable copolymers for non-linear optical applications, Makromolekulare Chemie Rapid Communications, 14, 625-632 (1993)
Kawatsuki, N.; Pakbaz, K.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Photocrosslinkable Copolymers for Non-Linear Optical Applications, Polymer Preprints of the American Chemical Society, 34(1), 713 (1993)
Kawatsuki, N.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Pakbaz, K.: Crosslinkable, Nonlinear Optical Copolymers: Processing, Corona Poling, and Second Harmonic Generation Studies, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 50, 1575-1582 (1993)
Motamedi, F.; Jonas, U.; Greiner, A.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Preparation and characterization of fibres from a thermotropic liquid crystal polyester with non-coplanar biphenylene units, Liquid Crystals 14(4), 959-970 (1993)
Skrifvars, M.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Synthesis and LC-Behavior of Unsaturated Para-linked Aromatic Polyesters by Interfacial Polycondensation, Polymer Preprints of the American Chemical Society, 34(2), 696 (1993)
Uhm, J.S.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Orientation and In-Situ Photopolymerization of a Diacetylene Monomer in Ultra-Drawn UHMW Polyethylene, Polymer Preprints of the American Chemical Society, 34(1), 725 (1993)
von Seggern, H.; Schmidt-Winkel, P.; Zhang, C.; Pakbaz, K.; Kraabel, B.; Heeger, A.J.; Schmidt, H.-W.: New Polymeric Materials For Blue and Green Light Emitting Diodes, Polymer Preprints of the American Chemical Society, 34(2), 532 (1993)
Yeo, S.-D.; Debenedetti, P.G.; Radosz, M.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Supercritical Antisolvent Process for Substituted Para-Linked Aromatic Polyamides: Phase Equilibrium and Morphology Study, Macromolecules, 26, 6207-6210 (1993)
Zhang, C.; von Seggern, H.; Pakbaz, K.; Kraabel, B.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Heeger, A.J.: Blue Electroluminescent Diodes Utilizing Blends of Poly-(p-phenylphenylene vinylene) in Poly(9-vinylcarbazole), Polymer Preprints of the American Chemical Society, 34(2), 817 (1993)

-- 1992 --
Becker, K.H.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Para-Linked Aromatic Poly(amic ethyl ester)s: Precursors to Rodlike Aromatic Polyimides, Macromolecules, 25, 6784-6790 (1992)
Becker, K.H.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Para-linked Aromatic Poly(amic ester)s: Precursors to Rod-like Polyimides, ACS PMSE Proceedings 66(1), 303 (1992)
Giesa, R.; Keller, U.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Synthesis and Structure-Property Relations of Arylsubstituted Rod-like Polyimides, Polymer Preprints of the American Chemical Society, 33(1), 396 (1992)
Greiner, A.; Rochefort, W.E.; Greiner, K.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Pearson, D.S.: Formation of thermoreversible gels from liquid-crystalline polyesters, Makromolekulare Chemie Rapid Communications, 13, 25-30 (1992)
Hatke, W.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Structure-Property Relations of Perfluoroalkyl Substituted Rod-like Aromatic Polyamides, Polymer Preprints of the American Chemical Society, 33(2), 321 (1992)
Kawatsuki, N.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Synthesis and Characterization of Aromatic Polyesters with Dicyanovinyl Substituents, Polymer Preprints of the American Chemical Society, 33(1), 984 (1992)

-- 1991 --
Greiner, A.; Rochefort, W.E.; Greiner, K.; Heffner, G.; Pearson, D.S.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Melt and Solution Properties of Para-linked Aromatic LC-Polyesters, Integration of Fundamental Polymer Science and Technology, Elsevier Applied Science Vol. 5, 258-268 (1991)
Hatke, W.; Land, H.-T.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Heitz, W.: Influence of aryl substituents on the thermal and solubility behavior of poly(p-phenylene terephthalate) and poly(p-phenylene terephthalamide), Makromolekulare Chemie Rapid Communications, 12, 235-243 (1991)
Hatke, W.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Structure-Property Relations and Processing of Rod-Like Aromatic Polyamides, Makromolekulare Chemie - Macromolecular Symposia, 50, 41-53 (1991)
Hatke, W.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Novel Biphenyl Substituents for Highly Soluble and Amorphous Liquid Crystalline Polyesters and Polyamides, Polymer Preprints of the American Chemical Society, 32(1), 214 (1991)
Hatke, W.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Heitz, W.: Substituted Rod-like Aromatic Polyamides: Synthesis and Structure-Property Relations, Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 29, 1387-1398 (1991)

-- 1990 --
Burch, R.R.; Sweeny, W.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Kim, Y.H.: Preparation of Aromatic Polyamide Polyanions: A Novel Processing Strategy for Aromatic Polyamides, Macromolecules, 23, 1065-1072 (1990)
Claßen, M.S.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Wendorff, J.H.: Reinforcement of Amorphous Thermoplastics by Blending with a Para-Linked Aromatic LC-Polyester, Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 1, 143-150 (1990)
Giesa, R.; Klapper, M.; Schulz, R.C.: Some Monomers, Oligomers and Polymers with Conjugated Triple Bonds, Makromolekulare Chemie - Macromolecular Symposia, 44, 857 (1990)
Giesa, R.; Schulz, R.C.: Soluble poly(1,4-phenylenethynylene)s, Makromolekulare Chemie Rapid Communications, 191, 857 (1990)
Giesa, R.; Schulz, R.C.; Byrne, H.J.; Blau, W.: Nonlinear Optical Studies of Graded Enyne Oligomers, Chemical Physics Letters, 167, 484 (1990)
Heitz, W.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Soluble LC polyesters and their blend behavior, Makromolekulare Chemie - Macromolecular Symposia, 38, 149-160 (1990)
Land, H.-T.; Hatke, W.; Greiner, A.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Heitz, W.: Synthesis of arylsubstituted monomers for high-performance polymers, Makromolekulare Chemie Rapid Communications, 191, 2005-2016 (1990)

-- 1989 --
Freund, L.; Jung, H.; Nießner, N.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Heitz, W.: Perfluoroalkylated monomers and polymers, Makromolekulare Chemie Rapid Communications, 190, 1561-1572 (1989)
Gottschalk, A.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Synthesis and characterization of graft copolymers containing polystyrene and liquid-crystalline segments, Liquid Crystals 5, 1619-1627 (1989)
Heitz, W.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Soluble Polyesters, an Approach to Molecular Reinforcement, Polymer Preprints of the American Chemical Society, 30(2), 499 (1989)
Hohlweg, M.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Thermotropic para-linked aromatic polyesters containing 1,1’-binaphthyl-4,4’-ylene units, Makromolekulare Chemie Rapid Communications, 190, 1587-1593 (1989)
Schmidt, H.-W.: Dichroic Dyes and Liquid Crystalline Side Chain Polymers, Angewandte Chemie - Advanced Materials, 101(7), 964-970 (1989)
Schmidt, H.-W.: Influence of Lateral Substituents on Thermal Behavior and Solubility of Aromatic LC-Polyesters, Makromolekulare Chemie - Macromolecular Symposia, 26, 47-55 (1989)

-- 1988 --
Brügging, W.; Kampschulte, U.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Heitz, W.: Liquid-crystalline aromatic polyesters with phenylalkyl side chains, Makromolekulare Chemie Rapid Communications, 189, 2755-2767 (1988)
Heitz, W.; Brügging, W.; Freund, L.; Gailberger, M.; Greiner, A.; Jung, H.; Kampschulte, U.; Nießner, N.; Osan, F.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Wicker, M.: Synthesis of monomers and polymers by the Heck reaction, Makromolekulare Chemie Rapid Communications, 189, 119-127 (1988)
Schmidt, H.-W.; Guo, D.: Synthesis and properties of para-linked aromatic polyesters containing 2,2’-dimethylbiphenylylene units, Makromolekulare Chemie Rapid Communications, 189, 2029-2037 (1988)

-- 1987 --
Ringsdorf, H.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Eilingsfeld, H.; Etzbach, K.-H.: Synthesis and characterization of liquid-crystalline copolymers with dichroic dyes and mesogens as side groups, Makromolekulare Chemie Rapid Communications, 188, 1355-1366 (1987)

-- 1986 --
Giesa, R.; Himbert, G.: Umsetzungen von (Stannylethinyl)aminen mit einigen Carbokationen und SN1-aktiven Alkylhalogeniden, Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 292 (1986)
Ringsdorf, H.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Baur, G.; Kiefer, R.; Windscheid, F.: Orientational ordering of dyes in the glassy state of liquid-crystalline side group polymers, Liquid Crystals 1(4), 319-325 (1986)

-- 1985 --
Eich, M.; Wendorff, J.H.; Ringsdorf, H.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Nonlinear optical self diffraction in a mesogenic side chain polymer, Makromolekulare Chemie Rapid Communications, 186, 2639-2647 (1985)
Engel, M.; Hisgen, B.; Keller, R.; Kreuder, W.; Reck, B.; Ringsdorf, H.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Tschirner, P.: Synthesis, structure and properties of liquid crystalline polymers, Pure & Applied Chemistry, 57(7), 1009-1014 (1985)
Ringsdorf, H.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Baur, G.; Kiefer, R.: Phase Behaviour of Dye-Containing Liquid Crystalline Copolymers and Their Mixtures with Low Molecular Weight Liquid Crystals, Recent Advances in Liquid Crystalline Polymers, 253-260 (1985)

-- 1984 --
Blumstein, A.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Thomas, O.; Kharas, G.; Blumstein, R.B.; Ringsdorf, H.: Electric Field Effects and Miscibility in Cybotactic Micellar Nematic and Ordinary Nematic Polyesters, Molecular Crystals Liquid Crystals, 92(9-10), 271-279 (1984) -- DOI: 10.1080/01406568408084070 -- Details
Gilli, J.M.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Pinton, J.F.; Sixou, P.; Thomas, O.; Kharas, G.; Blumstein, A.: Electro-hydrodynamic Instabilities in Main Chain Thermotropic Liquid Crystalline Polyesters, Molecular Crystals Liquid Crystals, 102, 49-58 (1984) -- DOI: 10.1080/01406568408247039 -- Details
Ringsdorf, H.; Schmidt, H.-W.: Electro-optical effects of azo dye containing liquid crystalline copolymers, Makromolekulare Chemie Rapid Communications, 185, 1327-1334 (1984) -- DOI: 10.1002/macp.1984.021850706 -- Details

-- 1983 --
Ringsdorf, H.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Baur, G.; Kiefer, R.: Phase Behaviour of Dye Containing Liquid Crystalline Copolymers and Their Mixtures with Low Molecular Weight Liquid Crystals, Polymer Preprints of the American Chemical Society, 24(2), 306 (1983)
Ringsdorf, H.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Strobl, G.; Zentel, R.: Dielectric Relaxation of Liquid Crystalline Side Chain Polymers, Polymer Preprints of the American Chemical Society, 24(2), 308 (1983)

-- 1982 --
Ringsdorf, H.; Schmidt, H.-W.; Schneller, A.: Miscibility Studies of Polymeric and Low Molecular Weight Liquid Crystals and Their Behavior in an Electric Field, Makromolekulare Chemie Rapid Communications, 3, 745-751 (1982) -- DOI: 10.1002/marc.1982.030031017

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